
Dandruff in cats: causes and treatment

Despite popular belief, dandruff or seborrhea in cats – the problem is quite difficult. If the person is found dandruff, wash the head almost every day, then bathe the cat several times a month, and hateful dandruff covers almost the whole body of the pet.

In addition to discomfort, the cat is also significantly deteriorating health without proper treatment. Dandruff behind ears and on back often leads to the formation of purulent pimples in the area where formed the perfect environment for bacteria, fungi and various parasites.

Causes of dandruff in cats

Many inexperienced owners believe that seborrhea the cat appears without any reason and held without proper treatment, without causing any health effects. But this disease is far more insidious than it might seem at first glance.

Sebaceous glands are located in deep layers of the skin. They secrete the fat (sebum), which performs a protective function, coating a thin layer of each hair and forming film. When it detects a cat’s dandruff, the owner sees exfoliated and dead skin cells mixed with sebum. From these scales not escape, but their number must conform to the norm and to the eye they should not be seen. The emergence of a large number of scales always signals problems with health and you cannot ignore them.

So, the main causes of dandruff cats can serve the following internal and external factors:

  • insufficiently moistened air in the apartment;
  • sharp temperature drops;
  • the negative effects of ultraviolet rays (sunburn);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • obesity;
  • incorrect and/or insufficient (excessive) care;
  • unsanitary (fungi and microbes);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and/or urinary system;
  • hormonal disorders (malfunctions of thyroid gland and sebaceous glands);
  • allergic reaction;
  • stress, nervous tension and fatigue;
  • avitaminosis or hypervitaminosis;
  • side effects after taking drugs;
  • improper diet (excessive carbohydrates, a lack of minerals, the introduction of a new product).

Because the reasons of occurrence of dandruff, the pet quite a large number, it is better not to experiment with the treatment and try to put in the home the diagnosis, and immediately after the detection of a significant amount of white flakes on the fur of the cat, to get her an appointment to the veterinarian.

Types of dandruff in cats

Have Pets seborrhea can be dry or oily, depending on the individual cat and the causes of its appearance. Dry dandruff covers almost the entire coat of a pet and showered when stroking against the grain. A fat is liquid or dry.

Seborrhea on the back, tail and ears, as a rule, glues the hairs of cat fur. This phenomenon is typical for liquid seborrhea. The hair also becomes greasy, sticky and looks wet. After stroking the palm of the owner remains a characteristic luster. For thick seborrhea is characterized by oily flakes, which remain under the nails after stroking the pet behind the ear.

In some cases, dandruff in cats has black color. Seborrhea dark color indicates the presence of a pet fungus or germs. Cats of all breeds and colors regular dandruff should have a yellowish, grayish or white color.

What if the cat dandruff: treatments seborrhea

The treatment of seborrhea, the pet depends on the species and the reasons that triggered the problem. It is advisable to take the cat to the veterinarian immediately upon detection of dandruff, but do not try to cure the animal alone at home. The sooner the doctor will prescribe treatment, the better and more effective it will be.

In any case, the treatment of dandruff the cat should be comprehensive and include not only the use of specialized shampoos and medicines, but also adjusting diet and improving the conditions of a pet.

The diet of the pet

To start is to review the diet of cats at the discovery of her dandruff. If you have previously pet ate industrial food economy, it is necessary to translate it to brand not lower premium. The premium feed is more natural and contains more minerals and vitamins. You can transfer a pet on natural food and feed of freshly prepared dishes.

An important role in the normalization of metabolism in cats playing fatty amino acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are also responsible for the condition of the fur of a pet. The cat is also desirable to add vitamin a and sources of which are fish oil, meat products and beef liver.

In catssuffering from obesity, dandruff more often. In this case, you need to make a balanced pet diet and proper.

Appropriate care

With the beginning of the heating season the air in the apartment becomes very dry and lack of moisture leads to dandruff in cats. It is desirable at this time to humidify the air in the house using spray or a special moisturizer. You can also place on flat jars or bottles with water. The cat cannot be allowed a long time to lie near the heater.

The coat of a pet should be brushed regularly with a quality brush made from natural materials. Dry cleaning and combing of hair helps to nourish hair follicles with oxygen, improve blood circulation and stimulate the growth of healthy fur. Subject to the above recommendations, it is much faster to save a pet from seborrhea at home.


To treat pet medicines is not necessary and it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian. In some cases, dandruff is a symptom of a serious disease and the wrong treatment at home may only further aggravate the condition of the cat. The veterinarian will prescribe tests, additional procedures and will examine the pet, and then be able to diagnose and prescribe an effective treatment.

Drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the occurrence of seborrhea. For example, in the presence of the fungal or parasites (fleas or mites) doctors usually prescribe a treatment of antimicrobial and antifungal drugs.

Medicated shampoos and sprays for dandruff

Veterinarians also prescribed to Pets specialized dermatological shampoos that can be purchased in veterinary pharmacy.

Most often experts recommend to use the following tools:

  1. “SynergyLabs Veterinary Formula Antiseptic & Antifungal” – a universal antiseptic with ketoconazole. Saves the pet from dandruff, itching, reduces inflammation. Struggling with the cause of the seborrhea and quickly removes it. In addition to the active substance of ketoconazole in the shampoo composition includes lanolin and aloe Vera. Dyes and aggressive washing components of shampoo also does not contain and washed away the previously deposited drug. Before using the fur of cats need a good comb and wet with cool water. Next you need to apply a small amount onto the fur of the pet and distribute it throughout the body. The shampoo should be left on the hair for 7 minutes and then thoroughly rinse with water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure a couple of times a week until complete disappearance of seborrhea and heal a cat.
  2. “Beaphar Anti Dandruff” – dermatological shampoo for cats and dogs with sensitive and dry skin. The tool consists of natural essential oils of calendula, bergamot, and lavender has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The shampoo is also present salicylic acid and dimethylsulphone. You can use the tool and in a diluted form, applying it on previously wet coat of a pet. You need to keep it for 2-3 minutes and then thoroughly rinse with warm water. This tool can be used for the treatment of periodontitis in pregnant and lactating cats.
  3. “Doctor” shampoo for the treatment of various dermatological ailments, including dandruff. The active substance in the composition is benzoyl peroxide, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, and relieves itching. The product should be applied to wet coat of your precious pet. This should be done massage. To hold shampoo needs about 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water and repeat the procedure consecutively one more time. To use the tool a couple times a week until full recovery of a pet.
  4. “Tropiclean Oxy Med” spray anti-itch on the basis of natural components. The product includes proteins, wheat germ, vitamins B5 and E, salicylic acid and colloidal oatmeal. The spray has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect and reduces swelling. You need to put it on the coat of a pet with the appearance of seborrhea and initial signs of itching.

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