
The use of rabbit manure as fertilizer for vegetable garden

Rabbit droppings are among all kinds of manure is considered the most valuable. The composition of this fertilizer exceeds by several times the amount of nutrients contained in bird, horse or cow manure, but is it worth it to use for flowers and fruit-bearing trees or is it better to replace chemical substrates?

Rabbit droppings as fertilizer: useful properties and composition

The manure of rabbits is rich in trace elements and various organic compounds, and due to the special secretion of the body of rabbits and the unusual diet of these substances are fairly easy to digest.

The chemical composition of 1 kg of droppings:

  • calcium oxide 4 grams;
  • magnesium oxide 7 grams;
  • nitrogen 6 grams;
  • potassium oxide 6 grams.

The value of rabbit manure is also due to the proportionality of potassium and nitrogen. The fact that the other types of litter some of the elements prevails, which may adversely affect the quality of the fertilizer.

Thanks to phosphoric acids and other useful components of the rabbit manure replaces two or three packages of chemical fertilizers:

  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • a potassium salt.

Also rabbit manure as fertilizer benefits that are more active can loosen, soften, saturate and warm the soil. Another advantage is that it can be used without prior composting, since the mass does not contain viable seeds. This fertilizer works even in seemingly unrealistic conditions – clay soil structure of the three-year processing after processing becomes a favorable soil for the plants.

The use of rabbit manure

As fertilizer rabbit manure can be used as individual gardeners and vegetable growers and farmers of the industrial scale.

The raw material most often used:

  • in greenhouses – for growing crops on a massive scale;
  • when earthworms and production of humus;
  • for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms and champignons;
  • in floriculture (both holiday and home);
  • for growing forage crops.

Rabbit manure can be transported in larger quantities and a smaller transport capacity, as it contains less moisture than in cow’s raw materials.

A fresh new look

While fresh manure, as fertilizer it is used rarely. Directly after harvest in anticipation of winter in the area, you can scatter fresh manure that will nourish the weak saturated or depleted the land of nutrients.

Throughout the winter period, the fertilizer will have time to freeze and decompose, losing the decay products. During spring thaw, the melt water will dissolve the pellets and deeply impregnate the soil with beneficial elements. If the ground cover along with the sub-genres, after spring ploughing, hay work well as a mulch and feed the soil, decaying even more. Planting desirable to process fresh manure, methane and ammonia, decomposing, burn the young shoots.

Manure composting

If the compost was laid in the early spring, it can be used by the next winter, as it was at this time he will be perfectly prepared. The raw material spread on top of soil, then dug up, making the soil before spring sowing and plantings and rich in nutrients.

For fruit crops compost diluted in water for feeding. It is often used as mulch, as it prevents the drying out of the soil and the appearance in it of weeds. Protect from freezing garlic, planted before winter, it is also possible, using rabbit droppings. For this you need tight “shelter” seedlings raw materials.

The dry raw material

Rabbit manure is used exclusively in a dry form, which makes it unique among other types of organic matter. The pellets are dried well under the sun or burnt, pounded to powder, then mixed with the soil. One tablespoon of this powder is added to 3 kg of the earth. Diluting dry raw materials with water, experienced Housewives are fed as gentle garden, and whimsical home plants. For good results must comply with several different aspect ratio than the lure of the garden. If the mixture is liquid – teaspoon mixed with 3 l of water, and if a dirt – same proportions, only with the ground.


Humus is manure-compost heap, uniform and loose, the consistency of which resembles high-quality topsoil. The most fertile humus obtained after processing the earthworms, because these plants improve the porosity of any soil several times. Another advantage of rabbit humus – the almost complete absence of smell. To saturate the soil humus scatter plot and dug over.

Basic rules

Before you purchase rabbit manure, you need to learn the rules of its application.

How to use compost

  • to use as a mulch, mixing with raw manure;
  • under spring planting to add to the soil when digging;
  • to lay directly in the pits before boarding (not more often 1 time in 2 years);
  • diluted with water to use as a top dressing.

The action of liquid dressing is influenced not so soft as it might seem at first glance, so they should also be used with caution. Frequency should not exceed 2 times in 1 year, concentration – not more than 2 L. per 1 sq. m.

You can use rabbit droppings in dry powder form as soil fertilizer before planting. In horticulture it is used diluted with water as a feed. Humus can be used when planting winter crops, economic crops. Liquid feeding contributes to feeding of different cultures, when plowing. Before planting potatoes, beans and other root crops, solanaceous plants and berries, the raw material greatly enriches depleted soil.

How to store and harvest

To use rabbit manure in several ways, but the most popular bait and composting.

When the technique of composting in a compost pit to raw rabbit is added to other organics: food waste, manure of other animals, fallen dry foliage. The substrate is evenly rotting during it is necessary from time to time stir with a shovel. To worms compost is processed to the desired consistency, but do not eat it, they need time to remove.

Lower layer by throwing the compost in the pit, should be removed, as it contains the greatest number of worms. To organize the manure pit should be in the shade. The raw materials should regularly moisturize. In the cold season, the pit covered with a tarpaulin and sawdust to keep it warm.

The second method is baiting and they are prepared for this recipe: 2 kg fresh dung mixed with 12 liters of water. The solution needs to steep and periodically pomeshivayte. When the slurry became a completely homogeneous solution is prepared. Option dry – powder pellet of dung, which should be stored in a dark, dry place. This should ensure that raw material doesn’t dry out, otherwise it can be used for a liquid solution.

Rabbit manure and myths about him

Security and unshakable faith in the benefits of rabbit droppings for the garden and garden – a favorite myth and the biggest mistake of novice gardeners and farmers.

The myth of the fresh manure. Fresh litter contains urea, and is an aggressive acid and nitrogenous compounds. Manure in the soil decomposes in the interaction with bacteria and warms it, and all those in it. In this process, from the soil, it emits methane and ammonia – are harmful to plants gases. As a result of such feeding all the vegetation in the garden will burn.

The myth about a special manure treatment with boiling water. As in the situation with the processing of meat, milk, vegetables and fruits, when exposed to the manure is too low or too high temperatures, destroys virtually all the goodness of manure, and with it the meaning of his existence. Nitrogenous nutrients are destroyed when exposed to frost, and it is this element essential to all species for vegetation.

Boiling water kills in a litter is a significant part of the acids and trace elements. By doing so, the inexperienced farmer the quality of manure as fertilizer is completely worthless. Opponents of zastivanje should know that this method only kills 50% of useful properties, which upon dilution with water they can revive.

The waste product of the animal – one of the safest fertilizers for the garden, garden and even a muslin house plants. Even the capricious soil will give good results if the pre-to handle it properly. The whimsical fruit-bearing plants will enjoy seasonal treats if you give them proper attention and time to give enough of a useful fertilizer. The garden will Shine with the colors of the red tomato, green cucumber and purple eggplant if you do not forget to cover the earth in winter, rabbit generous “gifts”.

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