
How to get the smell of cat urine – the most effective means

Loved by many cats are cleanly animals, which quickly learn to celebrate their natural needs in prepared for them the tray. But for some reason the cat can begin to use as a toilet, the carpet, the sofa or the other, not intended for this purpose.

Cat urine has a specific smell, causing the whole apartment is distributed unpleasant, strong, characteristic aroma.

Therefore, many owners of baleen Pets interested – than to remove the smell of cat urine, and what means are most suitable?

Causes of feline carelessness

Why cat walking past the tray? The reasons for this may be several:

  1. Not satisfied with the tray. Designed for the toilet capacity must be in a secluded place and be a one and a half times longer than the animal.
  2. Tray rarely bad to clean. Pussy will not defecate and urinate in a dirty, according to them, the tray.
  3. The litter box used by another cat.
  4. The stress and anxiety of the animal. Physical punishment inflicted by the offense or separation from beloved master may cause the pet mental disorder. As a result, he begins to mark a couch, shoes or any other thing the offender.
  5. The health of your pet. If a cat has health problems or is it already old, you may not be able to reach his tray. If the animal celebrated his need right in front of the owner, it is possible that kitty wants to say that she has something hurts. In this case you should take her to the vet.
  6. A new smell or object in a house may seem like the animal the aggressor, who wants to take his territory. To confirm the right of possession, cat marks a new object, which can be even just a soft toy.
  7. Pet periodically to mark its territory. Doing this is not all cats, but some animals quite a bit, but sprayed his urine different places in the apartment. Mark territory more often than not castrated Pets.

Repellent the smell from the marked place comes because the composition of cat urine includes:

  • urinovy acid – a substance that dries quickly and kristallizuetsya;
  • urea falling on the surface, creates the effect of tape;
  • the urochrome gives bright color to the urine.

Not soluble in water crystals to remove items very difficult. Simple detergents are not here to help.

Means for odor removal

Before you run to the store for chemicals, try to remove cat smell in the folk ways.

To eliminate unpleasant odor help for the following handy proven tools:

  1. Baking soda. Before using the baking soda mixed with water. The resulting slurry is applied to the carpet, sofa or other labeled object. Then, using a soft brush, this is the place you need to RUB and leave to dry. The remains of the soda cleaned with a soft cloth or dry sponge.
  2. Vinegar. Tested by many means, which effectively removes unpleasant odors. The smell of the vinegar will evaporate very quickly. Just need to moisten it with vinegar, a rag or a piece of bandage and RUB the place that marked the cat.
  3. A solution of potassium permanganate. Good tool, with which you can remove unpleasant odor. However, the manganese paint, so on a light carpet or the upholstery of furniture and its use is not recommended. To remove the urine enough to dissolve in warm water a few crystals of potassium permanganate, wet in solution a sponge and process the marked place. Such processing should be done as long as the odor disappears.
  4. Alcohol-containing means. Alcohol and other alcohol-based solutions used by many owners of Pets. The stain of cat urine you just need to RUB moistened with alcohol cloth to wait until it dries and repeat the procedure two or three times. Contained in the solution of the essential oil soon weathered, so wash caused the alcohol is not necessary.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. For removing stains and odor need a 3% peroxide solution that you must try on an inconspicuous area of carpet or furniture. You need to look at not fade the surface of the trim after applying the solution. If all goes well, the stain is peroxide, which wetted the rag. Treatment need to spend some time.
  6. Lemon juice. Effective remedy to combat bad smells. Juice to squeeze from fresh lemon in it to moisten a sponge or cloth and applied to labeled cat place. This plot pet not brand, because the smell of citrus cats do not like.
  7. Soap. Old-fashioned way, which was used for generations. Soap rubbed on a grater and filled with warm water. You should get a pasty mixture, which is rubbed into the stain. After twenty to thirty minutes to wash off soap. To use the tool recommended for removing fresh stains.
  8. Glycerin soap. Glycerin successfully combats the unpleasant aromas emanating from the label cat. You need to wet the soap and RUB it into the upholstery using a brush with rough bristles. After this stain is washed with water.
  9. Balusters: stone. Using antiseptic to restore the freshness of the Shoe, which marked the cat. Shoes before processing it is recommended to move to fresh air, because the tool immediately after the procedure will strongly smell. Balusters: stone need to pour in a spray bottle and obrisati them shoes, sneakers or other marked shoes.
Professional chemicals

If people’s methods did not help, to remove odor of cat urine you can use commercially available chemical cleansers.

