
How to wash a cat in the home

Cats both domestic and wild, know how to swim, but not scary like to take water treatments.

Of course, under the threat of life the cat will agree to get in the water, but in everyday life she is quite satisfied with the wash tongue. And the opinion of the owner on this issue she is interested in the least.

If the cat belongs to the show class and regularly participates in exhibitions, it was taught to swim since childhood. Have to figure out how to wash a cat in the home if he does not feel the slightest desire to wash.

What you’ll need for the procedure

To wash the cat at home, you need to prepare some inventory.

  1. Comb with a few teeth for combing wool.
  2. A couple of plastic basins of medium depth.
  3. Mug or ladle for pouring clean water.
  4. Special shampoo suitable for your pet.
  5. The rubber Mat.
  6. Towels, – waffle and Terry.
  7. A soft sponge.
  8. A thermometer for the bath.
How to choose the right detergent

Many pet owners make the mistake of neglecting the special cosmetics for animals. Instead of cat shampoo they use regular soap or shampoo. Although a strict ban on the use of human resources while bathing the cat does not exist, but such tools can cause a cat’s skin and hair significant harm.

This is due to difference in the pH of human skin and a domestic cat. This figure must take into account when designing detergents for people and for animals. That is why human shampoo often dry out the skin, the animal begins to experience discomfort, intense itch. Can appear dandruff. In addition, cats may develop an allergic reaction to components of human detergent. Furniture for cats is sold in specialized shops selling goods for Pets.

Modern industry offers a variety of cosmetic and hygiene products for cats.

  1. Ordinary shampoo.
  2. Shampoo spray.
  3. Dry shampoo in the form of powder.

Ordinary shampoo is recommended to choose based on the type of skin and the color of the wool. Sometimes shampoo can wear a specialized nature, for example, against fleas. There are cat shampoos for dandruff or for easy combing.

If the pet is afraid of water, you can resort to dry shampoo. The powder should be applied to dry hair, then carefully comb. This procedure cleanses hair, freeing them of dust and odor.

Shampoo spray does not particularly different from usual, but they are somewhat easier to use. It can be sprayed directly onto the fur of an animal.

However, some cats are scared of the noise that occurs when spraying, which can complicate the already difficult procedure of bathing. If the house was not a special cat shampoo and bathing should be postponed. If necessary, you can wipe the skin of the animal, using a damp cloth. You can call on the house special cat Barber, who will conduct the process professionally, using special cat cosmetics.

How to wash a cat in the home

Bathing a pet should be, adhering to a certain sequence.

  1. First, you need to make sure the cat is healthy and feels good. If a pet is sick, he can still catch a cold after swimming, that does not benefit him. Besides, this procedure is for cats unusual and unpleasant to a sick animal it will be an additional stress.
  2. Start the process of bathing can be no earlier than 4 hours after feeding a pet. If you start to bathe the cat on a full stomach, it can cause problems with digestion on the background of the received stress.
  3. Before you wash the cat, on the bottom of the bath it is necessary to lay a rubber Mat come towel. With such “ground” the animal will be quieter. Others with a towel to wipe washed animal.
  4. Bath filled with warm water with a temperature of 39-40 degrees. Bath water should be about an animal on the blades. More pour not worth it – if the animal will break out, water may enter the ears, which is very bad for cats. If the water is cool, the animal can catch a cold. It should be remembered that in a healthy animal, the normal body temperature several degrees higher than in a healthy person.
  5. It should be remembered that the human means to wash your hair designed for everyday procedures. Cat fur is not designed for such treatments, so they can be washed off any protective substances. Shampoo for washing dogs, even the smallest, is also not suitable for bathing cats.
  6. You should not allow just washed the cat to wander in the cool room or in a draft with wet hair. So your pet can immediately catch a cold. After bathing, hair should be carefully and very carefully DAB and dry using a Terry soft towel. After the pet is placed closer to the heating appliance and gently comb the hair comb with rare teeth. With this approach, the wool will dry much faster.
How to teach a cat to swim

Cats are very neat and tidy by nature. Most of the free time they give the care of their coat. However, a situation may arise when the animal is unable to cope with the issue of hygiene. For this purpose it is necessary to accustom to periodic bathing in the bathroom.

A cat owner should be aware that any violence can lead to fear and overt expression of aggression, and this can result in trauma in the form of scratches and bites.

To accustom a cat to hygiene procedures must gradually:

  1. Pet need to enter the bathroom, open the tap and to show him the murmur of running water.
  2. Before you wash your cat, you can put it in an empty bathroom if she tries to run away – you don’t have to hold it.
  3. Such attempts should be repeated as long as the animal gradually get used to the noise of running water and will no longer experience discomfort while in the tub.
  4. Before you wash the cat, you can encourage her favorite food in small amount.
  5. You should also consider that the younger the kitten, the easier it will be to teach to water procedures. So do not delay with the beginning of teaching a pet to the water.
  6. If you are forced to teach to the water so an adult cat, you must consider the individual characteristics and traits.
How often can I wash the cat

Regarding the frequency of the water treatments, the recommendations are the most controversial. Some experienced breeders recommend bathing Pets once a month 1. Others are convinced that it’s too often encouraged to resort to water procedures not more than 2 times a year.

In this respect it may depend on the nature of the coat of your pet and health.

Cats that have long fur, you can bathe once a month 1. Such animals generally are unable to cope with the maintenance of the coat in a state of purity. Owners of shorter dense fur should be bathed 1 time per 2 months. Completely hairless cats such as Sphynxes, it is enough to bathe even less frequently – 1 in every quarter.

More frequent bathing are subject to those animals which often walk on the street and those who participate to exhibitions and competitions. Cats are homebodies so don’t need regular water procedures.

There are situations when the cat needs bathing:

  1. Part of an animal in competition or exhibition.
  2. Heavy contamination of the skin of the animal.
  3. Contamination with toxic chemicals – paints, chemicals, construction solutions, etc.
  4. Expressed molt – to prevent the formation of bezoar goats hair in the stomach of the animal.
  5. Because in addition to dirt and dust in the coat can build up and pathogenic microbes, and viruses, water treatments should be carried out regularly.
Contraindications to bathing cats

Despite the need for regular water treatment, there are a number of situations when bathing should be carried out with maximum accuracy or generally should be postponed until better times.

Note that, if the cat is not accustomed to washing in early childhood, the bath becomes for him the strongest stress. To start training the kitten to the bath is in 3 weeks after he settled in the new house.

Since such a stressful situation put a strain on the heart, it is not recommended to wash animal of advanced age.

Contraindications for water treatments for cats are:

  1. Pregnancy in the later period.
  2. In the early stages of pregnancy a cat can be bathed very carefully and in case of emergency.
  3. The period of feeding kittens with milk. Stress from bathing can contribute to the disappearance of milk in females.
  4. Severe acute and chronic diseases.
  5. Recent surgical operations.
  6. The temperature in the apartment or house below 22 degrees.

Bathing cats is not the longest process, but can cause a lot of difficulties. In this case, it is strongly recommended to have patience and to talk to animals gently, soothingly. Over time, your pet will begin to perceive hygienic procedures safer and do not leave on your hands of a large number of scratches and abrasions.

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