The only ancestor of all modern species of rabbit is the wild European rabbit. Breeding in the home, began to engage about 1,500 years ago. This is due to the delicious meat and fur pelts.
Due to high fertility, a person is able to select the most successful individuals. In the wild, defective copies are eliminated by natural means. In vitro, it is possible to preserve important characteristics.
Breed rabbits for domestic breeding, with photos
Before you breed rabbits in private, you must define the goal. All different types are in the following areas: meat, meat korkovye, decorative and fur. Novice breeders, to better focus on local climatic conditions. Selected breeds of rabbits that are most suitable to them. To avoid confusion in this species range, photo provided.
Meat breed rabbits
Such category includes individuals, quickly gaining live weight. With proper care and proper diet, after 6 months they can score. The separation of meat and meat-fur categories, the rather symbolic. Most often, plant breeders, working on getting a good fur, priority is put on the quality of the meat. For this reason, sometimes these two directions are combined.
The most popular broilers are the following:
- Californian – turned by crossing several of the European breeds of rabbits. Very hardy, easy to adapt to different temperature limits. Bred as in the Northern regions, and any other. Have an attractive exterior appearance: white fluffy fur, black and brown spots on ears and nose. Adult rabbit medium-long body, small head and short erect ears. When developed muscles, endowed with a light bone structure. Gaining weight up to 5 kg in 2 months. Activity of males leads to frequent kindling, each for 8-9 bucks.
- Soviet chinchilla hybrid created from two species: the White giant and Chinchilla. Adult specimens in 4 months gaining 4-5 kg, rounded and compact forms of housing. The body length is 65-70 cm, chest girth of 35-45 cm the Head is medium size, with vertical ears. Have a rich, dense fur, a grayish-bluish tint. On the legs and abdomen, it is more bright. A distinctive feature is the uneven color: the bottom is a solid gray, top is silver, with a light white, and the tips are black. The breed is considered to be precocious and hardy to cold.
- Black-brown – his progenitors are considered to be three types of rabbits: White giant, Flemish giant and the blue Vienna. Immediately struck by its large head, with long ears, about 18 cm. the Body is elongated, about 62 cm and the chest is broad. You’ll be the fat back and fleshy sides, elongated, thick limbs. The characteristic thick and long pile of skins, brownish-black colour. The average weight of Mature individuals is 6-7 kg.
- Silver obtained by breeding and selection of purebred Sampana. Domestic representatives of the more prolific and hardy. Small erect ears, adorn the compact head. Torso medium parameters, length 55-57 cm chest up to 36 inches in coverage. Paws muscular, set wide apart. To 4 months, the animals deep black color, with white highlights. Then become a little lighter. Ideal for breeding in the regions of the middle band.
- The Flemish giants are among the meat group, stand a giant parameters. With good care, can increase the weight up to 10 kg, body length – 70 kg. Animal with a calm and peaceable disposition. Their meat is very tender and juicy, and the fur is valued for its density and extraordinary color. In many countries, this breed is taken as the basis for the breeding of others. Only the complexity of the content happen. The bunnies are the problem, not always a good kindling.
- The new Zealand white rabbit for Russia, the breed is rare, but easy in cultivation. Adult weight about 6 kg, in the absence of fat. The skeleton is well developed, the head is small and ears are short. Fur pure white color, without foreign inclusions. Female rabbits at a time carrying up to 11-12 bucks, which themselves feed milk. Those, in turn, rapidly gaining weight. Already in 3 months can increase 3-3.5 kg. in case of cell contents, do not feel discomfort.
In addition to these representatives, it may be noted Grey giant. This breed of rabbits is cultivated at home.
Home breed rabbits
Such instances of universal purpose – for meat and for skins. Able to live on the street or at home. In cold weather they can freeze. Therefore, they are equipped with special cages in the room. They should not be released as it fans all to chew on and mess up. For convenience, the bottom of the enclosure is lined with a layer of straw or sawdust.
Widely distributed the following types:
- The butterfly was previously classified as a decorative breed of rabbits. Then crossed with Flemish giant and the blue Vienna. Now appreciated for its high performance skins, with a characteristic black spot on the muzzle. Can be different colors: white, grey, blue, brown. Spinal line is the resin band. Body elongate – 55-56 cm, with a compact head and short ears, paws long. The backbone of developed, back and chest extended. Weight – 4.5 kg.
- Vienna blue – evanescent hybrid form derived by combining Flemish giant and Moravian blue. Can be attributed to meat-the selfish type. Their home country is Austria. Give quality meat with high levels of taste. Have a beautiful fluffy and soft fur, gray-blue tint. Body is proportional, neat head with rounded ears.
- RAM – his name was long and drooping, like a sheep, the ears. Animal, pleased with a pretty face. Found in a variety of colors: brown, gray, blue, brindle, and others. Depending on the species, range indicators: weight, color, length and density of fur. These rabbits are bred for their meat and hides. The dwarf variety is grown as Pets.
- Ermine breed come from England. In the past century was introduced into our country. Stands out with extraordinary black-and-white color scheme, an elongated body and an ink ears. Adapt well to harsh climatic conditions. Often, they are cultivated for the prominent fur.
- The Soviet Marder is a hybrid of the two double screen breeds of rabbits: Ermine and Chinchilla, with the addition of a blue blood of some Armenian rabbits. The result was vysokopitatelny breed on the outer exterior. They have soft fur and bright, brown color. The hue can vary from light to more intense. Develops slowly, is bred solely for obtaining high-quality pelts.
- Rex came as a result of natural reversion of Flanders. Fur is considered as an option, because of the unusual plush fur. The main color is chestnut, with light individual panels. For a gentle and playful disposition, often give birth in the house.
A number of domestic representatives are of the dwarf type, which are bred for the sake of personal pleasure. With them I love to entertain children, as they are kind and accommodating.
Down breeds of rabbits
Of all the types of this category, the most significant exhibited Angora and white down. This includes the Kirov and Kursk rabbit. They are very prolific, but not always able to feed all calves.
The Kirov is the result of hybridization of the local Arctic Fox varieties of Angora. Body type – strong and muscular, and fur – rough. In a year they shoot up to 400 grams of down. Kursk rabbit, obtained by infusion of blood to Angora, White giant. For the year issues of the order of 350-400 grams of fur raw materials.
Fur-bearing species are characterized by a thick and long pile fur.
So, the breeders are valued:
- Angora down – the indigenous inhabitants of Turkey, whence they are exported to other European countries. The trunk is thick, short cylindrical design. Head small, with short ears. Are: white, gray and beige colors. The length of the pile reaches 23-25 see For getting down, they are regularly combed and sheared once a quarter. With each unit comes out to 200 grams of valuable raw materials.
- White feather – a hybrid of domestic production, which appeared in the last century. Has a rather large size, with an average weight of 4 kg. Rabbits look like fluffy balls. Fur has a high elasticity and a length of 15 cm, the Breed adapts well to the middle climatic zone.
Breeders constantly are working on breeding rabbits with higher technical and decorative characteristics. The priority is put not only on quality skins and meat, but also on the ability to adapt to the harsh climate and infections. And what breed of rabbits to breed in private, everyone chooses according to his preferences and interests.