
How much per day it produces milk goat

Today the breeding of cows in farms with the purpose of obtaining milk is scarce. The animals are mostly kept on private farms small livestock that greatly affect the cost of the final product.

On how much the goat gives milk, is mainly influenced by its breed.

Breeders tried to get a few high producing dairy species, including the leaders:

  • saranskie;
  • Gorky;
  • Russian;
  • the Nubian.

With proper maintenance of goats of these breeds are capable of producing more than 1 liter of milk per milking, but if their diet is scarce, and the conditions of detention are deplorable, and these animals greatly reduce their productivity.

Description dairy breeds

Interestingly, per 1 kg of live weight goats give 2 times more milk than cows.

The maximum result

The most productive species are considered saranskie goats. They were bred on the slopes of the Swiss Alps. The average milk yield of the breed for the entire lactation is 800-1000 litres of product, but in Australia one animal was able to put the record and issue 3507 liters of milk. A day saranskie goats produce about 2 liters of high-quality product with a fat content of 4%-4,5%.

Externally, these goats can be determined by several factors:

  • most of them are hornless (polled);
  • the fur colour of all specimens of white or cream color;
  • the coat is short and rough;
  • a large marble or round the udder;
  • height at withers is 70 cm and weight up to 70 kg .

This breed is ideal for farm breeding, since goats are adapted to machine milking and are very responsive to good conditions to improve yield of milk.

Gorky and Russian

These rocks were obtained by breeding local animals and imported from Europe. They received resistance to local weather conditions and high productivity without special requirements for feeding and maintenance. These goats grow up to 70 cm at the withers and 60 kg in weight. The main colors are white, black, grey and their hybrids, coat of a medium.

How much milk a goat gives per day in reality does not match the performance of breeders. It is usually possible to obtain for the entire period of lactation of not more than 700 liters of the product, but milk is very fatty and high in protein. All individuals of this breed are actively growing and respond to food, so they are often bred for meat. Besides goats observed multiple pregnancy.

African species

Nubian goats have appeared relatively recently and has taken root only in the warmer regions of the country. A day they can produce 2-4 liters of milk, and for the entire period of milking up to 900 litres. Externally, goats differ from other typical hanging ears and no horns. Their color can be any, but is more often spotted representatives of the breed. Nubian goats are actively growing and fattening quickly, allowing you to get them to also quality meat.

Proper nutrition

The quality of the diet greatly affects how much milk a day it will give. Taste preferences of the animal can differ from the needs of the body. Goats can eat everything in his path, thorns, branches, weeds, roots and food waste, but if the feeder will be different Goodies, then eat them in the first place, leaving the rest of the food to deteriorate.

Digestive system goats are able to digest almost all introduced into the stomach, but to produce quality milk you need to enter in nutrition of the animal mineral and vitamin supplements. Often used for this salt-Lizunov and various premixes.

The basis of the winter diet of dairy goats is dry hay with small twigs and leaves. The use of straw is allowed only if pre-chopping, and soaking in salt water. A straw is recommended to give the animal mixed with chopped root vegetables or other vegetables. In summer, goats must graze and straw is gradually replaced by green grass.

In the cold season, the goat should receive the branches of trees that are prefabricated. You need to cut thin stems of aspen, birch, ash or other hardwood trees, tie them to the twigs, and dried.

The animal had not reduced its milk yield with the onset of cold weather, the diet of a goat should consist of:

  • hay
  • brooms from the shoots of deciduous trees;
  • root crops, vegetables;
  • sunflower cake;
  • wheat, oats, barley.

It is important when the season changes to switch to the new feed gradually, to avoid sharp fluctuations in quantity of milk produced per day.

The conditions of detention

How much product can give a goat a day depends on its proper maintenance. It is important to separate the milk from the livestock of other animals. This is required to facilitate milking and control the passage of pregnant females.

Usually goats are kept on private farms small livestock, which can significantly increase their yield in the summer. In winter, the amount of milk almost comes to naught, as the animals are kept in closed barns, seldom have an area for walking.

A day in pasture and stall maintenance goat is able to deliver significant productivity, but it is only practiced in the farms.

To improve productivity in the winter it is important to keep goats without leashes in barns with deep bedding, good ventilation and natural light. Each animal area shall be not less than 1.5 m2 , and the area range of 2 – 4 m2 . To the amount of milk per day significantly decreased in milk vetch should maintain the temperature below 120C and a humidity range of 50% -70%.

What else affects the yield

On the quantity of product affected and even then, how many times a day goat milking. The wrong approach to the procedure can significantly reduce the productivity for the duration of lactation of the animal in the future.

How to milk a goat in the suckling period? Usually at this time 1 milking is replaced by a feeding of the goat, so to Express milk manually for a long time, but this approach often leads to poorer performance. The fact that the kid cannot completely suck all the milk in the udder, especially in dairy goats and regular the rest of the product leads to burnout, and smaller allocation in the future. To the performance of the goats did not fall, it is best to razdobit it from the beginning, applying the three-time milking. Also the animal should be interested in during the procedure making before milking udder massage and treating goat feed.

How much milk does the goat depends on its age and stage of lactation. Most often, the maximum productivity of the animals show after 3-4 lambing and only in the second half of lactation. Sometimes, as perforamce with proper risdone give maximum performance after the mid period of lactation.

The quality of the product

It is important to knowthat a large number of milk is not always indicative of its quality. The fat content and nutritional value of the product is very influenced by the proper nutrition of the animal, living conditions and attitude of the owner. Goats are very sensitive to those around them, are very attached to their owner and feel his love and care. Often these animals are allowed for milking yourself to only one specific person.

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