The broiler meat is considered very profitable occupation. Rapid weight gain, high productivity and excellent taste qualities of meat are the main criteria characterizing the chickens in this direction.
However, in the process of breeding and keeping poultry farmers face specific nuances and problems that require special attention.
At home, typically, broiler chickens are grown intense way. Young buy every 3-4 months throughout the year. Broiler chickens are not released to the paddock and feed a homemade mix or complete feed. Slaughtering chickens is when they reach 2-2,5 months., so as to keep them longer does not make sense – with age, the development of the birds is slowed down, so the return feed is reduced.
Feeding broiler at home
Distinguish the following stages in the development of broilers, each of which has its own diet:
- Nutrition of Chicks from birth;
- the diet of birds after 20 days of life;
- the feeding of the broilers until slaughter.
With the aim of a rapid increase in the mass of nestlings intensively watered and fed. Once a week during the morning falling is added to a pink solution of manganese.
When growing broilers grass you must mow and finely chop. The collection must not contain celandine, as it is poisonous. Little fledglings per day in total (on the pack) eat about 1 kg of feed/day. Gradually, this norm increases and the end of fattening up to 6 kg.
In the period of the plumage broiler Chicks to their diet must include fresh cabbage leaves. They contain an important element, such as sulfur, necessary for intensive growth of feathers. Broilers from the moment of birth require a special diet, which is made appropriate to their age.
For the full and proper development of the Chicks must get a specific set of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Unlike conventional chickens, the crosses need to be feed with a high content of vitamins and protein.
For this there are the following kinds of feed:
- Starting. Designed for feeding Chicks. This type of feed contains large amounts of protein needed for healthy growth and development of Chicks.
- Finish. It is used for cultivation of broilers, has already reached six weeks of age. The protein content in the feed reduced to 20%. A bird eats it to the face.
But the special feed are used mainly by the owners of the broiler poultry farms or large-scale farmers. In the private sector to save the bird feed dry mixtures of grains and various mash. Broilers also good feed on the waste from the kitchen.
How to feed broiler Chicks from birth?
The daily diet of broilers does not differ from feeding the Chicks the same age of other rocks. In fattening poultry for meat it is important factor is the mode of feeding. Chicks have to get food at least 8 times/day at regular intervals of time.
From the first days of life the Chicks do give protein and carbohydrate food. This is a common cereal mixture and powdered eggs – these components should form the basis of the diet. It is necessary to add the vitamin premix and mineral supplements. As the broilers used at the genetic level eat dry food, households need to ensure dry millet, which give 5 times/day.
Many poultry breeders are fed regular chickens boiled egg. Crosses to do notbecause it may lead to the development of diarrhea and the further deaths of birds. To drink day-old Chicks, preferably with an aqueous solution containing a specific drugs, or a weak solution of manganese.
How to feed broiler chickens at the age of one week?
Chicks surviving to 5-10 days of age is the first step to successful poultry raising. However, you should not relax, as a seven-day old chickens are beginning to grow and develop. Now their diet is necessary to diversify.
On the fifth day of life to the toddlers diet add the following products:
- Starter feed;
- grated carrots (5 g/head);
- dry food, which should always be present in the trough;
- chopped fresh herbs (nettle, alfalfa, onion);
- with 10-day-old Chicks are fed curds and whey, which is added to the mixture. Pure dairy products to give undesirable.
- Starting with a seven-day old Chicks needs to obtain grated carrot or pumpkin.
As a preventive measure broilers need to drink Travicom (5 gr./1 liter of water). In addition, the coop put an extra feeder with shell, chalk or gravel.
How to feed broilers in the age of two weeks?
Broilers at the age of 14 days remains dry feed mixtures and feed and greens and dairy products. As crosses have a pretty weak stomach, new components are introduced into the diet gradually.
Some breeders in fattening of broilers on meat use moist of fodder, however, we need to be extremely careful and to introduce moist food gradually.
Chickens at the age of 1.5-2 weeks for prevention of coccidiosis drug may be given to Bikox, which is diluted at a ratio of 0.5 gr. funds /1 l of water. Three days before the introduction of Bicocca birds begin to drink water with a solution of vitamin B.
Feeding twenty chickens
Upon reaching the chickens aged three weeks is an active muscle mass and the bird reaches the peak of intensity of growth. In this period it is necessary to diversify the diet and increase the rate of feeding. Replace the starter feed for fattening, add the animal products and increase the amount of protein.
At the age of 20 days in the diet of broiler Chicks added the remains of bread or boiled potatoes.
In the feed mixture is added to boiled fish, 2 oz. Baker’s yeast, meat and bone meal and offal. To prepare the mash using broth. Fish and meat must be fresh, otherwise the chickens may die.
