
What to feed rabbits: feed and feeding conditions

The rabbits are versatile animals, so they often are bred on farms. With rabbits you can get and dietary meat, and valuable fur, and fertilizer for flower beds and vegetable gardens.

But the rabbits were, they must be fed properly, and this will be explained in detail below.

Feeding rabbits at home for beginners

For all living beings, including for rabbits, it is very important correct diet, because it very much affects the quality of meat and skins and animal health in General. A bit of anatomy: the stomach of the rabbit consists of a rather weak muscle and gut it as much as 10 times longer than the rabbit. This implies that the stomach and intestines of animal all the time must be filled with liquid and food.

These little Pets are eating small portions, but constantly, therefore, their digestive system never remains without work. This implies that the feeders and waterers in cages should always be full.

As to the violations in the digestive tract and various digestive infections rabbit can become seriously ill, he needs a full range of all vitamins and minerals.

So, what you can feed rabbits:

  • the diet must be grass, leaves and vegetable greens;
  • bark and twigs (birch, oak, Apple, cherry, willow, etc.);
  • food that contains protein and fiber;
  • food with starch (to give it in strict dosage, no more, no less).

Food for rabbits, both natural and manufactured, directly affects the speed of the digestive processes of the animal. and this is, in General, affect his health.

What to feed rabbits

So, what do people eat rabbits? What is the best food for rabbits? In this question it is necessary to look very carefully and describe all types of feed. Animal that live in natural environment, able to get all the nutrients and trace elements. But what to do when a rabbit lives in the home, in a cage? Novice breeders need to clearly understand this question.

So, a full diet of these animals should consist of the following elements:

  • roughage;
  • green forage;
  • juicy feed;
  • concentrated feed.

Now everything in order.


Roughage for rabbits is the main source of fiber, which plays an important role in digestion. Forage can include grasses, hay, straw, flour, herbal, various branches. In addition, they contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

It is very important that rabbits it was always that hay from different grasses. Equally important is the straw of legumes and cereals.

As for twigs, you can use any fruit trees and bushes, as well as birch, aspen, Linden, willow. Collect branches preferably in mid-summer and dry them in the associated form. Winter twigs can be stored directly in the snow. No less tasty for rabbits are pine twigs.

Now about herbal flour, which is obtained after grinding hay and grass: this flour you need to add in the soft feed in the ratio of 1 to 4.

Green fodder

Answering the question of how to feed rabbits at home, it is imperative to mention green forages, and this fruit rind and green vegetation. This food is rich in fiber, are very beneficial to rabbits, as it normalizes the digestive system and beneficial effect on bowel function.

Green forage used in the diet in the warm season, starting with spring and ending in late autumn. For procurement of such feed suitable legumes, grains, meadow grass.

Rabbits love clover and alfalfa, sorrel and dandelions, and among grain crops – corn, barley and oats.
The vegetable topper also relates to green feed,but keep in mind that beet greens can lead to diarrhea. To neutralize its effect, the breeder need to give along with it the bark of trees and twigs.You need to remember that an excess of greens in the diet of animals can lead to indigestion, so the total number of such feed should not exceed 1/3 of the total diet.

Juicy feed

If the green feed given to rabbits during the whole warm season, in winter they are best fed succulent feeds. Most often these include vegetables, silage and special food for rabbits. They are well digested, a beneficial effect on the immune system of the animal, as well as on lactation.

Succulents have their pros and cons. The advantages include high moisture content, carbohydrates and vitamins, but the downside is a small percentage of the presence of minerals, protein and fiber.

The best winter vegetable for this little animal is red and yellow carrots, which completely fills its need for vitamin B and C as well as carotene. Feeding it can be started from three weeks of age.

No less important in feeding the vegetable is cabbage rich in vitamin K as well as protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and sulfur.

With great caution should be fed to rabbits potato leaves (starch requires these animals, but in very small doses). But from feeding tomatoes and tomato stems and do is to refrain.

Rabbits are very fond of melons, namely watermelons, melons, pumpkins, zucchini.

Concentrated feed

What to feed rabbits in addition to greens and fruits? Of course, cereals and forage, which belong to concentrated food. This may also include legumes, fish and meat and bone of uka, and waste oil production.

The concentrated food should be at least 1/3 of the total diet, as it is very rich in protein and nutrients in General.

For example, very useful for all rabbits oats you can give them in unlimited quantities. First, it refers to dietary products and does not lead to obesity. Secondly, oats are very favorable for the bowel.

Not less useful and maize. It can be pre-soaked, you can cook corn porridge (these Pets love to have it).

Bran and flax meal is another excellent additive to the basic diet.

By the way, good to know that feeding rabbits can be done with the same feed used in swine and cattle. The feed for the birds to rabbits is contraindicated because it may contain small stones and shells that are not digested by the rabbit’s stomach.

They eat rabbits at home: vitamins, minerals

These animals are extremely important to get enough vitamins, especially during the cold period of time.

Very important for them fish oil, which is dosed as follows:

  • for kids – 0,5 g on one individual;
  • for adult animal and 1.5 g;
  • for pregnant and lactating females – 3 gr.

Culinary yeast and hay rich in vitamin E, it contains and germinated beans. And from ordinary chalk, the animal may get adequate calcium.

Very important for animals salt, which is necessary to give them in the following ratio:

  • kids – 0,5-1 g;
  • adults – 1.5 g;
  • lactating females – 3 gr.
What to feed rabbits at home: ration formulation

The diet of these animals depends not only on breed and age, but also from the seasons. If the right to distribute food resources between warm and cold period, it is possible to provide the animal a great balanced diet.

So, as mentioned earlier, in the summer, rabbits need to eat mostly green forage. Such food preferably diluted with a little hay or straw, in this case, the moisture contained in large amounts in the greens will cause diarrhea and bloating in rabbits. No less important in the summer and dry additives.

Winter feeding rabbits should be somewhat different. In General, preparation of the winter diet is a complex process, as it is this time of year, animal diet should be as balanced as possible. The main part here should be given concentrated feed, and vegetables that can be kept long (carrots, cabbage). Other vegetables can be given to rabbits in the dried form.

Contraindicated for feeding

Since rabbits have a very weak digestive system, it is impossible to give a number of products:

  • algae;
  • al;
  • the borovnica;
  • Euphorbia;
  • cloves;
  • fern;
  • mushrooms;
  • sugar;
  • snowdrops;
  • walnut, peanut;
  • flour products;
  • honey, chocolate;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic.

If properly comply with these tips, you can successfully breed rabbits and to obtain from this case the maximum benefits and profits.

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