
Mini coop with their hands: making

The safest way to provide your family with delicious and high quality, and healthy eggs and chicken meat, is an independent breeding birds. Of course, chickens can only be used as a “provider” of eggs in the case, if there is no desire to extract from their meat.

For this purpose it will be sufficient to have 5 chickens.

But, you need to understand that the chickens need to be fed daily, and therefore it should be understood that it will take some cash. For feeding you will need to use a good grain, but will also suit even the leftovers from the table. And so the chickens have a place for dwelling, you can make a small but cozy and quality house, which will house five chickens.

For this purpose it is possible to make a coop with your own hands, it will be a mini version, not a full-fledged pasture for the birds. To find out what materials you will need and also what else is needed for construction, only need to study this article.

Features a mini-chicken coop for 5 chickens

To manufacture their own hands the hen house in the country or in a private home, do not need a lot of time and effort. To accommodate a few chickens, you need to make a very small room, which in winter will retain a sufficient amount of heat. In the warm season the chicken will only sleep in it, and also to lay eggs. The rest of the time they will spend outside in a specially fenced area.

Perfect area for walking is at least two times larger area than the coop. Very good and economical option would be the area that the prudent landlord will be able to make right under the house.

To make a hen house with your own hands will require not only materials and time, you also need to choose the right place. On this site there should be no draughts, and shade, but also need to ensure that the house does not get direct sunlight. The area must be dry, otherwise the entire room will be raw and will soon rot, and the hens will be very uncomfortable to be there, with the result that they can get sick and die.

You can not pay attention to what the plot will be a slight bias. It can even contribute to the fact that the sediments will not accumulate on the surface, they alone will drain away from the house. To determine the size of coop you can study veterinary standards, according to which on one square meter of the coop is allowed to have 3 hens.

This means that the mini-chicken coop for 5 chickens should have a minimum size of 2 square meter ofa smaller size is invalid because the chickens there will be uncomfortable, they will interfere with each other, and this will affect the application of eggs. If the area of the coop is too small, the birds themselves will signal their discontent, they will become more aggressive and will cease to lay eggs.

What you need to know about building a hen house with your own hands

You need to understand that the construction with his own hands a good chicken coop will not work if you expect that will be able to use improvised materials. Care must be taken that the coop was very good insulation. It is very important for chickens, because otherwise they just freeze in the winter, and this initially will reduce the amount of an offering of eggs, and then cause their death.

It is also necessary to understand that if chickens are cold, they will need more feed, and it will hit the wallet. Therefore, the insulation should be taken seriously.

Positive quality of such a coop is that it will serve as an excellent decorative element of landscape design of the plot, of course, in the event that all of this work correctly to beat.

First we need to explore various options chicken coops that you can find in the Internet the pictures or videos. Once ideas formed in the mind, we can safely start building their own chicken coop.

As we have learned earlier, the coop will not take up much space, because of its construction on the site will not occupy a lot of time because of the small size. You can build with your hands a mini-coop that will look as spacious cage. This option has many advantages, chief of which is the portability of the device, that is, the construction can be at any time to drag to any part of the territory. The cell size is very small, and therefore, it can be very easy to transport. If you want you can even attach to the bottom of the several wheels, then the movement will not be easy.

The design of the house will be very simple. And another positive quality is that this mini-coop will not violate the landscape of the areabecause under him, there is no need to pour the Foundation. The area that will be under the cage, you can plant grass, or sprinkled with gravel.

Necessary tools and materials

First you need to compile the required list of materials. Something may already be on site, so do not immediately rush to the store, you need a good walk through their territory and find all the necessary that you can use, and the remaining materials have to buy more. For example, beams of wood that will be used to build a frame chicken coop can be located on the site after any other construction works.

Here is a list of materials that will be needed:

  • the beam 50 to 50 mm;
  • the rake of wood 2 to 3 cm;
  • a sheet of plywood;
  • the wire-netting;
  • or pipe fittings, of metal;
  • any slate and tiles;
  • foam;
  • wool or any other insulation;
  • hinges for doors;
  • screws, and nails.

Tool required:

  • saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • hammer.
  1. As mentioned above, it is necessary to consider possible structures and then make a rough sketch, which you can then navigate. You should immediately think about which side will be the entrance and Windows. This is necessary in order to plan the location of the roost and nests. Socket must be installed in the far corner of the room. First construction is necessary to cut a billet of wood and plywood (1 m long, 2 m wide, 0.7 m tall). It is better to comply with required dimensions, because the pieces will make a sturdy frame and wall. And if you do not get directly in size, you will have to buy again or look for sheets of plywood. Purse for such negligence is clearly not say thank you.
  2. Going frame. That was a big reliability, it is necessary to cut grooves and they have to connect the parts together. As fastening element, you must use screws.
  3. Left at the side of the buildings need to make the door, through it, the chickens will get out. And the front will be a larger door to get inside to clean and disinfect.
  4. Inside the frame is sheathed with plywood. For mounting, use screws.
  5. On the walls we need to consolidate the insulating material and then clean the covering the outside. It is best then paint the resulting design, it will protect the tree from adverse environmental influences.
  6. Go to manufacture of the legs, the height of which is 50 and 70 cm you Need to make 8 pieces, the distance between them will be 0.5 m. the site of attachment it is advisable to note in the drawing, it is necessary that in the process of installation did not have any problems and confusions.
  7. You can fill the cross rails on the roof, and then secure the insulation and cover all the leaf roof. Inside the lid is clogged with plywood.
  8. The main part is ready, now you can go to the construction of the paddock, which will be directly under the house. Its size should be about 2 times bigger than the coop. Made walking very easy. You need to drive the rods, they pull the metal mesh to lock it. The edge of the mesh should be good to join the coop. If this is not done, the chickens will be able to get out and run away forever.
  9. In order to care for the chickens have not created any additional problems, it is better to make a small door to go inside yourself. Size portable chicken coop will be too large, and therefore, will not be any problem to build it in the country or in a private house with his own hands.

Decorating the area with chicken coop

At the same time to decorate your site with the help of coop, you can add some decorative elements. The roof, for example, can be made not flat, but shaped like a house. If the area has recently undergone renovations and has remained part of the roofing material, you can use it to attach to the roof of a mini-coop.

And very funny it will look if there will be a booth for the dog, which is made approximately in the same style. Of course, the dog that will be living in the neighborhood, must be non-aggressive and not to bring inconvenience to the hens. If such a house there, we can safely acquaint new neighbors with each other. This coop will look like a real human house, which is a great option for decorating the plot. In General, it is only necessary to include fantasy and yard will sparkle with new colors, but also very surprised neighbors.

Good luck in breeding chickens and built a beautiful chicken coop.

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