Greens give cabbage, nettle, dandelion, lettuce. As a source of vegetable protein in mash add sunflower or peanut meal. In order to prevent various diseases is recommended every two days to water the birds with a weak solution of manganese.
A monthly feeding of broilers
In the basis of the diet of chickens at the age of 1 month consists of crushed grains of wheat, oats, corn and peas. All components can be mixed in equal proportions and diluted with serum or meat broth. In a mash add the cottage cheese and fish oil. It is also necessary to provide the bird with sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. For this, the ideal option would be greens from the garden. Broilers are happy to consume beetroot and salad leaves, cabbage, green onions.
Hens older than one month can be given pre – sprouted barley and wheat.
Instead of feed allowed to feed the birds, finishing with a mixture consisting of the following ingredients:
- 25% of wheat and barley;
- 20% of the soybeans and corn;
- sunflower oil cake – 5%;
- peas – 10%.
At any age the broilers should be added to the feed of crushed chalk and limestone, yeast, vitamin supplements, fish flour. The chickens eagerly eat the flesh of the courgettes and pumpkins as well as fresh food waste.
How to feed broiler right?
For broiler production must adhere to the following rules of feeding:
- The feeder should always be full, so the chickens have eaten enough.
- In the diet of laying hens should contain calcium Supplement, or just eggshell. As filler you can also use ground chalk.
- Because chickens are happy to regale environmentally friendly and good for pasture, so in the summer they can be put on the meadows where they eat and, consequently, the cost of special food will be reduced.
- To prevent the chewing muscles in the mouth, the broiler add the sand. Because birds lack teeth, grinding of food occurs only in the stomach by its contraction. Sand turns large pieces of food into smaller ones.
- Food made from high-quality grain, you need to keep, otherwise you risk harming the bird population. It is stored in dry, sealed and tight containers, otherwise the food may be spoiled. In addition, chicken food should be protected from wild birds and various rodents, is able to bring in food viruses and parasites.
An important point is to care for feeders and drinkers. Unsanitary conditions can cause digestive disorders in broilers, that adversely affect the growth of chickens. Therefore, containers for water and feed required to the extent of contamination wash thoroughly in hot water.
Crosses are practically omnivorous, however their diet should not include the following products:
- Cheeses;
- cocoa and chocolate;
- jam;
- butter and vegetable oil in pure form;
- fresh milk;
- the skins of citrus and melons;
- sausages.
When feeding broilers wastes from the kitchen should be careful not to allow the remains of the above products do not hit the chickens in the trough.
Feeding broiler feed: useful information
Feed – the main element of the diet of broiler chickens on all farms and farms.
When growing crosses in the backyard without special conditions and in small parties, feeding the feed can be cost prohibitive.
- First, large enterprises in the norm of feed is strictly dosed.
- Second, the feeding of broilers on poultry farms weekly weighing of birds to determine the required dose of feed next week.
- Thirdly, the feed is chosen depending on the age of the Chicks and has a different nutrient content according to immediate needs of the body of birds.
Of course, it is possible to organize at home, however, such manipulations may cause some difficulties. Therefore, feeding calves forage impractical.
Economical options feed
- Food just dry food. Many owners of bird population claim to broiler feed exclusively dry food is much easier: so much easier to care for chickens, this is especially important for large farms. Wet mash is cheaper, however, its preparation requires a paid man-hours. In addition, there is the likelihood of health problems poultry because of the high risk of a defective component. Dry food initially has a balanced composition that provides optimal growth of broilers. In this feeding, the bird rapidly gaining weight, while the use of wet meshanok case of a delay in growth and weight gain (up to two weeks of normal).
- Very often, farmers use the wet mash (0.5 l broth, water, dairy products to 1 kg. of dry feed), which significantly reduces the cost of food. In addition, savings create the remaining food off the table (vegetables, cereals, yeast etc.) and fresh waste, which can be added to the mash. This option is suitable for households with a modest budget and a small number of broilers (100 heads).
- Combo diet. Has several variants: dry food is added directly to the mash; in the trough is always kept dry food, but wet is used as a Supplement.
- The use of bmvd (protein concentrate), which is composed of biologically active substances, vitamins. Add bmvd in dry food can significantly reduce feed costs as much as possible to enrich the menu of broilers, improving meat quality, productivity and contributing to greater resistance to various diseases. This method is ideal for large poultry farms.
Providing competent care and optimal conditions of feeding and housing of broilers, for the period from may to August, you can fatten two batches of broiler chickens. Thus, the costs for food will be minimal, and you will be provided tasty dietary meat.