
The use of self-locking knots in a fishing tackle

Knots any angler needs to know quite a lot, especially if he practices more than one type of fishing. Miscellaneous materials of the woods require the use of different binding method binding, which is quite suitable for attaching a conventional fishing line may not be suitable for plaiting, and are almost guaranteed to suffer if the role of the main fishing line is used nanofil.

Except the snap-snap is required. For attaching lines to the spool of the reel or rope to the anchor, as well as in many other cases, a self locking knot, and other knots, able to take under the application of effort to the line.

Don’t forget also that in different situations the same mounting method can show very different results, as one version is suitable only for constant load, the other can better deal with jerks. However, self locking mounting options in fishing are used not so often.

History, advantages and disadvantages

Self locking knot, like many other sites that came in the other activities of the fleet. This variant of the sea has been used and now is used not very often, as it holds only with constant it loads, if the load occurs in spurts, he could be untied. This deficiency seriously limits the scope of the fleet (which was mainly used for attaching cables to various items of cylindrical shape), however, in fishing for this node is the place.

The advantages include ease and speed of knitting, and, consequently, the minimum time of development of this site. This mounting option is quite simple to untie after it removed the stress. Used a similar mount and warehouses. With these kinds of nodes hung bags to prevent spoilage of food and other goods rodents.

There are some improved version, which is called the noose with polostyami (or self locking node polostyami). In the Navy, this option is the most popular as well as less prone to dissolution. Used for towing, securing the various elements of the rigging. Is widely used in other fields – in construction, as well as during logging operations.

Important! You should not use this site in cases when you do not want a constant load on the cable or fishing line. Otherwise, a fairly high probability of self-dissolution, especially in a simple noose.

The possible scope of

Given the characteristic features, self locking knot is best suited for attachment to the spool of fishing line or cord. Here his ability to drag under the supplied load is most suitable, and problems with choppy play no special role, since such load at this place are not supposed to.

At the same time sufficiently reliable fastening of the fishing line to the spool is important because it will allow the coil from the beginning to put the line in neat coils (however, if the fishing line wound need a lot, it is possible to do even without the nodes, a few hundred meters monolescu may well stay on the spool and so).

Somewhat less, but still it is used for tying the basis of fishing line to the hook (in the course of the noose is usually when due to various reasons, the angler has no time or desire to knit something more complicated). Especially careful you must be when using fluorocarbon and braided lines, as they are quite slippery, and easily untied and on more reliable nodes.

Step-by-step knitting a conventional choke

This delay node is known by the simplicity of knitting. To anchor something of this connection in just a few seconds. The sequence of actions is the following:

To take up running end of the rope or fishing line. Then take a Bight around the support.

Photo 1. Hose around the spool.

The free portion of the rope or twine you need to have in the space between the hinge and pillar.

Photo 2. The free end sets up a loop.

To tighten this knot, simply pull the root end of the rope. Further, when the Annex to the running end of the effort he would drag himself.

Photo 3. Tighten the noose.

Important! And a simple variant of stranglehold and the option polostyami suitable for both artificial and natural pitches, and also for the woods.
Even with minimum training, these actions take just a few seconds. This, as well as the simplicity of unleashing (once terminated loads) are the main advantages.

Crochet self locking site polostyami and its features

This option is considered somewhat more reliable (of course, with proper implementation and placement). However, knitting this node is somewhat more complicated and lengthy.

For the manufacture of choke with polostyami should:

  1. Take the running end of the rope and form them around the load or reel the so-called open loop.
  2. Around the root end, make a perimeter, then plant it in a closed loop.
  3. Then around the front side loops perform three or four turns running end of the rope. Then it is conducted through the main loop.
  4. Further, the node must be tightened, and around the cargo to form a two-half-hitch, which must be placed in the direction of the applied force.

Photo 4. Added-half-hitch – another overlap.

The noose with polostyami requires compliance with certain conditions when knitting, otherwise the mount will not be reliable, but subject to all conditions, the strength will be equal to the strength of the rope.

This node has the following features:

  • Usually do not put it in the middle of the load, and with a certain offset.
  • Emerging from the stranglehold of the running end of the rope should reach in the direction will be accompanied by stress.

This model has a slightly higher resistance to a spontaneous outbreak in the event of termination of application of force, or in cases when the load on the rope is jerk character. However, even in spite of this, any self locking knots are not designed for jerk of the load, to ensure that they are well carried out the function, you need a uniform application of effort, which actually is self-tightening.

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