
Crossover Stabilizer Review

If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking, I would never carry something that long around in the woods for hunting, right? I’ll tell you though, the thing that captured my attention immediately was the ability I had to compress the stabilizer down to 12″ for hunting, but extend it way out there for shooting at home and at 3D shoots.

I’m not a “competitive” archer by any means, but after I won the Idaho State Champion belt buckle in the Bowhunter class at the Idaho State Bowhunter jamboree using the stabilizer last summer (first time ever), I knew without a doubt that it was adding to my consistency – and to my confidence.

Last fall, I wrote an article on some of the gear that I felt performed well for me during elk season. In that article, I talked about one of the new items that I was most impressed with – the Crossover Stabilizer from Crossroads Archery. (Click Here to read the article from last fall). Since then, I have been bombarded with questions about the Stabilizer, so I decided to do a quick video review of the Stabilizer and highlight some of the features that I feel make it so awesome.

I still wasn’t convinced that it would be a good fit for hunting, but after hunting with it all fall, I don’t know that I would ever want to hunt with anything else! With the stabilizer extended out to 20-26″, I was able to carry my bow with perfect balance and have the stabilizer rest out of the way at shoulder height. Walking through brush was never a problem, and having the increased stability and balance on the bow boosted my confidence and ability with my bow. If I ever needed to reduce the length of the stabilizer, it was done effortlessly, silently, and simply in a second.

You can watch the short video review of the stabilizer below:

And if you are a Member of the University of Elk Hunting, don’t forget to use your discount code to save 15%.

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