
Ligfol for cats: instructions for use

Ligfol is a modern immunomodulatory tool that is used for the treatment of cancer in cats and dogs. Ligfol is well established in the treatment of breast tumors, venereal sarcoma, ganglioma, proliferative mastopathy.

The drug has a strong antitumor effect, activates the immune system of the animal. Ligfol is non-toxic, can be used in combined therapy with other anticancer drugs.

Even one dose of the drug has prolonged action. Humic acid entering the body, gradually get into the bloodstream and have a gradual therapeutic effect.

The drug is effective for the treatment of wounds, burns and injuries. It is used for healing of stitches. The drug can be used in the form of intramuscular injections, and for irrigation of the damaged surface.

The use of Ligfol in the treatment of diseases of infectious origin or before vaccination enhances the immunity and enhance the response of the organism to other drugs. Ligfol helps to shorten the period of treatment and to facilitate the recovery of your pet after an illness.

Ligfol known hepatoprotective properties. This allows the use for the treatment of hepatitis in cats and dogs, as well as diseases associated with lesions of the liver: infectious diseases, piroplasmosis, a number of chemotherapy drugs.

The composition and form of issue

The main active ingredient is humic acid, which is produced from wood lignin. It stimulates the animal’s immune system and has antioxidant properties. Also, the drugs are excipients: sodium pyrophosphate, sodium chloride and demineralized water.

The drug is a liquid for injection is a dark brown color.

How does Ligfol

Ligfol is an antioxidant and immunostimulatory agent. After getting into the body stimulates the phagocytes, that is, there is activation of the immune system at the cellular level. Cellular immunity allows the Pets to remain healthy and active when the negative effects of the environment, to resist the action of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug’s effectiveness is proven when used in stressful situations.

The medication actively used for treatment of cancer in animals. Ligfol retards the growth and development of cancer cells, has anti-metastatic properties, improves the results of surgical treatment of cancer.

Indications for use

The most commonly used Ligfol in complex treatment of cancer in cats. Since its use helps to slow the growth of tumors and metastasis. Ligfol supports an animal’s body after chemotherapy.

The drug used as a sedative and helps to eliminate the effects of a stressful situation in a short time.

The indication for the use of Ligfol is:

  • the rehabilitation period after surgeries;
  • diseases infectious and viral origin;
  • trauma, burns and frostbite;
  • increased fertility of cats and dogs;
  • cancer;
  • benign tumors;
  • stressful situations: transport, sport competitions, exhibitions, change of the owner.

Kittens and puppies the drug is prescribed to enhance immunity. Ligfol promotes active growth and development of young animals, it is especially important for lagging puppies of their litter.

Ligfol can be used as a standalone drug or as a preventive, and immune-boosting tools.

Ligfol can be used to stimulate the reproductive system of dogs and cats. Its use has been demonstrated before mating.

Ligfol for dogs application instructions

The drug is administered by intramuscular injection , given the body weight of the animal.

FOR the treatment of burns and wounds the medicine is used in the form of compresses.

  • During the treatment of cancer, lipomas and tumors in dogs use of 0.1 ml per kilogram weight of the dog. Course duration 6-8 injections in two days on the third. To consolidate the effect, repeat the treatment. The dosage can be modified by your veterinarian based on the individual characteristics of the dog and the severity of her condition.
  • For the treatment of infectious diseases, apply 0.1 ml of the drug per kilogram of body weight. The course consists of 4 injections according to the scheme 1-2 day, 5-10 day.
  • In the treatment of diseases of the liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis apply a standard dosage.
  • In preparing the dogs for surgery the drug are starting to use it 5 days before the planned date.

Ligfol for dogs non-toxic and safe. A small disadvantage is the painful sensations experienced by the dog during the injection.

Side effects

The drug has no side effects. Very rarely in animals may slightly increase the temperature. State stabiliziruemost independently and does not require discontinuation of the drug.


For my Cocker Spaniel we used Ligfol. Before the dog several times born dead puppies. The injections given the heat. In the last litter there was not one dead puppy. Babies are born strong and active.

Ligfol was used in the appointment of a veterinarian for the treatment of postoperative sutures in dogs. After Ligfol the dog quickly went on the amendment. The wounds quickly began to heal. Currently still in recovery, but positive results are already evident.


Ligfol helped extend the life of our favorite for several months. The cat underwent long-term treatment with strong drugs from cancer. Recently he lost his appetite and became lethargic. The physician used Ligfol, which helped to alleviate the condition of the animal.


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