
When to transplant rabbits from rabbit

Novice breeders in the process, faced with many uncertainties and questions. One of those issues that require specific knowledge, is the weaning of young rabbits.

This process should take place on time and according to the rules, so as not to harm fragile babies. This article reveals the question: when to transplant rabbits from female rabbits.

What you need to know about breeding

By the time of birth in the cage put a special box called a Queen cell. Rabbit before the kindling starts to build a nest, visibily fluff on his chest. She carries in a box of hay, making a comfortable shelter for a newborn and make him rest in peace. In the cell must be always full drinking bottle, otherwise the uterus may not begin lactation and she will eat your rabbits.

Babies are born blind and totally naked. Of course, to survive without a mother, they will not. Milk from rabbits fat and calories, so they feed calves only twice a day, morning and evening. It is enough that the rabbits got everything that they need nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

After kindling it is necessary to check the nest on the presence of stillborn rabbits. This procedure is carried out in the absence of the girls as possible.

When you need to transplant the rabbits

Separating time of youngsters is a difficult process, associated with certain dangers immature kids failure to comply with mandatory conditions.

Chose the wrong time can affect the health of babies. Left early without mother’s milk, they can develop gastrointestinal diseases. A prolonged period, may cause harmful impact on mother-rabbit.

When upsetting rabbits from female rabbits? A unified approach to the timing of weaning rabbits no.

You must consider certain factors:

  • breed of rabbits.
  • mating type;
  • features feeding;
  • time of the year;
  • the presence of free cells.

But the most important condition is the ability of a rabbit to exist independently and to eat concentrate feed.

Female lactation lasts 12 weeks, but otsazhivayut rabbits before, to use the productivity of the animal and faster to obtain another litter.

The acceptable age

Up to two weeks, the young rabbits are fed only breast milk and are completely under the supervision of the mother. With 17 days they begin to change teeth and the young, imitating the rabbit, tries the food that you give to adult males. They chew carrots, grass, mixed fodder.

On 24th day the amount needed for kids milk is reduced by half. Rabbits at this age are able to digest other food. They provide green succulent forage and protein, minerals and carbohydrates. However, you should limit the amount of foods that are high in fiber, as its excessive consumption can cause bloating.

The estimated state of the digestive system of the rabbits in the feces, which should be green. At this age the young are physiologically may already exist separately, but the body is still strong enough. Separating time may adversely affect the development and immunity of rabbits.

Monthly baby rabbits should be left to the rabbit. At this age the digestive track of babies just beginning to adapt to the prey. On the 28th day take rabbits only in the case that the day after breeding, the male covered the female. This is necessary to ensure that rabbit was 2-3 days of rest before the next litter.

Normal development of youngsters at this age must have some weight:

  • meat-selfish breed – 450-650 g;
  • feather and selfish breed – 350-550g;
  • meat breed – 500-700g

Breeders determine the timing of when to transplant the rabbits, based on their physical condition and ability to eat solid feed. On large farms, so the kids did not affect the productivity of females, they are moved to the 30 day. In medium farms of this procedure, as a rule, do 35 a day. Some breeders to make kids stronger, leave them with the mother for a longer period and make a Seating chart just for the 40 days of life babies. Rabbits, which were deposited from the mother of 35 – 40 a day, have a small advantage over the counterparts, taken on day 28. For youngsters you want to monitor, so they don’t overeat, as it is fraught with indigestion.

A few rules of weaning rabbits rabbit

Regardless of the timing of weaning, the rabbits in the first 10 days significantly reduced the acidity in the stomach. Food tract of young animals is only beginning to master and get used to rough feed. The strength of the juice is reduced, which can lead to the development of catarrhal symptoms. In diet and quality of food rabbits need to be monitored very carefully. Necessarily in the diet should be mineral supplements.

The risk of loss of offspring significantly reduced, if at 26-28 days after birth, when the kids still live with my mom, to make them vaccinated. Feeding on mother’s milk, baby bunnies safe from complications that can be caused by vaccination.

The choice of how many days to transplant from mother rabbits depends on the techniques of cultivation and breeding:

  • planning to use the uterus up to 9 times during 12 months and to receive from it the offspring of about 60 heads, rabbits is deposited on 28 – 30 day;
  • the plan: get up to 40 young individuals at fertilization females 7 times per year jigging is carried out at 35-36 day. The rabbit in this case is covered after kindling 15-20 day;
  • the most gentle way of disconnecting from the mother’s kids consider them jigging at 42-45 days after birth. In this case, the uterus is used only 5 times and the offspring is smaller. During this time, young finally dialed the number of maternal antibodies and growing stronger. Youngsters can easily transfer on a conventional roughage.

Wanting to get the most gain from each chicken (broiler), contain the kids with the mother for up to two months. The feeding of young is not the usual pattern, is added to swine feed. Note that broiler rabbits in breeding do not go, therefore as early as possible should be neutered, pre -, during jigging, dividing on the floor.

The young sets in a clean, well-disinfected cages. One cell is placed no more than 7 goals. You must make sure that strong and weak rabbits are kept separate, as the first pushed back from the second feed, which may lead to the death of the latter.

After weaning rabbit every family should ensure that its cellular territory. If unavoidable seal – kids from different families are placed in one cell at a time to avoid “clashes” between “old-timers” and “newcomers”. But in this case, the group of young rabbits can be bullies who are locked in separate cells from the rest of the company.

At the age 3-3,5 months are determined by the implementer. Males is deposited one by one, the females two or three. The rest of the rabbits are placed in a cage for two individuals and fattened up for meat.

Methods of jigging

Jigging rabbits from female rabbits can be performed in several ways:

  1. While a single usadke is deposited from all the kidswhen they turn 1.5 months. Rabbits receive the minimum stress, as during this period they no longer need mother’s milk, it is easy getting used to the new food. The rabbit let the children once in two days, but you can do it without such a procedure.
  2. Separating time rabbit. In this method, the youngsters avoiding stress, staying in familiar surroundings.
  3. Gradual or partial separating time rabbits allows the weaker kids to stay longer with the mother. First is deposited stronger, and after 2-3 days rest. This decreases the risk of mastitis at the girls, because the milk gradually.

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