
Tackle for carp fishing

Freshwater fishing includes many different subspecies. For each of them it is necessary to competently assemble all the necessary components that will withstand both the trophy specimen and the small fish will not be allowed to leave.

Next, we will consider in more detail the most popular types of equipment for catching carp in different ways.

Crucian carp is the most common fish of the carp family in the middle lane. You can fish it in different ways, with this gear used both purchased and homemade. The catch equipment for catching a crucian carp is selected according to many criteria, the important role will be played by the season, weather conditions, and water. Everyone can choose for themselves the most acceptable, the main thing is to know where and how to apply their favorite look.

Float gear

Fishing with a float has been popular for many years, they come up with new methods of fishing, they modify already known gear, but the float remains a classic of the genre. The equipment for fishing for fishing for crucian carp is simple, even a child can cope with it, but on the basis of the fun they get a lot.

The equipment of a float fishing rod for catching a crucian carp can be sliding or deaf, it all depends on personal preferences and the float chosen.

Components of gear are simple, to collect it will need:

  • The line on which the other components will be assembled. Depending on the inhabitants of the reservoir, a monofil with a thickness of 0.16 to 0.25 mm is used. You should not put thicker options, the fearful crucian will avoid them. The color of the fishing line in most cases will not play the role, but it is preferable to choose transparent or bluish-green shades.
  • A sinker, without it impossible to equip the Bologna fishing rod for catching a crucian. In each case, it is selected individually, under the float. For a gliding float and the same rigging, a sliding load will be required, place it behind the float and lock it with retaining rubber rings attached to the main line. Deaf gear involves the use of pressure lead loads, place them between the float and the leash. This type of sinker is used for floats with a corresponding attachment under the nipple or cambric.
  • The hook can be different, when choosing it is necessary to build on the size of the inhabitants of the reservoir and the bait used. The larger the fish in the pond, the larger the hook. Under the worm, manure or slips, use large numbers 6-7 on the domestic classification with a long forearm. Maggots, dough will require a short forearm. For smaller carp representatives , the 5th hook can also be used, and for large individuals, the 9th hook is sometimes set.
  • The equipment of a fly fishing rod for catching a crucian will be incomplete without a float. For rods without rings, floats with a mounting for the nipple are selected, for Bologna rods, sliding floats are also used. Combine both types of floats will weight. As a rule, strong bites are only found in small crucian carp, and large individuals take the bait carefully and slowly, which is why the float must be sensitive. Even the weakest bite will show a float, calculated under 0.8-1.2 g, while the tackle itself will be light and airy.
  • A leash is an important element of any tooling, as a rule, its thickness should be an order of magnitude thinner than the main line. The monk version for the float will be a monk with a thickness of 0.12-0, 18 mm. When choosing, they are repelled by the thickness of the main line and the size of individuals on a single reservoir.

Experienced anglers are not advised to use fluorocarbon or fishing line covered with them as the main one. Carp is not so picky to pamper him so much. But on a leash you can take such material, while it is worth considering that the fluorocarbon holds much less weight than the fishing line.

Feeder gear

The equipment for catching on the feeder is a rod with a reel matched to certain characteristics. On the fishing line or braided chain, apart from the hooks, there is a feeder, but the float itself is missing.

Feeder equipment for catching carp consists of the following elements:

