Wet flies – it’s a sinking bait, the task of which is to attract fish under water. The main difference from the various types of dry flies this performance, they are so that the sink very quickly.
An excellent example of wet flies are trout flies, “Alexandra”, “Butcher”, “Golden Demon”, etc., but they allow you to fish both in floating downstream, and pull-UPS, like streamers. Due to this, they tally on the big hooks, the number 6, 8 and 10.
What is the difference between a wet fly from a dry
If you see that the wings and brush located near the forearm and a hook directed backward, it is the first sign that before you wet the fly. Streamlined and flat performance are also the hallmarks of wet mice. But similar wet and dry flies that not all of them are equipped with wings, it will work fly with one brush. Heavy hook, soft tail feathers and the material of the knitting of the body of the flies and the brush must quickly absorb water.
This is all done in order to achieve maximum sink rate of flies under water. Of course, I think everyone will understand that the layer of fat such flies are not covered.
Yes, to date, few uses in fly fishing wet flies, but this does not mean that the fish they are not caught. Caught, and pretty good. I personally know a man, who for decades rubbed his nose around his fishermen using only two models of wet flies such as “Grey Dun” and “Iron Blue Dun”. Very often fishermen use flies type “Alexandra”, “Golden Demon”, “Butcher” and of course similar to him. My good familiar prefers wet fly “Golden Demon” is associated on the hook No. 8.
Preferably tally wet flies on large hooks, from No. 8 to 12, but I have often seen mounted on smaller hooks that brought a catch. Store the wet fly is quite simply, put in a box and ready.