
Kind of eye drops for cats and kittens, as well as their application

Every day, our favorite Pets spend a lot of time on the street, communicate with other animals and therefore have all the chances to get infected by various infections. One of them is the inflammation of the eye.

It is very important to provide timely first aid, without harming your pet, and promptly seek help from a qualified veterinarian in a specialized clinic for proper treatment.

But we should not self-medicate, because you know what sick your cat is. Timely and proper treatment plays a huge role, as in advanced stages of the disease it can lead to the deterioration of your pet or loss of vision.


  • mechanical trauma (accidental potoraplivaya themselves or fight with other animals, ingested foreign body);
  • allergic reactions (drugs, detergents);
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • the presence of parasites;
  • immunosuppression;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • congenital abnormalities of the eye.
Symptoms of various eye diseases in cats

Redness of the eyeball – is a consequence of the expansion of blood vessels result in hemorrhages, for example, in case of injuries. This may indicate diseases such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis. As well as this symptom tells us about allergies to certain substances that we use.

Different discharge from the eyes (cloudy, bloody, serous, purulent).

Spotting – this is often a sign of an injury. The degree of damage and the treatment should be prescribed only by a veterinarian. Do not attempt to remove the foreign body and to go deeply into the eyes of the cat, you can do serious harm. Entrust your pet to professional.

Purulent and serous discharge appear in connection with reproduction of pathogenic organisms, which secrete malicious waste products that lead to the formation of secretions. And also, it’s a symptom of trauma, in which the infection penetrates into the eyeball, or the manifestation of colds, but the symptoms pass quickly and painlessly, if a lot of selections you need to go to the doctor for help.

The presence of the film on the eyes – it can be bluish or white. So may manifest inflammation that occurs as a result of infection.

Strong swelling of the eyelids is a symptom of allergic reactions.

Copious, watery and frequent scratching cat eyes – a frequent cause is a disease, as conjunctivitis. This disease causes inflammation of the connective tissue layer of the eye. Due to bacterial infection.

The squinting eyes due to the pain, photophobia – this means that your cat or kitten a lot of pain and discomfort in the eye area. Cause similar sensations erosions, ulcers. They are manifested by clouding of the cornea, the presence of muddy film on the eye. These diseases occur very quickly and can lead to serious complications or complete loss of vision.

Clouding of the lens – talking about starting a serious condition called cataracts. The symptoms of this disease can be not immediately observed, but subsequently, the dog or cat gradually loses his sight. The main symptom of cataracts is a change in color of the pupil.

General weakness and lethargy, loss of appetite – these are common signs should also make you wary and to attract more attention to your beloved pet.

Symptoms there are many, as for the definition of the disease and treatment methods your pet can be determined only by the veterinarian.

Types of eye drops

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral;
  • antihistamines;
  • containing antibiotics;
  • medical;
  • preventive.
The most popular eye drops cats

“Diamond eyes” – this drug has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. Is used for many inflammatory diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, blepharitis), allergic diseases, after injuries. The use of the drug: first, conduct a thorough treatment of the eye, washing it well, removed all the crust. Then buried the drug in the outer corner of the eye.

For dogs and cats that weigh less than 10 kg, the daily dose is 1 drop of more than 10 kg – 2 drops. The course of treatment from 14 to 45 days. The benefits of this drug: affordable price, easy to use, it is used and is well tolerated by animals.

Bars – these eye drops contain a part of novocaine, furatsilin and chloramphenicol. They have a bactericidal and analgesic effect. Used to treat many ophthalmic diseases, and after injuries to the eyes. Can be used for young kittens up to 10 days of life in the form of lotions, after 23 drops 3 times a day. Instillation is performed the same way as the previous one. The duration of treatment from 7 to 14 days.

“Ciprolet” – this medication well reduces inflammation, has antibacterial action. Contain ciprofloxacin. Ciprovit prescribed to cats and dogs with acute conjunctivitis, blepharitis, ulcers, iridotsiklitah, and also to prevent infection due to injury.

You should not use these eye drops for kittens under 7 days. Bury them cats need 1 drop a day and dogs 12 drops several times a day. The course of treatment 714 days. If there is selection it is recommended to spend treatment of eyes with a sterile gauze pad to clean discharge after instillation and then again put some drops of eye medication in the conjunctival cavity. When combined with other drugs necessary to make the interval 5 minutes.

Iris – these eye drops for cats have a pronounced bactericidal action, acting on the number of bacteria but has no effect on viruses, protozoa, fungi. Indicated for acute conjunctivitis, iridotsiklitah, keratitis. The course of treatment is 57 days. Use these drops four times a day at intervals of 6 hours.

For dogs and cats that have a weight up to 10 kg – used 1 drop per day, over 10 kg 12 drops. You should first wash the eye secretions wipe off the gauze pad, and then drip the drug. As a preventive measure apply 1 drop twice a day for 5 days.

“Chloramphenicol” – these drops contain the antibiotic. It is prescribed for diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to chloramphenicol. Effective for the prevention of postoperative complications, if there are infected wounds. Apply these drops 34 times a day dosage 12 drops for weeks.

“Anandin” – this is a good product that stimulates the production of immunity in animals, helps rapid healing of wounds, reduces inflammation and kills viruses and bacteria. Can be combined with other drugs. Drops is non-toxic, well tolerated by animals. Allowed to use small kittens, dogs and pregnant cats. After treatment of excreta is buried a few drops of the drug in the morning and evening. The treatment lasts on average 7 days.

Start treating your cats or dogs only after precise definition of the disease and the prescriptions of veterinarian. Only a doctor will correctly pick the right drug that will deliver accurate diagnosis and begin treatment. Home follow all the recommendations of a veterinarian, to clearly observe all assignments, carefully read the instructions of the drug, these actions will lead to the speedy improvement of your cat or kitten.

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