
At what age is best to castrate a cat

Each pet comes with age to the time of puberty, which sometimes entails inconvenience to owners. Walking the cat is under the effect of hormones begins to mark territory, leaving around the house urine odor, constantly shouting, getting aggressive and restless. To avoid this behavior from your pet, many are asking whether and when to neuter a cat at what age to do this is preferable?

At what age to castrate a cat is better

The best time, when you can skin a cat without further consequences for health is the age of 1 year. During this period, ripening young body the animal is already fully developed all the organs of the reproductive system, and good health makes it easy to undergo surgery.

To neuter until the cat is six months of age by veterinarians is prohibited, since his body has not yet fully formed, and external interference can cause serious diseases of the genitourinary system in your pet in the future.

Many owners of furry hunters are thinking about a similar procedure, when the age of the cats are long over 1 year and the reasons for this can be enough. In the first place, not all are able to pay for surgery for their pet at some point in its life or don’t have time to provide it after surgery proper care. Later, thinking about the castration and pet owners who wish to preserve the natural functions of their body, but after a time, just throw up their hands in front of his regular partying and damage things. Sometimes Pets change owners already in adulthood, and the new owners do not want to live with constant problems and worries.

In any case, be aware of the importance of conducting such operations and at what age to neuter cat best of all, should all the owners.

Up to what age can you neuter a cat without consequences

The limit in this case is the seven-year mark, but the operation can also be performed later, for certain indications. Why this age? The fact is that for cats, this figure is equivalent to 45 human years, when the body does not tolerate foreign intervention as easily as before. Anesthesia at this age becomes a test for the animal, so before the operation the pet is required to pass a series of tests. Only after a thorough inspection of the work of his internal organs the vet may give permission for surgery.

It is necessary to hold:

  • complete urine analysis;
  • full blood count;
  • make immunogram;
  • the cat should be fully immunized by age;
  • to conduct a thorough examination, ruling out the presence of disease in the animal.

Typically, after a comprehensive examination of the vets rule out the possibility of complications, but there are times when the body of the pet behaves unexpectedly. The postoperative period in elderly cats is best done under strict supervision of experts.

Indications for late castration

Sometimes vets don’t look atat what age can you neuter a cat. It is important in the implementation of the volunteer program for the reduction of number of homeless animals. The thing is, what breed the cat is capable of all your life and to stop the increase in the number of street animals we must act seriously.

In the cases of Pets, castration at a later age performed only for medical reasons or when use from it covers all possible risks.

Among those reasons:

  • uncontrolled aggression;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • disease of the testes or prostate;
  • removal from breeding.

The latter often occurs with the tribal representatives of the breeds that are at a young age, used for breeding, but will eventually become useless for producing healthy offspring. The animal did not suffer more during periods of sexual heat in vain and do not inconvenience the owners, they resolved on carrying out such an operation. It always happens at the old age of the pet.

Owners of cats that are solved on castration of adult animals is important to understand that it hormones produced by the pituitary gland and even after surgery it may continue to mark territory and call cats. Completely eliminate all troubles associated with sexual hunting pet is unlikely to succeed, castration can only reduce them for a certain period of time.

The pros and cons of the operation

If you castrate a cat before his first spree, you can forever get rid of:

  • aggression;
  • cat marks in the house;
  • surges in hormonal levels of an animal.

Statistics show that neutered Pets are more relaxed, playful and affectionate. They shout less and live 1.5-2 years longer than their full counterparts. It is also important that the operation completely prevents the risk of getting prostatitis in a cat.

Negative side sterilization should include the animal’s deprivation of his basic instinct to reproduce. This increases a cat’s interest in food, so neutered animals often suffer from obesity. To control a pet’s weight, you should feed him only food labeled “For sterilized cats” that are balanced taking into account the peculiarities of their body.

Health risks animal can become and the consequences of the surgery when the pet can become inflamed joints, amritsa bleeding or cause problems with the removal of the anesthesia. To prevent these effects largely help delivered in advance of the tests and careful preparation of the animal.

The rehabilitation period

To carry out the operation in a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. The latter option will reduce the nervousness of the animal, and will protect it from contact with sick Pets before the procedure. In any case, after the sterilization is complete rehabilitation of the two days that the animal spends at home under strict surveillance. Care of animals after castration should be special, because the future health of the pet depends entirely on the owners.

It is important not to feed your pet for 12 hours prior to surgery, so you need to know, how much castrated the cat. After the procedure the animal is also not necessary to feed throughout the day, as the recovery from anesthesia provokes vomiting and nausea. If the animal itself does not show interest in food and on the second day, the owner need a little to feed him liquid food with an eye dropper. To provide animal access to water is very important not only immediately after castration, but throughout the future life of the pet, not to provoke his kidney stones.

The behavior of the animal in the postoperative period is significantly different from the usual. The withdrawal of narcosis is often accompanied by sharp jumps of the cat, trying to hide and run away. At this time you need to follow the animals and not let him get to a secluded place to cat did not violate the seams. For this pet, you need to put on an absorbent diaper in the middle of the spacious room where there are no hiding places for him. The diaper will be useful, since urination can not be controlled at this point. To put the cat on the bed or sofa is not recommended because during the spike, the pet can fall, and the coordination of movement is fully restored only after 48 hours.


No matter how many cat years that castration significantly reduces aggression and clears hormones. Of course, it is better to prevent all possible problems in the future and make pet surgery before his first mating. This ensures that no in the house stinking labels and spoiling things. Castration in advanced for cat age is not always an option, but can be carried out according to certain recommendations of experts, moreover, extend the life of the pet for some time.

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