Many believe that Siberian cats is their appearance inherited from wild ancestors who lived in the Siberian woods. Actually this breed of cats in the XVI century was brought to Siberia from the southern and Central regions visiting merchants and Cossacks.
The rock was formed almost naturally, without any intervention of the breeders, and the appearance of the Siberians are not inherited and self-developed due to harsh climate.
Siberian cat breed profile
Siberian cats are different proportions, a beautiful face and fluffy “fur coat”. For thick hair it seems that Siberians are much larger.
The standard of the breed include:
- Heavy, muscular body that may be medium to large size.
- Pubescence uniformly powerful and a long tail that tapers to the tip. The hair on the tail has a powerful undercoat.
- Thick and short neck.
- Short head with a rounded muzzle that highlights the chin. Wide cheekbones low set, slightly forward of the forehead, the nose flat and wide.
- Round slightly oval eyes are set wide apart. Their color should match the coat color and be monochromatic. Allowed color from green to Golden yellow. Raznoglazie and blue eye color for example white coat color and color van. If the Siberian belongs to a group of color-point, then his eyes should have a bright blue color.
- Wide-set, wide at the beginning of the medium-sized ears have slightly rounded tips with tufts.
- The round, large, compact paws between the toes must be brush.
- The coat of the Siberian cats should be medium or long lengths. Haired Siberians are rare.
An adult Siberian cat at the withers can reach a height of 33 cm, and weighs about six kilograms.
Color Russian Siberian cats
Animals of this breed can have a different color, but the standard allows for only monochrome, mottled color and pattern. Color options today’s Pets were removed as a result of selection. Born the kittens will inherit the shades of the parents – the boys mother and girls from the father. There are black, gray, brown, blue, white and even red Siberian cats.
White cat Siberian
Rare solid color, which should be clean. The standard does not allow the availability of drawings and stains. Only kittens can spots on the fur, which eventually should disappear. In people, Pets with fluffy white “fur” is called Angora cats. The eyes may be copper, orange and even blue.
Black Siberian cat
Rich black color should be uniform. Even the nose of the animal black. Little kittens have the first coat of brown or gray tint, which becomes black after molting. This color is able to burn, so a pet that will participate in the exhibitions, it is necessary to hide from the sun, otherwise his “coat” will take on a red hue and become ugly.
Gray or silver Siberian
Cats with this coloration are two subgroups:
- the smoky color is fur with dark tips and white roots;
- the color chinchilla tinted or one-third the length of the villi, or only the tip.
Tortoiseshell Siberian cats
The combination of red (red) and black colors formed a beautiful “coat” of cats. In cats this color is found only after castration.
Red hue should not have a picture, and the colors should be distributed harmoniously. Spots of red color should be on the head, ears and paws.
Black and white cat of Siberian breed
There are two options black and white color:
- “harlequin” – a quarter of all “coats” should be in black spots;
- “van” – the tail, head, shoulders, back should be black and the rest white.
The Siberians coat black and white color look very nice.
Blue Siberian cat
On all parts of the body color should be even, but it can be any shade of blue. Inclusions are not allowed. If the tips of the villi darker than the base and roots, it is a deviation from the standard. Spots on the fur coat can only be kittens. After molting these disappear and the “coat” takes on a uniform color. Pillow paws and nose in animals with such a coat – gray-blue. In order not to lose the beautiful blue color fur, Pets should be protected from direct sunlight and high humidity. Otherwise, the hair may acquire an ugly red shade.
The Siberian cat is a character
Animals of this breed to keep in an apartment and private house. New home they get used quickly. Siberians are excellent hunters, so in a private house mice will be forgotten. Therefore, as Pets is not recommended to keep more rodents. The Siberian cat will perceive them as prey. With other Pets he will get along easily, even if it is a dog. Apartment owners can without problems make Siberians, since cats of this breed differ in innate cleanliness and tact.
Pet will love a small child will become a good babysitter. Despite the fact that the nature of Siberian cats wayward, they love affection and loving. However, around the house for their owners they will not go and almost never show their emotions.
With their new owners they will get along easily, will love them and will even protect. If you come into the house of a stranger, that cats can chew him out, protecting your home from intruder.
