In the mid-nineteenth century in France was breed chickens bred faverol, which was originally intended to be used for broths. But after mating with larger birds and professional selection significance of the breed increased, it began to contain for high-quality meat products.
Today, chickens are even faverol and exhibition, as have unusual plumage. How to feed birds and what is required to ensure that the conditions of detention?
Crossing and breeding of birds engaged farmers from the French town Faverolles, in whose honor and was named breed. Got it after crossing chickens mantsch and gudan. In the future, to improve qualities were used and other breeds of chickens. The resulting meat of faverolles was very appreciated for the particular taste and excellent quality. But bred them only on private ranches, so try meat can be had only in restaurants.
A little later the German breeders got a similar breed, called lockhunter salmon or chicken. It chickens faverol salmon became divorced in industrial scale.
The breed is unpretentious and maturity and high egg production, which is highly valued and widely bred by farmers of both Europe and Russia.
Physical description
Chickens faverol have an unusual appearance, so many fans of decorative types to acquire them for his personal collection.
To distinguish the species by the following characteristics:
- slightly elongated large size case;
- tight to the body high placed wings;
- raised up a bit short tail.
- not very long neck is set in lush mane;
- completely hides the earrings and goatee;
- quite powerful, but short beak;
- small leaf-shaped comb;
- increased pen cover in field tanks and beard;
- small size flat head;
- well developed strong legs;
- sides of the head plumage reminiscent of sideburns.
Slightly different appearance of cocks and hens:
- Little roosters head is a comb with teeth and a neat white or pink beak, which is not the sticks forward. The eyes of the males are orange or red, the red face is a little down, and the tanks can be of different colors. Thickly feathered feet roosters.
- Chicken was pretty tight and they have a clearly visible stomach. At the head of laying of interesting hair at the nape feathers are growing up and under the ears located horizontally. Chickens have a wide back which rises slightly to the rear of the body. They have a little short tail, which resembles a roof.
The most popular breed of chickens faverol salmon color. Chickens have a pale belly and chest, and the neck and wings are reddish. Cocks tail, chest and belly are black, and the back – fluffy white feathers.
Chickens faverol can have not only salmon, but also blue, ermine, white and black color.
No less interesting and beautiful chickens faverol. Already by two months of age they can be distinguished by gender, because birds have issued a unique beard and sideburns.
Productive feature
Chickens breed faverolle are appreciated for its quality, delicious meat and good egg production.
To their productive characteristics include:
- With good care and proper feeding of the roosters gain weight up to 4-5 kg, and hens up to 3.5 kg.
- Soft and juicy meat, the taste of which resembles a pheasant.
- The survival rate of young animals is 90-95%.
- Sexual maturity of chickens comes to six months in age.
- A good level of oplodotvorennogo.
- During the year, each laying hens can get up to eighty yellow-pink eggs weighing 55-60 grams.
- The maternal instinct in laying hens is virtually nonexistent.
Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
Chickens faverol are highly valued by farmers, as they combine excellent taste of meat, good egg production and a beautiful appearance, which can decorate any yard.
Experienced breeders have noted the following positive qualities of the breed faverol:
- Earliness.
- Excellent flavor as meat and eggs.
- Quick and easy addictive birds to any climatic conditions.
- High egg production even in cold seasons.
- Sturdy, good immunity of chickens, roosters and calves. So birds of this breed is rarely affected by diseases that promote the continuous receipt of their products.
- The birds are hardy and he is not capricious.
With these advantages, the poultry breeders are willing to breed in their areas breed of chicken faverol.
Like all breeds, chickens faverol have their drawbacks:
- mild maternal instinct;
- when crossed with birds of other breeds may lose their productive quality;
- prone to obesity, you need to keep in mind the farmer and treat feeding responsibly.
But all these cons are very minor compared to the advantages that have chickens breed faverolle.
Content features
Unpretentious and calm the roosters and hens faverol are massive, so the cell contents are not adapted. They have to arrange spacious chicken coop and raise birds apart from other species. It is impossible to contain in a small space a large number of individuals, since otherwise the risk of infectious diseases.
Birds resistant to cold, but can not tolerate high humidity. Therefore, the house should be equipped with good ventilation and dry litter.
The feeders for faverolles should be deep, rather narrow and with a pole in the middle. They should be hung, otherwise the chicken will collect in the tank and throw food around.
