Cat is a common pet. However, bringing a pet, the owner becomes responsible for her health and condition. Your pet was always happy and satisfied, owners must possess a number of skills to care for cats.
Feeding cats
The diet of four-legged Pets must be complete and varied. The basis of it should be meat, dairy, cereal products, cooked cereals, fish, vegetables, eggs. Most cats can produce their own food by catching harmful rodents like mice and rats and bringing this benefit to their owners. However, animals do not always have the opportunity to hunt. Feed cats food from the table should not be. This is because their body poorly absorbs salty, spicy, sweet, and potatoes.
If it is not possible to constantly cook for your pet, you should resort to purchasing dry food. It should be noted that the cheap “field rations” have appropriate quality, but more expensive canned food is much better fed and healthier.
In General, approve the menu for cats preferably with the help of a veterinarian. He will be able to determine what foods or feed, it is preferable for a pet.
Small kittens should be feed every 2-3 hours. The portions at this age should be small. As they grow, the animal increases the interval between meals and increases the amount eaten in one sitting.
An adult cat is usually limited to 2-3 meals a day. The portions should be such that the animal they ate. If, after eating, the cat started to purr and pretty to wash with, so she’s quite satisfied.
It is desirable to develop a pet’s habit of eating at set times, so that in the rest of the time he didn’t bother the owners meow.
We must not forget that in addition to the food, the cat needs water. You need to install a special container, which would be constantly poured freshly boiled water. Access to cats should be free always. Periodically need to replace the liquid and wash the container.
Grooming cats
How to care for short-haired animals
Pets with short woolen cover, is usually to ensure the good condition of fur and rarely need extra help from man. Sometimes such cats need bathing, but to carry out this procedure is rarely and only at great need. As a rule, to maintain the current cleanliness cats are fairly independent of the face language.
How to care for long-haired animals
Cats with long wavy hair requires extra care for your wool covers. The owner will have not less than every 3 days to comb your pet, removing loose hairs. It is easy to do with the help of special combs. These animals, like their short-haired counterparts, do not need regular water procedures. If bathing is necessary, that the ears of the animal you tightly lay a cotton swab.
After bathing the cat should be wiped dry with a towel or a Hairdryer on the lowest setting, gently, without pain or inconvenience, brush the fur to the matted lumps. You must make sure that on the body of the animal debris cat shampoo, otherwise the pet can lick and get poisoned.
Dental care cats
A lot of suffering Pets bring such dental diseases as caries, gingivitis, Tartar, periodontal disease, stomatitis. The symptoms of dental disease serve as a sharp bad breath, increased salivation, swelling of the face, dark plaque on the teeth. Yet another signal of illness may be the refusal of food may cat hurts to chew. Typically, these diseases cannot be cured at home, the cat should be seen by a specialist.
Dental disease, like any other, it is much easier to prevent than to engage in their treatment. The owner need to buy a special toothpaste and toothbrush for cats. To accustom the animal to the cleaning of teeth is necessary from early childhood to the pet gradually accustomed to, and subsequently did not resist the hygienic care of the oral cavity.
Dental health depends on nutritious diet. Balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals food reduces the risk of caries and other diseases.
A good way to maintain excellent condition are the dry food. Consumption of canned food within one month are able to reduce the likelihood of Tartar 2 times.
Some owners sometimes give cats bones to chew to strengthen teeth, as do dogs. However, this prevention method is not valid for these Pets. Cats can break teeth, injure the gums.
Eye care cats
Any, even the most minor and seemingly harmless, discharge from eyes of the pet, in most cases indicates the presence of an infectious process.
Usually it is accompanied by other symptoms:
- eyes red and inflamed;
- the discharge becomes more voluminous, acquire a brownish color;
- increasing body temperature.
First aid the cat in such cases consists of washing the eyes with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile or tea. If the discharge is not stopped or it was added to pus, it is urgent to take the animal to the vet. To prevent eye infections need to regularly carry out the above washing.
Inspection of ears
Many owners do not pay enough attention to the cleanliness of the hearing aid of their Pets, the result is the development of a number of serious diseases. The care of the ears of the animal is in a regular visual inspection and cleaning at least once a month.
Hygienic procedures are conducted using ordinary cotton swabs and special liquid for cleaning the ears, which can be purchased at pet stores. Cats mostly don’t like such procedures, and therefore before cleaning, they should be secured firmly with a towel. Then a cotton swab dipped in fluid, ear slightly turn, and careful motions push the dirt and wax from the depths of the ear outwards.
Toilet cats
Pets should be introduced to the latrines the place from the first days of life, or to do it in a more Mature age will be much more difficult. If the cat begins to behave restlessly, running from corner to corner, scratching the floor with paws and sniff it – then the pet is likely time to relieve myself. Cat need as quickly as possible attributed to the litter. The next time the animal is already own by smell to find their toilet.
Sometimes cat owners, trying to accustom your pet to the pan, raise their voice or even show physical strength. Do this by no means impossible, because it usually has the opposite effect, the cat starts to pee on the floor out of fear or revenge. Even if the owners found the animal at the scene, they have to take it in the tray, accompanying it with a conversation with a convincing tone of voice and gentle strokes.
Kitty litter needs to be changed at least once a day. A cat being very clean animals, and prefer to do their business on the floor of the apartment than in the dirty tray. In addition, the toilet must be spacious for the animal and access to it does not have to be obstructed.
Walking cats
For the normal development of pet need access to sunlight and fresh air, and because some owners are satisfied with their sweethearts walking in the street.
In order to promenade left the cat and the owner, must comply with the following rules:
- the cat should be vaccinated and healthy, her condition did not prevent accidental contact with street animals or other potential carriers of infection;
- walk your pet only on a leash and the flea collar;
- in cool weather the cat in the street to be equipped with special overalls for walks;
- upon completion of the home range an animal should thoroughly wash the feet.
Treatment of diseases of cats
Diagnose the occurrence of the disease in a pet can change its behaviour. Apathy, some lethargy, loss of appetite should alert the owners. If there are more specific symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, bloody discharge in the stool, difficult urination, that animal must, without the slightest hesitation to show the vet.
Some specimens it is difficult to bear the period of treatment and can tear off his bandages, to bite the person making them an injection, etc. In such cases one has to resort to using a special hard collar made of plastic or cardboard. It has the shape of the horn and is fixed on the neck of the animal.
So the cat soon recovered, you must permit the specialist to feed it with vitamins and supplements.
The use of vaccination against disease promotes active immunity and an integral part of the care of cats.
It is generally accepted vaccination for prevention of diseases such as:
- rabies;
- chlamydia;
- viral rhinotracheitis;
- calicivirus.
In addition, the animal needs a vaccination against leukemia, but the vaccine usually makes the pet sterile. Why pedigree cats and cats-the inseminator such injections are not administered.
We are responsible for those who tamed, and therefore any problem of the animal shall immediately become the problem owners. The presence of such a pet requires owners to serious attitude. But do not forget that caring for a cat, for her organization of all necessary conditions for full activity, be sure to be rewarded with love, kindness and affection from the animal.