
Strengthens the immune system cats: vaccine “Purevax”

Every thoughtful owner with a cat, sooner or later begins to reflect on this serious question: whether to vaccinate your pet? Many owners are afraid of the idea that the vaccination may negatively tell on the health of the pet, if something goes not so.

However, this is a very important procedure because it is thanks to her cats produces strong immunity against many infectious diseases.

One of the most common and effective vaccines, developed by French manufacturers, the vaccine is considered “Purevax”. Vaccination of pet this drug helps to prevent many dangerous diseases and cats develop a strong immune system.

Form of release of the vaccine

Drug “Purevax” made in lifetimemovies form.

The drug has the counter a homogenous consistency white color.

The vaccine is packaged in dry form in small glass flasks, each of which contains one dose for vaccination.

Each package contains ten vials with a medicament. The volume of each bulb is 1 mg.

The vaccine “Purevax”: composition

The basis of the vaccine is several main components:

  • attenboroughii strains of such viruses like panleukopenia, chlamydia and raheim infected;
  • incategory strain of the virus of cats – kalitsiviroza.

It is important to note that the combination of different strains with inactivated components contributes to a significant reduction of the load on the body of the pet, which in turn minimizes the risk of adverse reactions.

In addition, the medications there are two main components:

  • solution for injection, which is necessary for preparation of the vaccine;
  • powderhaving a characteristic beige color – that it contains weakened antibodies to certain strains of the virus.

Dilute the powder with a sterile solution to be directly in the process of vaccinating the cats.

Indications for use

Our local vets are advised to vaccinate four-legged Pets to create them strong immunity against serious diseases such as:

  • rhinotracheitis virus of a type.
  • chlamydia;
  • calicivirus infection;
  • and feline panleukopenia.

Thanks to vaccination, each cat, which will be held vaccination the vaccine will be fully protected from the diseases associated with these pathogens.

Note, however, that the vaccine “Purevax” has limited validity: it is only one year from the date of vaccination of the pet. After this period, the effect of the drug ends and the cat need to inculcate anew.

In addition, there are several subtypes of the vaccine, which are designed for different categories of cats: for Pets, located primarily at home (“Purevax” RCP ), and cats that spend most of their time on the street (“Purevax” RCP FeLV ) .

“Purevax” for cats: possible contraindications

Important: to carry out vaccination of Pets “Purevax” we need only separately. So just need to exclude the simultaneous vaccination other immune-biological means. The only exception to this rule is vaccinating the animal against rabies drug “Rabisin”: can be individually vaccinated with these vaccines.

In all other cases, to vaccinate an animal after the use of “Purevax” should be not earlier than in six months.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications that must be considered before you can vaccinate a cat:

  • you cannot use the vaccine if the cat is in the process of bearing offspring;
  • you should not vaccinate a cat during lactation;
  • absolutely can not administer the vaccine if the cat is sick or is in the early stages of recovery;
  • before entering a drug you need to make sure that the cat went timely treatment of worms;
  • in the case of a depletion pet;
  • it is also impossible to carry out a vaccination, when pet has any allergic reactions to certain vaccine components.

According to statistics, in cats after vaccination are extremely rarely observed side reactions or degradation. Achieves a positive effect due to the fact that in the preparation there are no additional excipients.

Side effects from the vaccine

Despite the good tolerability, in some cases, the vaccine “Purevax” may cause certain deviations, which are shown as follows:

  • the cat may begin to experience drowsiness and severe fatigue;
  • the pet may experience lack of appetite;
  • in some cases, the pet may begin to have a fever that will last for several days;
  • at the injection site may occur with slight induration after the injection;
  • in the worst case, the animal may appear severe itching and swelling;
  • there are often painful sensations in the place where you injected the vaccine.

In most cases, such manifestations are of short duration and pass on their own within a few days. However, if these symptoms continue to disturb the pet for a long time, the owner should immediately contact the vet for further advice.

The instruction to “Purevax” for cats: rules for the use of vaccines

Before you vaccinate a cat, you should carefully read the rules of vaccination.

  1. The vaccine “Purevax” designed to prevent such infectious pathologies like chlamydia, calicivirus infection, panleukopenia and rhinotracheitis infectious form.
  2. Open the vaccine, which was diluted in sterile saline, do not store more than two hours.
  3. Before you vaccinate an animal, it is necessary to conduct deworming of pet. To do it is better for ten days prior to vaccination.
  4. First time use of the drug can be eight weeks of a cat’s life. Re-vaccination is carried out when a kitten turns three months, and then annually.
  5. The volume of injected material should be 1 ml, regardless of the breed of pet and age.
  6. Enter the drug should be exclusively under the skin.
  7. The validity of the vaccine is only 1 year, and then have to do the vaccination for pet.
  8. In the process of working with medication, you should follow the safety rules of sanitation and personal hygiene to prevent the ingress of drugs into the skin. After the injection should be thoroughly washed hands with antiseptic.
  9. If the vaccine gets on the exposed skin of a person who vaccinates, it should immediately rinse the place in ordinary tap water.
  10. If the person who conducted the vaccination of cats, accidentally buried himself the vaccine under the skin, it immediately is treated the injection site with 70% alcohol and then address the problem to the therapist.
  11. If the cat that is the subject of vaccination, at the same time living indoors with other Pets, they should be vaccinated on the same day.
  12. It is strongly recommended not to miss the timing of subsequent vaccination or to break the dosage.
  13. “Purevax” does not have any harmful effects on the body pet. But also therapeutic qualities of this drug also has. The vaccine stimulates the body of the cat to develop immunity to pathogens, certain types of infection.

If they met all of the requirements that are described in the instructions, side effects and local reactions of the drug on the body of the pet are excluded.

The main advantages of vaccines “Purevax”

The drug is natural, that is a live vaccine that contains in its structure a real virus derived from the pathogenic environment. Opting this medication is reduced to its main advantages, which clearly distinguish “Purevax” compared with other vaccines:

  • according to confirmed clinical data, “Purevax” much more effective than other vaccines. Due to the strong effect of the drug in cats has created a solid and strong immune system;
  • the virus strains that have been artificially grafted pet are strictly limited period of time, thus, cats do not is the development of introduced disease;
  • it is noteworthy that infections with virus strains that are contained in the “Purevax”, has no negative impact on the health of the cat after grafting remains healthy, and any pathological changes are absent;
  • if complied with all security measures and take into account the recommendations described in the instructions, vaccination of cats is very easy;
  • use of the drug is possible from an early age the kitten, beginning with two months of life of the pet.

A significant disadvantage is that if the patient will be vaccinated pet with lowered immunity then the vaccine may provoke his development of pathological processes.

In conclusion, we can say that cat owners should not ignore the preventive measures for the vaccination of four-legged Pets. After all, any infection is easier to prevent than to try to cure this.

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