The roosts are not too high and are equipped with a convenient ladder. They should be broad and round. Located high on a perch large birds will be hard to get, and they can get injured.
The yard
Since chickens faverol prone to obesity, they have to organize the yard and releasing them on a walk in the warm time of the year. High fence around the courtyard. so as to fly birds of this species don’t like.
Farmers appreciate these birds more and for the fact that in the yard they’ll never dig garden bed or flower bed, while looking for insects and eat with pleasure.
Roaming chickens find their own food, which is rich in different nutrients. It can be various insects, worms and greens. Birds that daily walk in the fresh air, less likely to get sick and have high egg production.
Feeding chickens breed faverolle
Pedigree poultry require a balanced diet and a rigorous approach to feeding. It is better to give dry food, because wet mash dirty furry beard birds.
When feeding forage to calves should be given:
- up to four weeks of age – feed PC-5;
- up to three months – PC-6;
- from the age of three and adult birds – PC-4.
Individuals that were selected for fattening, organize round-the-clock coverage and free access to the mixed fodder PK-5.
The combined feeding flock provide food three to four times per day. It is recommended to alternate the dry food and fodder. In the cold season, wet food served warm, and the remainder in forty minutes removed.
In summer, the hens ‘ diet necessarily should be greens. If birds are not produced on a farm, the farmer must provide their Pets green mass in the form of clovers, dandelions, woodlice, nettle and other herbs. Greens should make up a third of the diet. The remainder consists of oats, wheat, corn and feed. Each individual will need about one hundred fifty grams of feed.
If the birds begin fattening, feed them, give no more than eighty grams per day. Will also help prevent obesity added to the feed of corn.
In the cold season of fresh greenery is replaced by dried and feathered you can give the pine and spruce needles, hay, carrots, pumpkin. Added to the diet with special vitamin-mineral complexes for chickens that you can buy in specialized stores. Layers that are poorly rushing the diet is introduced oatmeal.
Chicks in the first days of their life feeding boiled chopped eggs, cottage cheese, crumbly cornmeal. With the fifth day in their diet gradually introduced chopped greens, yeast, wheat bran, vegetables. Then, so they grow better, they are given specialized vitamin compound feed PK-5.
A day the youngsters should be fed six to eight times. Between feedings should be at regular intervals. With months of age the Chicks are fed four times a day and for adult meals the young convert at two months of age.
Faverol as chickens are poor layers, eggs for getting the Chicks out from the nest and placed in an incubator.
The herd for mating and breeding chickens is made up of one cock the other line and five or six chickens. Is that so that when blizgareva crossing appear ugly chickens, the breed degenerates, the productivity is reduced.
Experienced growers suggest remove chicken faverol in February to the warm season they have grown, and they can be put on the paddock.
Eggs to remove the young are taken from hens that have reached one year of age. Prior to placing in the incubator to keep the eggs for two weeks at temperatures above 10 degrees.
In the incubator set temperature is not below +37,6 degrees. To monitor the temperature of the air must be very carefully, because it will decrease even a tenth of a degree leads to birth of babies with defects such as dislocated feet and fingers.
On the twenty-second day of hatch chickens, which are placed in prepared equipment with air temperatures of +38 degrees , and with warm, dry bedding.
Youngsters in the first days of life requires good lighting, so the room is equipped with lamps, which in cloudy weather and short daylight days do not sit the supplementary lighting.
Health chickens faverol
Thanks to breeders, birds of this breed have a strong immune system and almost never get sick. But the errors in their content and care can lead to various diseases.
An unbalanced diet and unsanitary conditions are the cause of the weakening of chickens, with the result that they can develop bacterial or infectious diseases.
It is very dangerous to the health of the birds, insect parasites and worms. With the aim of prevention is not to avoid contact of chickens with wild birds and in the coop should be regularly disinfected.
So the chickens did not appear skin parasites, the poultry houses are equipped with tanks with a mixture of ash and sand. Such ash-sand bath birds will be happy to accept and at the same time to get rid of parasites.
Vulnerable health of the birds during the moulting period which begins in the fall. Is this process painful, so the chicken hiding in the corners, a little move and eat. During this period they are required to provide trace elements, vitamins and create a safe and comfortable environment. Laying hens during the molting stop laying.
Chickens breed faverolle growing fast, and different delicious meats, well and look beautiful, which occupy the top places in the ranking among the best breeds of hens. However, in Russia, they are still not widespread and are only individual traders.