  • Fishing Rod. Its length depends on the reservoir where fishing is planned. The universal form is 2.7-3.3 m long, with special attention paid to casting. The limit of 80 g is quite enough, in order to catch cruel rods with crucians, it is not necessary. Far casting finished gear will be made at the expense of the reel.
  • Fishing line for feeder fishing is much thicker than for float gear. Depending on the feeders used, a monk of 0.2-0.3 mm is used. Fishermen with experience recommend choosing special feeder lines, usually they go brown and stretch a little. You can use a braid, then the cross section should be no more than 0.16 mm.
  • The reel is placed on the feeder form only inertialess with a spool of at least 2000. The friction clutch can be both front and rear, and the individual preferences of the angler are taken into account. Options with a baytraner are rarely used, they are more suitable for hauling large carps.
  • The leash is put necessarily, usually for a feeder rig, a fishing line is used with a thickness of 0.18-0.22 mm. If a braid is chosen on a leash, then its thickness should be as much as 0, 14 mm, this will be quite enough even for catching large trophy copies. The length of the leads is small, 5-8 cm is enough, while there may be 2 or more of them.
  • Hooks use good quality, numbering on domestic indicators 6-8. Smaller ones will not always be able to spot a crucian well, and large ones will scare away a potential catch. The length of the forearm will depend on the bait used, the foam balls and puffy will require a shorter one, pellets or worms stick better on a long one.
  • Equipment for catching a crucian with a feeding trough is most often assembled from a spring, this type of feeding trough is the most successful. Other species are used depending on the bottom of the reservoir, flat is better suited for muddy, the flat base will not allow the feeder to dig into the ground. On large reservoirs use heavier options of the flat type, so that the current could not carry the tackle from the casting site.

Feeder tackle for catching carp in stagnant water involves the use of lighter feeders, the maximum take no more than 40 g.

This equipment is the same donke, only more modernized. The essence of feeder fishing lies in the fact that the feeder is stuffed with an attractive for crucian carp, a variety of bait is put on the hooks and thrown. Larger specimens of crucian are caught at the feeder, while it will be most effective in the middle of summer and late autumn.

Winter gear

The carp is caught all year round, the true fishermen are especially carefully preparing to get their first-hand fish. Fishing gear in winter is significantly different from summer options. The rod blank is used small, and the snap is made lighter and thin.

To catch a crucian successfully went above all you need to collect tackle:

  • Winter fishing rod on a crucian can be anything, but, as experience shows, it is most convenient to use a balalaika with a foam handle. The coil for such a rod is not necessary to pick up, it is built. Other options for winter rods are without reels, then you have to choose at their discretion.
  • The line is chosen to be thin; in the winter the crucian carp is sluggish; If a winter cord is used, then 0.06 mm is enough. The leash on winter fishing is not used, mormyshku knit immediately to the main.
  • The nod is chosen sensitive, but repelled by the weight of the jig, it is she who will tell you how gentle the index should be in the hole.
  • The final component will be the jig itself. It is necessary to choose from tungsten products of medium size. Uralks, ants, flies and ordinary balls are considered the most catchy. Motylya need to sit down, on a naked mormyshkom bite there will not be a crucian.

Choosing a nod for winter fishing, it is difficult to determine the material from which the product is made. Preference is given to lavsan, it is more sensitive and will endure even the most severe frost.

The most catchy tackle on a crucian

In addition to the above methods of fishing for peaceful fish, there are other equally effective ones. In order to catch the trophy crucian, it is necessary to make the appropriate rods and equipment, on a small hook and the fish bite a small one.

Similar habits of crucian carp and carp make it possible to combine fishing methods, and sometimes even replace carp carp accessories. We will study such equipment further.

Hair tooling

To catch a large-sized crucian, anglers with experience use hair tackle.

This is how the carp is caught on boilies, the rigging is simple, but there is a slight difference from the carp:

  • Boilies for catching a crucian carp take a smaller diameter, respectively, and the hook is knitted smaller.
  • In addition, steamed barley or wheat is used as bait.

Animals nozzles in this equipment is not recommended to use, so say anglers with extensive experience.

Tackle with trough

The most popular is catching a crucian with a feeding trough; a spring, flat-trough, nipple or banjo can be used. From the trough away several leashes with hooks. The material for the leash can be a mono-wool or braided cord, the latter is preferable because it has no memory.

With the help of this installation, the crucian carp fishing on foam plastic takes place, the rigging is simple and catchy.

Choosing the foam as a bait, it is necessary to build on the size of the hook, the ball should lift it in the water column.

