Angora rabbit among his fellows stands out with extraordinary lightness. It is not only the sweetest animal with a funny face, but also a source of very valuable hair and fluff.
Probably everyone had at least one thing unusually soft and pleasant to the touch, made of the same material – angori. Not to worry – for making fluffy tissue no creature was hurt. Wool is produced by combing and cutting of wool rabbits.
The Angora breed is the generic name for the various subspecies of the furry animals which differ in size, color and other parameters.
Appearance the Angora rabbits
Externally these cuties, especially the little ones, like downy balls. Coat sometimes reaches such proportions that completely hides the eyes and legs. Head and torso are elongated, oval. Ears erect on the tips of hanging tassels. The body length of an adult animal reaches 50-60 cm, and weight not more than 5 pounds.
Life expectancy – about 5 years, but with proper care and maintenance in a specialized room, down the rabbits live 6-7 years. Animals Angora breed is very loving and get along well with other living beings. However, if a cat, a parrot or a hamster, the pet will get along without problems, with the dog a bit more complicated. Dogs, even small, in games can inadvertently cause harm to the animal.
The types of fluffy bunnies
Due to the small size Angora rabbits are often referred to as dwarf and ornamental species. Usually these animals make for the production of fluff, because more than 90% of their fur is the most valuable down hair. Now Angora, the breed is increasingly gaining popularity as a pet. This is due to their extraordinary attractiveness, especially the ladies.
In an effort to improve the quality of these lovely creatures, people brought a few rocks:
- English angori. The smallest of the existing species. Maximum weight – not more than 3 kg. At the same time this breed is extremely fluffy. The length of the down hair of the animal reaches nearly 15 cm.
- The German Angora. Weighing up to 5 kg of the breed most frequently used in industrial production. Per year they can collect about 1.5 kilograms of wool.
- The French Angora. Pet grows up to 40 cm, weight about 3 kg. similar in appearance to ordinary rabbits, because their fur covers the body completely.
- Downy Angora. The domestic kind of animals has a good tolerability of the Russian climate. The weight of the severance of approximately 3 to 4 kilograms.
- Giant Angora. The name speaks for itself, the animal’s weight about 5 pounds. In addition to the weight, among other breeds giant rabbits emit red or blue eyes.
How to choose a pet
To choose the right furry friend, you should adhere to certain recommendations. In order to understand if the chosen breed, you should carefully examine the characteristics and rules of caring for a down animal.
Purchase animal is the Angora breed the best professionals, breeders or farmers. Only they will be able to talk in detail about features of the care being.
You should carefully review the appearance of furry animal: bright eyes, the back rounded, the hair grows evenly all over the body. Not to make problems in the future – you need to consider the bite of the animal. Upper teeth “puhovichok” should step on the bottom.
How to care for feather Krol
Particularly seriously should approach the maintenance and care of the creatures of the Angora breed. They have to live in a well-ventilated area, and in cells it is desirable that it was free.
Fluffies can easily catch pneumonia and colds, so you need to maintain dryness in a cage. For the creature was not bored during the absence of the master, in a cage can accommodate balls, tunnels and other rabbit entertainment.
All these items are easy to find at any pet store.
Other recommendations for keeping the animals:
- They used to live in holes and love solitude, so you can build them a small shelter. It can be an ordinary cardboard box, which is hay. This mink is a favorite place for rest and sleep down animal.
- Due to the large number of fluff, an Angora Pets can clog your stomach with the wool, from which alone they are unable to get rid of. If furry animal started there are few, ceased to be active, required urgent examination by a veterinarian.
- Angora pet can be trained to the toilet, which can use an ordinary litter box. A little effort and the pet will begin to go to the toilet independently, often you only need to release it from the cell. Another advantage of accustoming to the tray will be that the rabbit cage will be much cleaner.
- Care required the coat down pet. Rabbit fur must be brushed at least once a week. It is also necessary to regularly wash the rabbit. The need to bathe in warm water, then making sure that the water is not poured into the eyes and ears of the animal. After bathing the rabbit should be thoroughly wet not rough towel and make sure its not blown.
Feeding rabbits and the basis of their diet
Feeding Angora rabbits are not particularly fastidious. The basis of their diet is hay. Regardless of composition, it has many useful properties, vitamins and trace elements, so necessary for the normal development of the furry rabbit. Similar to their fellow rodents, feed them cabbage, apples, beets, carrots. Angortsy also happy to eat cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips. A favorite delicacy for rabbits are bread crackers. The water in the troughs should always be fresh.
In the summer down the animal should be fed greens. This may be a nettle, and burdock, and a Burr. Before giving the rabbit the grass, you need to mash or blend it. Especially good for intestinal function is influenced by the dandelion greens, they are recommended to give every day.
How to breed and train Angora rabbits
Puberty fluffy bunnies comes about to the year. On average, once a grown-up rabbit brings 7-8 rabbits. Reproduction in Angora rabbits is closely intertwined with the intestine, therefore, we must carefully monitor its condition. To make the breeding of downy rabbits source of profit, it is necessary to closely monitor their health. The appearance of Angora is a business card, on which depends its value.
Some of the smartest the breed Angora rabbits are trainable. To down the animal quickly become accustomed to the owner, you need a constant tactile communication with him. A great helper in training engorok are of favourite treats – grain crackers.
In addition, rabbits have an excellent sense of smell, so quickly get used to the smell of the owner. Despite the timidity, Angora rabbits can be taught a few simple commands. However, this will require patience, attention and care. The answer to the question, how much does an Angora rabbit would be as follows: price furry friend depends on age and subspecies. On average, it ranges from 500 – 6000 rubles.