
Instructions for hatching in incubator at home

How can you bring the Chicks in the incubator? The breeding chickens in an incubator is a process that requires certain skills in the poultry industry. Every farmer should know how to use the incubator.

With the right approach you can have a small business breeding the choicest Chicks. But we should not treat lightly incubation: some novice breeders brood get 50 or 30% of the total of laying the eggs.

The correct collection of eggs plays an important role in the subsequent incubation. Nests must be kept clean and dry to an egg shell does not absorb bacteria. The product collection should be carried out 3-5 times a day. Before you collect the eggs, thoroughly wash hands.

The material, which spent more than 18 hours, not suitable for hatching. The technique of removing eggs from the nest also has its own nuances: the product must be taken with two fingers over the blunt and sharp ends.

If the chicken has just laid an egg and it’s still warm, the surface protective sheet is. Touching the whole egg, you can damage the film and bring bacteria inside.

Only carried eggs can wipe with a dry cloth and wash with running water. Dirty eggs it is better to cull. If the number of eggs is limited, you can wash them in slaborazvitom lime mortar. Lime prevents spread of mold inside the shell. Of course, it is better to avoid such procedures.


  1. Eggs to lay in the incubator must be stored a maximum of 5 days at a temperature of 12-16 °C. important role in the storage of moisture plays. It should be 70-80%. At temperatures below 6 °C the embryo “falls asleep”. This egg will not develop. Conversely, at very high temperatures of 25-30 °C the egg begins to develop intensively with numerous pathologies.
  2. The material is stored in special trays pointed end down. In this position the “air cushion” would move sideways or down. Every 2-3 days the eggs turn at a 90° angle so that the egg does not stagnate. Stubborn the fetus cannot develop.
  3. In the place where the material should be no drop in temperature. The room should from time to time to ventilate.
Preparing homemade incubator for breeding chickens

Before breeding Chicks in the incubator it requires a complete cleaning from the previous tabs. From the surface of the incubator removes all the feathers and dirt. In the process of cleaning homemade incubator can be completely disassembled into parts. The lattice is carefully washed with a brush and laid to dry under direct solar rays.

Before you print the young, the incubator should be washed in soapy water with the addition of iodine. Iodine disinfects the working area from bacteria. For disinfection of the incubator, you can use another more time consuming method is fumigation. This method is less popular when cleaning the incubators. To use fumigation (smoke treatment), is necessary to ensure complete insulation of the incubator, as well as the premises where the processing will occur.


  1. Formaldehyde 40% – 20 ml.
  2. Manganese – 20 gr. on 1 square meter.

After processing the incubator with formaldehyde, the room must be well ventilated. This way of processing is too aggressive, so not all breeders want to use this method. Before you begin to disinfect, you need to make sure that the Chicks are resistant to this treatment. Embryos of some species of birds do not tolerate such procedures.

Usually formaldehyde disinfection is performed only in extreme cases, if the incubator there are different kinds of infections that lead to death of offspring.

How to identify the sex of the chick in the selection of material in the incubator
  1. The roughness at the sharp end of the egg. Some eggs sharp part smooth, in others rough. It is for this roughness, it is possible to determine the sex of the chicken. Eggs with rough end of the hatch into males, and from a material with a smooth shell in the end – “come out” hens.
  2. The circles on the sharp side of the egg. If these circles do not exist, from the egg to appear a hen. Conversely, if the community can wait for the cock.
Laying eggs

Before laying in an incubator the eggs are checked for chips, cracks, thickness of the shell. For the precise determination of the integrity of the eggs using candling.

It can be done by hand or bought in special shops. Ovoscope is a wood box with bulb inside.

On the upper surface of the device there is a hole in which is placed an egg.

Candling reveals:

  1. the fatty yolk;
  2. dried Bud;
  3. the location and size of the air bag;
  4. chips and cracks of the shell.

Birds ‘ eggs lay in the incubator horizontally. They are better and more evenly warmed. Large eggs can be laid vertically at the sharp end, a little tilt to the side. If homemade incubator lay eggs of different birds, e.g., geese, ducks and chickens. In the beginning laid the product is larger then medium and small. The spacing between pilings should be at least 5 hours. If you reupload, you must consider the incubation period, because the chickens hatch faster than geese and ducks.

The period of hatching

Chickens 21 days
Duck 26-33 day
Geese 28-33 days
Conditions of incubation

During the entire period of incubation the eggs should be rotated.

As required in special sections of the incubator water is added.

  1. Manual mode. To breed in this incubator to turn the eggs manually. The downside is the constant opening of the lid of the instrument, which leads to temperature changes.
  2. Mechanical mode. Egg turning is effected by a wire. The wire moves the mesh and the eggs turned over on the other side.
  3. Auto mode. In expensive models of incubators coup with the help of the motor.

The temperature inside the incubator should be measured with different thermometers, because all thermometers different error.

Flip the eggs should be at equal intervals of time, in the first days of incubation, turn them over every 2 hours. After 7 days, eggs should be checked for the ovoscope, to identify defective and fatty eggs.

10-14 day continue to turn the eggs. The humidity can be slightly reduced.

In 16-18 days the incubator need to ventilate 2-3 times a day for a while open the lid for ventilation. The candling will determine the complete filling of the eggs with a fetus. And discarded frozen embryos. This week you can already hear the beeping Chicks.

In 19-21 days, the temperature should be lowered to 37.5 °C. the Humidity is increased to 70%. At this stage the eggs are not turned over. Chicks begin to hatch. Do not remove Chicks from incubator until they are completely dry.

Important! In the last days, when you no longer need egg turning, the bars between them must be removed to Chicks did not break the legs on it.

Care for the young immediately after hatching

It is important to properly care for the young after an incubation period.

  1. Content. If the economy is hens, it is best to put the Chicks under her. In this temperature regime the youngsters will feel most comfortable. If hens not, it is necessary to provide a comfortable environment. Before you start hatching Chicks, it is necessary to equip a temporary house. It could be a fence, a cardboard box or wooden crate. A place for Chicks should not be on the floor. On the bottom of the box should be soft, dry litter. Light day Chicks in the first days is 24 hours. On the second month of life can be limited to 10 hours of light a day. In the first week the temperature regime is 28-32 °C. the Second week of 27 °C. Each following week the temperature should be lower by 3 degrees.
  2. Feeding. The water in the troughs are changed in process of pollution. Food need to choose only high quality, designed specially for the youngest Chicks. In the diet of the necessary vitamins, fish oil. Some poultry farmers feed roll in dose, avoiding eating. In food added greens, cheese, whey. Not worth much wet food, so it does not turn sour.
Diseases of chickens

After hatching, the young is important to consider the conditions of detention to prevent various diseases. Improper feeding in chickens may appear beriberi, food poisoning. If the conditions are far from ideal, the little ones can become ill with salmonellosis, typhoid. Chickens broilers are often reviled, if coli Salmonella gets into the fragile body of the future chicken. This disease appears very quickly and rapidly proceeds. Allocation of white color.

Yellow diarrhea may “speak” about the hypothermia, stress, infection. For treatment using traditional methods. Is disinfection of the premises.

Bloody diarrhea is the most dangerous symptom. Him may die all birds. This disease is called coccidiosis. Used for treatment of veterinary products and the disinfection of the premises. Proper and timely care of the brood will grow healthy and vigorous chickens.

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