
Cat watery one eye or both eyes: causes

Most cat owners are faced with the fact that the pet to tear one or both eyes. For some pedigree cats for example, Persian and Sphynx, this phenomenon is normal, but the other Pets increased tears may signal the presence of a particular disease.

Cat eyes is an indicator of her health. In a healthy pet’s eyes clean and wide.

Any unusual discharge from cat’s eyes and increased tears should alert the owner, because such symptoms often point to hidden disease. So why a cat begins to tear one or both eyes? On the causes abundant watery eyes and treatments can be found below.

Why the cat has watery eyes when the tearing is the norm?

To determine the exact cause copious watery eyes can only be a veterinarian. But not always to her eyes at the cats because of health problems. Fortunately, in most cases, this phenomenon is a physiological norm and the owners do not have to worry about the health of your pet. So, why watery eyes and when you can do with hygienic procedures?

Abundant lacrimation is the norm, when the eyes of the cat:

  • not muddy and no apparent injuries;
  • with pinkish or pigmented physiologically by conjuctival;
  • no visible swelling;
  • painless;
  • with shiny the cornea;
  • adequately reacting to light pupil;
  • without the presence of foreign objects;
  • without any additional selections;
  • do not bring your pet unnecessary discomfort (the cat, not t and not squint).

As mentioned above, abundant lacrimation is typical for a certain breed pet.

Watery eyes from the following breeds:

  • Scotch (short tear ducts);
  • Persian (curved lacrimal duct, large eyes and long hair cause irritation of the cornea);
  • the don Sphynxes (entropion);
  • British (a genetic trait manifesting at an early age).

To solve the problem of profuse epiphora in these cases will help the hygiene for the eyes, which should be carried out regularly.

The norm are also the so-called morning tears, which can be seen in the morning or after waking pet. Slight highlighting around the eyes has a whitish color, without any signs of inflammation. Eye-catching the tears help to get rid of these emissions and, as a rule, the tearing takes place immediately after the full cleansing. Hit wool can also cause your pet watery eyes.

Abundant lacrimation is the norm and the newborn kittens a week after the opening of the peephole. The tears of kittens are protective. Tears must be non-viscous and liquid and transparent.

Why watery eyes from pet: pathological causes

Any pathological causes profuse watery eyes should be addressed only after consultation with a veterinarian. An inexperienced breeder is quite difficult to independently identify the pet illnesses, the presence of which indicates watery eyes.

In addition, intense lacrimation during the inspection of a cat owner should also alert the following symptoms:

  • dullness of the eyes;
  • uncharacteristic color of the iris;
  • an unusual reaction of the pupil to light or its absence;
  • the asymmetry of the eyeball or eyeballs;
  • signs of inflammation (swelling, redness, swelling, pus, fever);
  • injury (bruises, bleeding, scratches).

In addition, as a rule, to profuse lacrimation increase, the following problems:

Cat jarit eyes and rubs their foot. Such sign may indicate the presence of optic on a foreign object or an allergic reaction.

  1. Irritation of the cornea. Often irritation appears in the pedigree of cats with volvulus century.
  2. Muddy film covers the eyes of the female. This symptom indicates keratitis and often to the film and adds to the watery redness of the eyes.
  3. The lens acquires a smoky hue. Usually this symptom indicates the development cats cataracts.
  4. Cornea cover the black spots. The symptom usually indicates sequestration and necrosis of the cornea (necrosis).
  5. The cat begins to sneeze, and he has a runny nose. Typical cold symptoms, which in some cases are signs of more complex ailments. Sometimes these symptoms indicate the presence of pet allergic reactions.
  6. The cat becomes lethargic, start to vomit and diarrhea and refuses food. In such cases, the probability of occurrence, the pet is such a hard disease like panleukopenia (cat plague).
  7. There was pronounced swelling of the eyelids and clouding of the cornea. Most of these signs point to an increase in intraocular pressure that occurs in glaucoma.
  8. Have a female appeared a swelling in the inner corners of the eyeballs. These symptoms indicate problems with the lacrimal SAC (curvature, narrowing, blockage).
  9. Edema is present only on one side, and tear one eye. This pattern is typical for toxoplasmosis or teleiose. Sometimes tearing from one eye can indicate the presence in the body of a cat of worms.
What to do if a cat has watery eyes: treatments at home

