
Snake bite what to do

Snake bite what to do, this article lists some aspects of first aid in case of snake bite.

Often going fishing, the fishermen only think about the good. Most likely, you need. But it is important to understand that fishing, access to nature, for the average person who is used most of the time to spend in the city, is a high risk area.

Can happen, anything from a harmless injury, before dropping under the ice. Usually, the fisherman laugh at such stories and not take them seriously, until they are suddenly one will not be in a similar situation. And it’s important to know what to do and how to behave when trouble happened, as quickly as possible to prevent damaging factors and improve (and sometimes save the life) of their condition.

I want to talk about what to do if You are fishing was bitten by a snake. Meeting with a snake fishing – a phenomenon far not as rare as it may seem to some. This is especially true in the period from spring to autumn. Another important note, if You didn’t notice the snakes near Your fishing spot, that doesn’t mean they are not there. Just snakes usually do not attack first, and just hide in holes in snags in the grass, not falling on the eyes. What can we advise? Their weight, but I’ll try to provide a sequence of actions that will be useful to any angler.

Tips to avoid a snake bite

1.Pre-find out what poisonous snakes live in Your area. The enemy need to know in “person”. This is important because knowing the species of snake, You will be able to suggest where she lives and just not go there.

2.Sometimes, anglers get the bites and non-poisonous snakes, so if the snake bite occurred, try somehow to remember her appearance. This information will be needed the doctor to choose the right method of treatment.

3.If you noticed the hissing snake, very slowly move away from this place. Do not tease the snake, don’t throw it sticks, etc.

Tips if the snake still bit
  1. If the snake still stung, do not panic.

2. Call your doctor, then start first aid.

3. It is strictly forbidden to apply a tourniquet to the bite and the limb (the harness will only worsen the condition of local tissues, up to necrosis).

4. It is strictly forbidden to cauterize the wound, as it forms a scab, which prevents the escape of the poison out.

5. The surest way is sucking the poison from the wound and call an ambulance.

6. How to suck out the poison (fingers to squeeze the wound, to push it out, etc.), you can read in the specialized literature. Suck out the poison takes at least 10-15 minutes.

7. Only, it is desirable that the mouth aid, it was not wounds, but often he would spit the blood that sucked.

8. If sores in the mouth is to suck need a gulp of water, tea, or other liquid, which is intended to dilute the contents of the poison. Then all spit.

9. Bitten it is necessary to give to drink plenty of liquids: water, mineral water, tea, juice. Everything that is, except alcohol. You need to drink evenly, without hurry.

10. If the ambulance was called, give the man a rest, it is best if it will be in the supine position, put your head under a some cushion.


I always take that ….

1.I’m always fishing take Allergy pills. While they are never needed, but if necessary, they somehow can reduce the development of allergic reactions, some of which can lead to death. Such funds are weight, but if You’re able to do an injection on a fishing trip you can take and ampoules of drugs.

2.Going on a fishing trip, give preference to rubber-high boots (even if the street is dry). Remember, the more obstacles the serpent’s teeth, the less deep and dangerous is a bite.

It is very important to extra time to be able to render first aid, not to get lost. To provide on time. You have only 30-60 minutes to minimize the risk of the action of the poison, and that the patient can wait for ambulance. In fact, to save the man and help him really, the main thing is not to panic and not to spare the victim any kind of lamentations – the action, here’s Your “weapon” in this situation. All the best to You.

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