Fish in the dough is a very tasty and simple dish. The cooking time for tempera is no more than 10 minutes, but the dough allows you to improve the taste of the fillet, making it more juicy and tender.
Prepare batter on a mineral water, plain water, milk, sour cream or even beer. It is recommended to follow the rules, as well as the proportions of the products, in order to achieve the correct consistency.
How to fry fish in batter in a pan? It is necessary to prepare the carcass first: clean from the scales, cut into small pieces, remove the bones, rinse and dry with a napkin. Then they are dipped in a mixture and sent to cook with a lot of fat (any vegetable oil is suitable). It is important to spread the meat so that there is enough distance between the pieces, otherwise the fish will stick together. Fry the fillet until an appetizing golden crust is formed on both sides.
Cooking has many recipes for simple cooking of fish and among them is batter. This is the name of the batter, in which the fillets are dipped before being sent to the pan. Due to this, the dish turns out to be tender and very juicy. In addition, many people like to crunch delicious batter along with the fish. The main ingredients are eggs and flour, however there are several more ways to make the dough.
A dish will not work out delicious if you do not observe the proportions of the products, the sequence of steps and other cooking rules. An ideal simple batter for meat is a sufficiently liquid mass that does not penetrate and does not contain lumps. You can check the readiness by dipping a spoon into the dough. If the metal does not shine through the layer, then you can start the process.
How to make batter delicious:
- the main components are eggs and flour, any liquid is taken as a filler for batter: kefir, milk, water and even beer;
- it is recommended to prepare the dough on alcohol if you plan to serve the dish with the same drink (for example, a beer batter for fish – for beer, on cognac – for cognac);
- tasty red fish in batter is obtained with aromatic herbs, sometimes chopped greens or nutmeg are added;
- a more satisfying dish will turn out if you use cheese batter for frying;
- experienced chefs suggest whipping the dough with a whisk, rather than a fork;
- magnificent batter is obtained by separately whipping the yolks and proteins, and the proteins are added to the bowl immediately before frying;
- fillet in the mixture is sent only to a well-heated pan with oil;
- a denser dough will turn out if you leave it for 40-60 minutes at room temperature (suitable for recipes without protein);
- for frying fish, choose a deep fryer or a pan with a thick bottom, however, the fish in the batter in the oven is equally tasty;
- for better adhesion of the product to tempura, the fillet should be sprinkled with a small mixture of flour with starch;
- the most important secret is the use of cold products, so it is recommended to put a pot of mass in ice water;
- Crispy batter for seafood is obtained using beer or cognac.
Fried fish in batter after butter is laid out on a paper towel – it is necessary that the excess fat is absorbed, and the dough does not become soft. Then you need to shift the dish on a clean plate and serve.
Recipes of fish dishes in batter
One of the simple recipes is the classic one, for which you need affordable products for everyone. It will take 150 ml of ice water, one chicken egg, one small onion, 5 tablespoons of sifted flour, a little salt and spices to taste.
How to make batter for fish? Peel and grate onions, then add flour, salt, seasonings and mix well. In a separate bowl, beat the egg lightly with a fork or whisk, then add to the onion. Slowly add water and stir so that there are no lumps. The onion batter for the fish is ready, you can dip the slices and send to the pan.
It’s easy to make a lean batter for fish that has no eggs. The dish turns out not so high-calorie, but still tasty and tender.
What is required:
- ice water – 4 tbsp. l;
- wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l;
- soda – half 1 tsp;
- salt, seasonings;
- fresh herbs (dill or parsley).
How to make a batter for fish? Sift flour into a bowl, add salt, soda and finely chopped greens. Pour in water, mix with a fork, achieving a homogeneous mass. The dough is thick, so you can’t pour a lot of liquid – the mixture just drains from the fish. It is recommended to fry according to this recipe with a small amount of oil so that the dish is not greasy.
A more satisfying and savory recipe is a batter for fish with mayonnaise. Such dough is often used for chicken wings, fish fillet, sea language or shrimp.
- chicken egg – 1 pc.;
- rice flour – 5-6 tbsp. l;
- potato starch – 3 tbsp. l;
- mineral water carbonated – 2.5 tbsp. l;
- mayonnaise 2,5-3 tbsp. l;
- red pepper, salt and nutmeg to taste.
Cooking batter for fish on mineral water. Mix all dry ingredients, combine with mayonnaise and beaten egg, gradually add water and mix. The consistency dough for fillet should resemble kefir. Dip the slices of meat in tempera and send to the deep fat fryer. Then put on excess wipes on dripping napkins. Serve a dish with fresh herbs or sour sauce.
Air batter for fish is obtained on mineral water, it can be added to any simple recipe.
- chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
- mineral water – 100 ml;
- flour – 300 g;
- salt, sugar and spices to taste.
Fish in batter: step by step recipe
Gently separate the proteins from the yolks, grind the latter with salt and add a little sugar. Pour mineral water, milk, sprinkle spices and mix. Beat the proteins so that they turn out to be dense, but liquid. Pour them in a thin stream to other products, mix gently and add flour. Stir slowly with a whisk, achieving a dense and uniform mass. According to this recipe, you can cook salmon milk in tempura. They turn out not only tasty, but also very useful.
Alcohol allows you to achieve a crispy crust, suitable for catfish in batter, shrimp and pollock. The French recipe hides the taste of the main product a little, but this is only a plus for those who do not really like the taste of seafood. A batter for fish on beer quickly seizes and fries, before it has time to spread over the pan.
Ingredients Required:
- beer (preferably light) – 250 ml;
- sifted flour – 250 g;
- butter – 1.5 tbsp. l;
- chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
- salt, black pepper.
How to cook? Melt the butter and cool it a little. Sift the flour and add it in parts, beat the egg with a whisk, pour into the bowl. Stir so that there are no lumps. Pour chilled beer, constantly stirring the dough with a whisk. Salt, pepper and cook the fish in the dough.
A batter for fish and cheese will make even the driest fillet soft and tender. It is advisable to choose hard varieties for batter with cheese, soft for this purpose is not suitable. It is rubbed on a fine grater, added to a thick dough and the slices are sent to the pan.
The dough with sour cream allows you to achieve a tender, but crisp. Fish in such a “shell” will retain all its juice, so it is recommended to take fatty varieties. A more delicious dough is obtained with vodka, but it is not necessary to use it. Proportions of alcohol – for 1 egg take only 1 tablespoon of the drink.
The recipe for batter for the dish:
- wheat flour – 5 tbsp. l;
- medium-sized chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
- sour cream – 2 tbsp. l;
- water – 5-6 tbsp. l;
- vodka (optional) – 2 tbsp. l;
- a mixture of peppers, salt.
How to make a batter for fish with sour cream? Separate the proteins from the yolks, mix the latter with ice water and sour cream. Beat the whites in a stable foam, cool if necessary. Add flour, salt and pepper to the yolks with water gradually. Transfer the proteins to the dough, mix with a spoon, now you can cook the fish in batter.
The same yummy and crunchy kefir dish turns out. It will take 150 ml of dairy products, two eggs, 2 tablespoons of flour, fresh herbs and a little salt. Beat kefir with eggs and spices, add flour and chopped greens. All mix well, salt, pepper and start cooking fish in batter.