Siberians are very intelligent and will never be something to be done lightly. They love to play with toys and love games. Pets are nimble, very agile and love to climb to high places.
Siberian cats are notable for their sweet nature, but can’t stand it when they get bored. They love their owners, on things which can sleep. At night, the pet will happily lie down and sleep at the feet of the owner.
In describing the nature of the Siberian cats it should be noted that the remaining one at home for a long time the animal will miss the owners and toys. So some cats over time, there is hyperactivity and hyperexcitability, which often occur in night time. To avoid this, with the pet should play, chat, take him for walks.
Particular care
With good maintenance and feeding of Russian Siberian cat can live up to twenty years. To care for a Siberian snap, despite the fact that the coat of this breed is long.
The special features of the care include:
It is necessary to regularly brush the coatto remove dead hair and skin flakes. This procedure is carried out easily because the pet fur will not be of tangles and lumps. If the cat is home all the time indoors, the hair will continuously fall out. However, it is not the allergen, and therefore will not cause allergic reactions in the household. The combing procedure is performed first using a rare crest, which then changes to a comb with frequent teeth. During the period of active shedding slicker brush is used. The tail should be brushed with a brush.
Bathe Russian Siberian cats as needed. Too often this procedure is not recommended. But before the show or after a walk pet, can be washed without detergent or with a special shampoo for cats.
- Regularly inspect the ears and to remove concentrations of sulfur. This should be done by soaked in vaseline oil with a cotton swab. Various liquids, including water, to use for cleaning the ears is impossible.
- Very important for the Siberian breed of cats dental care. To the pet there was no inflammation, and no increased Tartar, it is recommended to use special feed. For the strength and health of the enamel in the diet are mineral-vitamin complexes.
- Circumcision and filing the claws of animals is not need.
For all procedures, Pets should be taught from an early age. The kitten should get used to brushing and bathing. In this case, an adult animal will be easy to treat such procedures and will not struggle and scrape to his master.
Proper feeding of a Siberian
Some representatives of Siberian cats can be picky about food, because living in nature, animals are accustomed to the natural food. But usually problems with feeding Pets no.
Special attention should be paid only the little kittens, who are growing rapidly and require a pullup. Before the age of three they should be fed six times a day-balanced, varied food designed for toddlers.
High quality and rich in vitamins should be food a pregnant or nursing Mama cat. She needs to eat much, but do not allow the cat to overeat, so the animal is not overweight. The diet of cats during pregnancy and lactation should be more nutritious and contain the vitamins and minerals. The lack of nutrients would negatively affect the health of the offspring. In one litter of Siberian cats can be from four to eight kittens.
From natural products Siberians can and should feed:
- Meat that supplies the animal protein. Give only lean meats, which include cooked or raw beef, chicken, Turkey or other poultry. During the day, the pet needs to eat from one hundred to one hundred and forty grams of meat products.
- In combination with other products or separately can give one boiled egg, but not more than two or three times a week.
- The diet of the pet must be fish or seafood. Preference should be given to the saury, flounder, cod, boiled shrimp.
- Apart from meat, it is recommended to feed milk products in the form of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese.
- With meats you can mix the cooked zucchini, carrots and cabbage, which are a source of vitamins.
In any case, do not feed the pet food from the master’s table. Negatively may affect the health of eating fried, salted, smoked, spicy, sweet and fatty food.
Cats have free access must always be clean drinking waterto which is allocated a separate bowl. It is recommended to give sprouted grains, which helps get rid of swallowed hair, stimulate circulation and are a source of vitamins. Best cats eat greens oats.
Health Siberian cats
In most cases, this breed is healthy, but improper care, poor nutrition and other factors can cause certain diseases:
- Obesity in Pets occurs when there is overeating and if animals are fed fatty food from the table.
- On walks, cats can pick up parasites, so their hair should be carefully examined.
- Like all Pets, cats can be stomatitis, conjunctivitis, otitis media.
- Eating poor quality food and food that is not designed for Pets, can cause allergies and even poisoning of the pet.
If the cat is sick, it is best to contact your veterinarian. In self to do not recommended.
Good care and a balanced quality nutrition will help to maintain the health of the Siberian cat and extend its life. Unpretentious in food and content, Siberians many years living next to the owners and pleased with her beauty and kindness.