To treat the cat at home after consultation with a veterinarian as to determine the exact cause intense lacrimation in cats is very difficult. If the pet acts calmly and does not show any signs of anxiety, it is possible to use only hygienic procedures. Perform cleaning and inspection eyes must be regularly and carry out this procedure it is necessary to start from an early age. Little kitty can’t take care of their eyes and to prevent the emergence of problems, the owner have to clean them yourself.

If there is suspicion of the presence of the pet diseases, it is best anything for themselves not to do, and immediately take the cat to the appointment with the vet. The specialist will prescribe tests by which to determine the exact cause profuse tearing and appoint competent treatment. Therapy, as a rule, is complex and is chosen by the veterinary doctor for each individual case.

Treatment with drugs

Not always the hosts have the opportunity to immediately take the cat to the veterinarian. In such cases, you can provide first aid to your pet in their own home with a simple and, in fact, harmless medicines. You can work with the solutions of antiseptic action, for example, furatsilin (0.2 percent). It is also possible to use such aqueous solutions as Levomycetin, Kanamycin or Sofradeksthat it is necessary to drip in eyes of the pet 2-3 drops at least 5 times a day.

For getting rid of problems, you can also use ointments on the basis of antibiotics, which must be applied to the eye area three times a day.

Severe swelling, usually accompanied by painful sensations, and in such cases it is advisable the use of novocaine and hydrocortisone. If in eyes female hit a foreign object, it must be quickly removed. First you need to prepare a pet to this unpleasant procedure and to give him a painkilling injection. Next you need with the help of forceps and a cotton swab pre-moistened with sodium chloride (8,5%) to remove from the eye a foreign object, turning the eyelid out. If the subject will not be able to remove yourself, then a visit to the veterinarian can not be avoided. In some such cases, the cat requires surgery.

Copious lacrimation, caused by an allergic reaction, most often resolves on its own with early detection of the stimulus. The veterinarian may also prescribe hormonal drugs.

Folk remedies and prevention

At home you can use folk remedies. Effective chamomile decoction, which can be cooked in a water bath of flower petals. Decoction to wash the eyes of your pet should be 2 times a day. Chamomile decoction can be replaced with a light solution of potassium permanganate.

To get rid of purulent inflammation will help decoctions of calendula, sage and St. John’s wort. Of them you can make compresses and apply to the eye area several times a day. Rinse visual organs of a pet can also black tea. Better not to use freshly brewed tea and preferably it is stored and then used for the manufacture of compresses.

In order to prevent it is desirable to regularly examine eye pet for contamination and unusual discharge. To wipe the eyes and the area around them with a cotton swab pre-soaked in herbal infusions.

When you can not do without a visit to the veterinarian?

Self-treatment pet, can sometimes lead to further deterioration of the pet.

It is not desirable to postpone the visit to the veterinarian if:

  • cat eyes begin to tear, and suddenly the tears keep flowing for more than a day without stopping;
  • watery eyes accompanied by additional symptoms (anorexia, lethargy);
  • in bright light a cat squints;
  • tear only one eye;
  • tears become uncharacteristic shade becomes turbid;
  • after waking up the cat from the dream of the observed bonding century because of the abundant secretions;
  • tearing is caused by a foreign object, pull yourself which is not possible.

Immediately take the cat to the hospital is necessary in the following cases:

  • if the eyeball pet is traumatized and violated its integrity;
  • is present bleeding;
  • falls eyeball;
  • pet is unconscious or semiconscious state because of the injury to the sight or being hit by a foreign object;
  • if a foreign object has penetrated deep into the optic body;
  • tearing is accompanied by vomiting, irregular temperature and diarrhea.

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