Picer equipment

Picker is a feeder rod with shorter length and more sensitive tips. With the help of the form, the gears are thrown up to 30 g, this is more than the usual float, but less than the feeder.

Picker’s equipment for catching in stagnant water is carried out by lighter feeders, which will allow collecting tackle more gently than feeder.

An indicator of a bite for a feeder rod is a special signaling device that is hooked to the lower ring of the rod and the fishing line; bells are also used. Picker such devices will not be needed, a sensitive tip will help determine the bite.

Other options

There are also accessories, thanks to which the catch of a crucian will be successful:

  • The equipment “spring” for catching a crucian is considered the most successful option. You can use the feeder with a weight or just a pacifier, the weight of which will give the bait. From the spring leaves a few leashes, quite enough two, then when casting, they will not be confused. As bait using artificial options, plant elements.
  • The rigging of the headboard is known to all lovers of carp fishing, but often the crucian is also a trophy. To collect gear you will need a metal plate with holes in the corners. Ready-made leashes with hooks are knitted to these ears, and a briquette of pressed compacted macau with a natural smell or aromatized by other ingredients is attached to the plate itself. Hooks are hidden in the briquette or left bare. For the main line of such gear, it is advisable to choose more specific options, from 0.3 mm to 0.5 mm.
  • Equipment “nipple” is similar in structure to the headphone, the difference will be in the structure of the feeder. The pacifier is made from a plastic tube of wide diameter. A few holes are drilled in the sides, the leads will be fixed there. A bolt is bolted to the bottom. Through the swivel, the finished nipple is fixed to the main one, the bait is driven inside and used.
  • The equipment “elastic” is specially done to catch a crucian carp at the depth. To assemble it, you will need: 5-8 meters of durable aviation rubber, a scaffold for the base with a thickness of 0.3-0.45 mm, a fishing line with a thickness of 0.18-0.2 mm, 6 hooks, a weight of 150-200 g, a fishing line for securing cargo, reel. Casting of fishing line produced from the shore, so the tackle is going in this order:
  • Cargo through a swivel tied to a piece of thick fishing line.
  • The other end is tied to the rubber.
  • Rubber connect through a large swivel with the main line.
  • Then one by one through the triple swivel to the fishing line attached leashes with hooks.
  • The line is tied to the reel, which after fishing and collect all the tackle.

This tackle allows you to fish without resetting after each bite. Due to the stretching of the rubber fisherman pulls out the leashes with the prey, removes the catch.

Rubber quickly returns the hooks to the original place.

  • Tackle “crucian killer” in recent times is very popular, you can buy ready-tied tied feeders. And you can play it safe and do everything yourself. The tackle consists of a sinker at the end; it is advisable to choose it on the swivel. Then, one by one, follow the troughs of small size without shipment, between them beads are surely placed. From each trough comes a small leash and hook. To the main ready tackle knit through a loop or swivel.

Applying such gear, no one will be left without a catch, properly selected bait and bait will only enhance the effectiveness of the proposed snap-ins.

Homemade tackle for fishing carp

In addition to the above, there are homemade gear, which will be no less effective.

Their production is not put on stream, but you can meet them often enough:

  • Nepropadushka is made from copper-coated wire of thick diameter. With the help of an ordinary pencil, they make a feeder, on the sides of which they make ears, which later will be tied with leashes with hooks. The feeder does not have a load, so it can even be used on a float rod.
  • The feeder “spoon” got its name for nothing: it is made independently from a wide part of an ordinary cutlery. Drilled holes on the sides, where the leashes with hooks are knitted, and in order to hold the bait better, stretch a thin wire between them several times.
  • Carp fishing on spinning is carried out, installation and rigging are simple. As bait use mormyshki light weight up to 2 g, preferably tungsten. I catch also in small twisters, similar to a worm. This tackle is not homemade, but unusual for a peaceful fish.

Capturing a crucian is possible in various ways, for which a variety of gear is used. Do not be afraid to experiment, make your additions to the already known gear, increasing the catch.

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