The appearance of the cat’s offspring is always joyful and at the same time troublesome event. You need to prepare to care for offspring and a new mommy. If the master plan is not to keep a cat’s pride, the question of where to put the fluffy balls of happiness, should consider in the first weeks of the appearance of kittens born.
As a rule, those who want to take home a pet, choose it not only because of breed or color, but also gender. Therefore, the breeder should be able to determine the sex of a kitten at a very early age. For this you need to know a few signsthat will help you to distinguish boys from girls.
But it is necessary to clarify immediately that the coincidence of all signs does not always safeguard against mistakes and even experienced veterinarians not in all cases accurately determine gender. Let’s talk about how to determine the sex of a kitten.
How to distinguish a cat from a cat
How to determine the sex of a newborn kitten and is it possible? Some breeders say that to determine the sex ofthe first date of an animal’s life is not only possible, but easier than in cats teenagers. Little kittens do not yet have a dense fluffy coat and to see the genitals would be easier.
It is important to follow a few rules:
- Kittens can not be taken up in a time when the cat is feeding or licks. It will bring extra stress and mother and the children. This also can provoke the animal to carry kittens from place to place in search of a new shelter.
- You can’t keep them in the hands of more than a couple minutes. Because otherwise the baby will remain a strange smell and the cat may abandon.
- You should use a warm towel or Mat. The tiny kittens are still not working as it should the immune system and thermoregulation, so even in the warm hands they can freeze and catch a cold. Inspection should be carried out by placing a warm towel, piece of tissue or other litter.
- No need to check too often. If after the first attempt has doubts, the cat or the cat to repeat the examination better in a few weeks, when the animal grows up.
Although in the early days of the area under the tail more visible, genitals not yet fully formed. So, if at this age to accurately determine the sex failed, should try again when the kitten will be 4-6 weeks.
Plan of action:
- To wash your hands in case you have to carry out the palpation.
- Awake animal should be gently pick up and put on the soft warm cloth.
- Gently lift the tail and inspect the anus and genitals.
- In some cases, when the floor it is difficult to determine, have to take a few kittens and compare them.
How to tell a boy kitten from a girl
After all the manipulations of the previous paragraph has been done, first of all, you need to pay attention to the distance from the anus to the penis. Have cats it is minimal, is just 3-5 ml, while seals it 8-10 ml. So you should take to inspect several kittens, in comparison it is easier to tell the difference.
Second is form. The female sexual opening (vulva) resembles the vertical line gap. Then, as in males this place is like a circle or oval. Including associative thinking, you can imagine the colon (:). If the genitalia is similar to this symbol, it is probably a boy. The girls vulva is reminiscent of the Latin letter “i”.
Sex organs one can touch those to carry out the palpation, be sure to clean hands. Very carefully need to put pressure on the sexual organ. If it’s a boy, you can feel a small round bogorotsky of 3-4 mm. Those are testicles that have not descended into the scrotum. A fully formed sexual organs of a cat at the age of 18-20 weeks.
Less obvious signs
Say floors cat you can define without looking under the tail. The fact that only cats found tri-color color. It is sometimes called tortoiseshell. Of course, every rule has its exceptions, but rare tri-color cats, as a rule, can not be offspring. They are in 90% of cases are born sterile.
Another sign is the cat’s muzzle. Many are convinced that females face more elongated and neat, compared to males of the same breed. But the problem is that young kittens this feature is not very obvious. And this assessment is too subjective.
In addition to the muzzle, and comparing the size of animals. It is thought that males are born larger than females. In fact, the weight of a kitten more affected his health, and adequate food. If a kid is bothering his brothers and sisters to get to the nipple, it will be puny.
Some owners have closely followed the behavior of their Pets and has determined that the girl cats are usually affectionate, and young seals are often sassy and independent. But particularly rely on this behavioral symptom is also not necessary, because habits often depend on the innate character of the animal.
Most unusual way to distinguish a kitten from a cat cat is voice. There is a perception that girls mew with a more plangent and high-pitched voice, whereas boys are either terse, or have a low tone. This feature is the conditional, because the kitten is a boy weak and thin meow, if, for example, he does not have enough milk or he is weak and sick.
In any case, the nature of the animal does not depend directly on the floor. Among cats, there are aggressive fighters, does not tolerate excess of tenderness, and reverent nature, who will fawn on me and adore to sleep on his knees at the owners. In addition, the behavior affects the treatment of animals. Cat in a constant state of stress, suffering from a rude attitude and improper care is unlikely to become a friendly pet.