
The formation of ponds on reliable ice

In the first half of the winter of such hunting is most productive and gambling because at that time perch continue to fatten, remaining in large flocks even-aged, and the easy penetration of a large number of holes facilitates the search for clusters with a decent size predators.

Fishing schooling predatory fish from the ice, especially perch and walleye, the most ancient Russian craze, which appeared long before the invention of the jig, which need not to spend a large part of the winter season. The fact that in the old days the angler was more rational, for it was unknown and not understandable to fishing for sport, for recreation, so the winter hunt with the baubles had obvious commercial nature, aimed at the production of fish of marketable size and quantities.

And apply for this lure matched to the task: they were large enough and have large hooks that were enabled upon detection of a dense pack any fish, even if they didn’t feed, use it as Barilko with hooks not made of barbs designed to prevent gatherings – for larger hooks is not true, but allows the removed fish to shake the bait on the ice, continuing fishing without loss of time.

Modern jigging from the ice is more akin to a sporting hobby, since fish was not so much the number of people wishing to catch her has increased enormously, forcing predators, especially large ones, instinctively wary of the many artificial baits almost daily and annoying flashing them in the face. This picture sluggish perch biting when other favorable factors are more often seen in highly frequented waters close to large cities.

In such a situation, to make a successful fishing, especially when fishing for perch, which are much easier to find than perch, because of its ubiquitous nature, can only advise the following: try to avoid catching in the dense throng, and in places where many anglers lure wells for later “sitting” on a white fish. Here perch zakormlen small bloodworms, so it will “knock” on the spinner or an outright change, or to seduce “striped” will be possible only on the tackle with a jig. But that’s another story.

How to catch pike on live bait: methods and tools

In addition, you don’t become a fan of one spinners, which once brought success must often and boldly to change the types and sizes of lures, and also the color is not excessive and the use of various active suspension above the main bait: pubescent troynikov fly or flies, etc. it Often happens that instead of spinners with hard-soldered to its body with the hook to deliver the same, but with suspension trinicom how rare bites immediately replaced gambling handles each time it is lowered into the hole.

Besides, hanging a Threesome on the baubles, as well as additional snag above it becomes very relevant when the middle of winter, the activity of perch decreases naturally due to the reduction in water dissolved oxygen. Then, the role of the pause between cycles Troll-bait. Descended after the stroke to the bottom of the spoon with a long pause, almost freezes, and the Threesome and the upper suspension still move slightly – even just shaking the hand of the fisherman.

Sometimes this causes him to reliably grip the striped predator. And if at the beginning of freeze-up rarely have to catch the with pauses between strokes spinning in excess of 2-3 seconds, on the eve of the so-called gluhozime bite sometimes you have to wait 8-10 seconds. And so it did not go unnoticed, preferably as a signaller to use, a nod to cave in under the weight of the lure by about 20-30 degrees from horizontal. By the way, a nod additionally contributes to “shake” pendant snap elements on pause due to its own residual oscillations.

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