Nutri-Vet Enzyme Stain & Odor Remover

The structure means includes deodorizing substances and ingredients that have drying properties. Therefore, the drug Nutri – Vet Enzyme Stain & Odor Remover has a function of removing stains and unpleasant scents. It copes with them easily, while the upholstery and carpets do not suffer.

Included in the drug substance destroys the molecules of dried cat urine and cope with coming off it flavors. You can use the tool on the bed pet, furniture, carpet. It will cope with any chronic and complex patches.

The Benefits Of Nutri-Vet Enzyme Stain & Odor Remover:

  • can be used in apartments where there live small children;
  • effectively eliminates old stains;
  • has a gentle pleasant aroma, which after some time disappears;
  • can be used for removal of urine after cats, dogs and any other pet;
  • different economical consumption.

To remove unpleasant odor and the stain, just moisten the medium a rag and wipe the marked area. Stubborn contamination are processed several times.

Naturs Miracle

Product with a soft, delicate effect, which can be used both on carpets and on any things. It effectively cope with stains and odors that originate from upholstered furniture, mattresses, floors, or shoes. The product has a pleasant lemon fragrance, so after processing them cats no longer mark the site. Naturs Miracle is available in the form of sprays and solutions.

Instructions for use:

  • the surface is clean and apply it;
  • soiled surface should be rubbed with a brush;
  • after five minutes, wash off solution with a dry cloth;
  • for greater efficiency, you can not wash off after five minutes, and after drying, vacuum the treated area;
  • to remove old stains, the composition is aged for one hour.

Prior to use small children and animals out of the apartment, it is recommended to remove. Necessary to isolate them until, until the vehicle is dry.

Naturs Miracle is a generic drug that can be used to eliminate odors and stains after any Pets.


The spray from the German manufacturer in its composition contains a substance capable of destroying organic particles, from which emanates an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it can be used to fight not only with the odorsemanating from cat urine, but also with other types of stench.

Product benefits:

  1. Environmentally friendly. Part of the spray consists of fermented vegetable proteins and botanicals.
  2. Security. The product does not contain alcohol, fragrances, phosphates, phenols. It is the basis of plant enzymes, so the product is safe for people and Pets. It is safe to use indoors. Skin irritation and allergic reactions causes.

Before using the spray marked area should be well washed. After this, you spray the cleaner on entire damaged surface and wait for it to dry completely. If the drug will be used for the treatment of leather or fabric, previously it should be to try on an inconspicuous area first. You need to be careful with the material is not gone paint. For better efficiency treated area for two to three hours can be covered with the film.

The German manufacturer to eliminate odors and stains that leave animals produces not only sprays.

Its products also include:

  • borislawa shampoos are mild;
  • powders and liquids for washing the floor;
  • an ultraviolet flashlight with which you can easily find marked cat place.

Designed to handle trays of cat spray in its composition contains natural enzymes, extract of cedar and mint, essential oils, natural extracts. It corrupts and destroys the source from which emanates a fetid aroma and conspires smell.

Using the drug Biovaks from unpleasant odor can be removed in seconds. Even from uncleared tray will not taste good smell if you handle it with spray.

Biovaks has a light, pleasant floral scent. It is often used by owners of multiple Pets.

It’s not the whole list of tools that offer stores to eliminate odors and stains left by cats. Before buying you should carefully study the drug and instructions for its use. Use of chlorine should not be, which only further exacerbate an unpleasant odor. So the cat is no longer critical in this area, you can buy the drug with a citrus smell. It should be remembered that cooked plant-based ingredients solutions instant action does not have.

How to disaccustom a cat to mark territory?

If you have taken into your house a cat or kitten, you should know that marking your territory is mainly cats that are not neutered and not spayed cats. So Pets, many owners are sterilized or castrated. If after the procedure of castration of an animal shits not in the tray, it is necessary to show the vet.

You can’t pet to be punished for some mischief. Physical punishment can become a big stress or resentment, after which he can soil the master’s sofa or Slippers.

To teach your cat to walk in some wrong place, you can use her house or couches that need to be put on the marked area. More this site pet dirty will not, because its a bed and bowls cats are not labeled.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the tray of the animal. Cats are clean and many of them dirty tray will be ignored, and their needs to pee on the carpet or the couch.

Coming from the cat urine scent is quite easy to remove with the help of improvised means. If they don’t help, you can always buy the right drug at the pet store. But it is best to eliminate the cause due to which your beloved cat started to defecate and urinate in the wrong place.

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