
Breed the biggest rabbit in the world

Most people in the world with the word “rabbit” is a small, furry animals with long ears.

This view of animals was formed due to the fact that most of the rabbits in length do not grow more than 50 cm, But in the world there are large rabbits, the length of which can be more than 50 cm, and some individual specimens can reach a size even more than 1 meter.

Worldwide, there are about ten such species. Basically, these giant animals are kept in industrial uses: wool, meat. But there are some lovers of the exotic who keep rabbits as Pets.

The largest breed of rabbits

Worldwide and there are about a dozen species of the biggest rabbits, but some breeds are very popular.

  1. Belgian giant (Flemish giant). In addition to the two names of this breed, there is a third – risen. This breed of giants is not only the most popular among breeders, but also the oldest, as it appeared in the XVI century in Belgium. The average body length of the rabbit can reach 70 cm, but the ears can grow up to 18 cm body Length of individual animals can reach 1 meter. The Belgian giants in addition to a great length have a considerable weight, which on average can range from 6 to 8 pounds. But there are some individuals that can weigh even more than 12 pounds. Belgian representatives are very often brought in as Pets because they are smart, relate well to children and love care and affection. But the immune system in rabbits is rather weak, and therefore requires special care and nutrition. The Belgian giants are considered the largest in the world, as all Champions that ever got in the Guinness book of Records representatives of this breed.
  2. Angora rabbit. Giant Angora breed is originally from Turkey, but in Europe they appeared in the middle of the XVIII century. At first, this breed was very popular with the people of the upper light, which took them for fun and entertainment. But today they are kept mainly for the sale of wool, which grows up to 25 cm Weight of the animal in the Angora breed average about 6 pounds, but, of course, there are individual instances of both large and smaller sizes. In a month with an adult can brush up to 200 grams of down.
  3. Gray giant. The grey giants were bred by crossing with the Belgian in the last century. From his fellow grey giants inherited a lot of weight, which in adults can reach up to 7 kg and length – an average of 66 see the Grey giants are distinguished by their resistance to some diseases. Breeders keep animals mainly for skins.
  4. White giant. The first representatives of the white giants appeared in Germany, they were bred by German breeders by crossing three other breeds – Flemish giant (white), grey giant and Soviet chinchilla. The distinguishing feature of these animals – white thick fur and red eyes. In rabbits, albino beautiful appearance and quiet nature, so often they are kept as Pets. The weight of an adult can be up to 6 kilogram.
  5. Soviet chinchilla. The name of the breed was due to its beautiful colors. The first chinchilla rabbits were obtained by crossing normal rabbits to breed white giants. The average weight of an adult animal reaches a 5.5-6 pounds. Among the breeders of Soviet chinchilla is famous for its simplicity of maintenance, endurance and fertility.

The biggest of the breeds

The biggest rabbits ever got into the Guinness book of world Records, was grown by the English woman, Annette Edwards. All Champions giants are representatives of one and the same breed – the Flemish giant. The first record name is Roberto. But over the past ten years the most famous two representatives of the Belgian giants – Darius and Ralph.

Rabbits Champions
  1. Darius champion. Every year, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records determine the largest rabbit in the world. To date, the current record holder is a rabbit named Darius, he belongs to the breed of the Belgian giants. Weight giant today made up of 22.2 pounds and a length of 1 meter 30 cm.
  2. Ralph, ex – champion. The previous world record also representative of the breed the Belgian giants. In all my life of a giant rabbit named Ralph has visited twice in the Guinness Book of Records. For the first time Ralph got into the Guinness book of records with a weight of 19 kg, the second time he was already with a weight of 22 kg. But today the criteria for getting into the Guinness book of records was revised and is now the main criterion of selection is not considered a weight and body length, so the first place Ralph gave his brother Darius.
  3. Jeff – the future successor. At present, the current record holder Darius is already growing a worthy successor, his son, Jeff, who today at the age of one year already has a length of about a meter and can take a leadership post as the biggest rabbit in the world.

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