
Spotlight on the Latest New RIO Fly Lines

RIO continues to push the boundaries of fly line technology and Sportfish team member, and UK casting champion, Jonathan Tomlinson, takes a close look at some of the new offerings and how they might just help you to catch more trout!

RIO Technical Trout Floating Fly Line

Designed for lovers of fishing the dry fly, these lines feature an extended, fine front taper for the lightest of precision presentation and they will turn over long leaders perfectly, even if you are looking at lengths of up to 20ft.

The Technical Trout lines have relatively long heads, which make for great casting and line mending on big rivers, allowing you to make long, controlled dead drifts.

Typical of most RIO lines these days, they feature a two–tone colour with the running line a peach hue and the head a pale, sky blue. Soft, supple and easy to cast they float high in the water and have welded loops front and rear and ID on each line for easy identification.

Available as:
WF3 to WF6
DT3 to DT6

RIO InTouch Technical Trout Floating Fly Line

This is the InTouch variant of the Technical Trout line above, but it features RIO‘s ultra-low stretch ConnectCore to provide increased sensitivity for enhanced detection of  takes, faster hook setting, more control when playing fish and more accurate casting.

As with the standard core variant it is designed for delicate presentation of dry flies and turning over long leaders, it is tri–coloured in the sky blue and peach of the standard core, but with an ivory running line to distinguish it as the InTouch variant. It does, of course, also feature welded loops and an ID for easy identification.

If you are looking to up your dry fly fishing on the rivers this coming season, this one could be a real game–changer!

Available as:
WF3 to WF6

RIO InTouch Stillwater Floating Fly Line

RIO rate this as the perfect all-around floating line for lake and reservoir anglers and its long (50ft) head is designed to cast and turn over long leaders, multi-fly set ups and indicator rigs, whether you are on the boat or the bank.

RIO‘s ultra-low stretch ConnectCore is now well established and delivers some 5 to 6% stretch as opposed to the 25 to 26% of a standard stretch line and this provides increased sensitivity for enhanced detection of subtle takes, a faster reaction time when setting the hook and more control when playing fish. It also helps to deliver more controlled, accurate casting too as it enhances the feel through the rod.

The two–tone green and yellow finish of the line allows you to easily distinguish the junction between the head (green) and the running line (yellow) and optimise the loading of your rod. Quick loading and great to cast there are welded loops front and back and laser printed line ID, so you can always identify it on your spool.

Available as:
WF5 to WF8

RIO Fathom Sinking Fly Lines

These are a series of sinking lines designed specifically for the lake angler and they have evolved from RIO‘s hugely successful Deep series.

There is a 35ft quick–loading head and a colour contrast between the head and the running line to easily identify the optimum loading point. The core is monofilament, as opposed to the more usual braid, and the stiffness of this helps to keep tangles to a minimum and we all know that is going to be a real bonus as sinking lines are notorious for tangling!

Each line in the series also has a ‘hang marker‘ at about 20ft, which is a great help if you are looking to stop stripping and ‘hang‘ in the water to perhaps pick up fish that may have been following. Except for the 7ips the lines feature RIO’s ‘Density Compensation‘ technology that assists fly control and they exhibit a very uniform sink rate. There are welded loops front and rear and ID on each line for easy identification and quick changes.

Available as:
Sink 3ips : WF5 to WF8 (Black/Blue)
Sink 5ips : WF5 to WF8 (Black/Maroon)
Sink 6ips : WF5 to WF8 (Black/Green)
Sink 7ips : WF6 to WF8 (Black/Grey)

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