A small number of people has the ability to resist and not to melt in front of a small furry creature. This is an excellent companion, characterized by sociability and boundless affection towards the owner.
So there comes a time when almost every person there is a desire to have a cat. But then the question arises by analogy with dogs what vaccinations do cats and when, and whether they are necessary.
When an animal first appears in the house, it’s still a little fragile kitten with a weak immune system. At this time it is important not only to monitor the cleanliness of the place, and contact with others animals, but also in a timely manner to carry out the vaccination. Timely vaccination will prevent infection unprotected body serious diseases.
There is a whole list of diseases against which cats are vaccinated:
- distemper;
- feline leukemia;
- infectious peritonitis;
- feline panleukopenia;
- viral rhinotracheitis;
- rabies;
- ringworm.
Vaccination of cats from the above diseases is carried out for all representatives, regardless of their belonging to a particular breed.
Another criterion for separating vaccinations is the spectrum of action.
According to this option they are:
- monovalent – action directed at the formation of immunity to a specific disease;
- polyvalent – a cat’s immunity to two or more diseases.
Another vaccine divided by the duration of the effect as follows:
- active – preparative composition includes live, but weakened bacteria, not concealing threats to cats, but after a week she produced a long-acting immunity to pathogens;
- inactive – the medicines are made on the basis of dead viruses and bacteria, so the immunity after vaccination, but there is a short period of time.
The timing of first and subsequent vaccinations
The recommendations of experts saywhat to do the first comprehensive vaccine for cats should have in 2-3 months. After a 3-week interval is repeated inoculation. Of course, revaccination should be the same drug as the initial inoculation. The day after the shot should count for two weeks. This time period the animal will be quarantined, because only after 14 days the kitten is formed immunity to diseases.
Depending on the wishes of the owner, you can optionally type a vaccine against feline chlamydiosis. Subsequent grafting is carried out at the age of one year with the need for annual revaccination.
If in any circumstances the owner of the cats was not possible to cultivate up to six months, it is still necessary. At this age the animal becomes stronger and the immune system is strengthened, therefore, to make re-vaccination after a three-week period is required. And after next to do a year later.
Particularly the timing of vaccination of cats against rabies
The rabies vaccine is injected the pet with the age when he begins to contact with others animals: usually about three months. In the case of when the kitten is absolutely homemade and not actually communicating with other members of the animal world, it is possible to postpone the vaccination until 8 months. Re-vaccination against rabies is carried out annually at approximately the same time frame. About revaccination we must not forget, because rabies is a fatal disease that poses a threat not only to animal but also to humans.
Usually vaccination against the disease has a strong influence on the General condition of the animal: the pet manifests lethargy and weakness, even you may experience increased body temperature for several hours. Potent drug may cause problems with the health of the pet, therefore the majority of the owners, a reasonable question arises about the need for vaccination at the age of three months. Therefore, if the owners are confident that the kitten in the first few months will not be in contact with the surrounding animals, it makes sense to transfer grafting to eight months of age, when the body will get stronger.
Before performing the vaccination must be sure that the cat is healthy:
- The animal should be active and alert.
- He must experience good appetite.
- Body temperature should be in the normal limits: in cats normal temperature is 38-39 degrees Celsius.
- Should not be coughing or sneezing.
- During a visit to clinic for animals the veterinarian must also ensure good health of the kitten and to recommend an optimal time of the first vaccination: vaccination depends on several factors that only a professional will be able to consider and give appropriate recommendations.
- Prior to the procedure your pet should be sure to give a sedative, and only after a ten-day period, you can enter the vaccine.
For vaccination it is necessary to use high quality proven products, as in the pursuit of cheapness can cause irreparable harm to the health of the pet.
Rules of vaccination of cats
- Vaccinate only perfectly healthy animals.
- Can not introduce a vaccine to cats after their communication with the infected animal.
- After vaccination it is impossible to operate the pet for 25 days.
- After operation it is forbidden to vaccinate the cat for 3 weeks.
- After treatment with antibiotics, vaccination is permitted only in two weeks.
- When you change teeth cannot be vaccinated.
- To apply the vaccine only with a good shelf life.
- It is impossible to vaccinate the kitten before the execution two months.
- The kitten should not experience stress: try to escape the loud meow and other.
Making a vaccine, the host may notice that a pet has become lethargic, have a loss of appetite and fever. Do not panic, because in this way the body responds to the vaccine, and duration of response will depend on the strength of the body.
Types of vaccines for cats
According to experts, the use of imported vaccines is more preferable because of higher levels of safety and efficiency. But this view does not apply to vaccines against rabies: domestic products along with imports have a relatively high quality. Below are the most common vaccines and their characteristics:
Nobivac Tricat is a dry preparation of the combined type. He reactogenic and creates immunity in cats to panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, caliciviruses infection. It is injected under the skin or into a vein the animal is three months or older.
“Leucocephalon” – dibasic drug, consisting of dry and liquid parts that prevent the introduction. It has a high immunogenicity. From the age of three can use the same vaccine that generates immunity to rabies, it is called “Kvadriket”.
“Filofax-4” – complex vaccine does not produce immunity to rabies. Introduces kittens two or three months from birth and has the effect of not longer than a year. It is therefore necessary to carefully control the timing of re-vaccination, carried out through the year.
The main thing to remember is that no one will inoculate pet better than a qualified doctor who knows what medication would be optimal, and in what dosage to apply it.
Information about vaccinationincluding serial number of vaccines should be recorded in the animal veterinary passport of the international sample. This will allow you to track the date of the last vaccinations and not to forget about the time for re. In addition, it is required for traveling: a list of mandatory vaccinations for cats, without which the pet will not be allowed to export abroad. The list of required vaccinations may vary depending on the host country. But, as a rule, required to transmit diseases included rabies, a viral respiratory disease of cats and feline panleukopenia.
Self-vaccination: when and how is
But if the owner does not require a passport, and he is guided by a desire to protect pet from unnecessary stress during the trip and immediate visit to the veterinary clinic with all its nuances, you should know that vaccinations for cats are made in the home by the owner.
Recommendations how to vaccinate cats themselves are very simple:
- Need a responsible approach to the choice of vaccine. Drugs of domestic production has a fairly low cost in comparison with import analogues, but tolerated by animals much worse. Accordingly, an increase in the amount allotted for the grafting, will allow you to get a more reliable drug: Nobivak, “Filofax-4” or another foreign production. On the packaging of the vaccine also includes the types of diseases against which it is applied, and the expiration date.
- For successful vaccination, you should make sure that the pet has good health and excellent appetite. And, as in the case of grafting in the clinical setting, it is necessary two weeks prior to the procedure, to give a sedative.
- If the grafting is carried out in two vaccines, it is necessary to use two syringes. The best option would be insulin syringes with thin needles, but only in the case when the dosage of the vaccine does not exceed 1 ml.
- Before the procedure you should wash your hands, prepare all the necessary things and try to remain calm – the anxiety of the owner can be transmitted to pet.
- Then you need to dial the vaccine into the syringe. Holding it in the direction of the needle up, you release the air, and a small portion of the drug. The amount of vaccine that remains for injections must exactly match the recommendations in the instructions to the drug.
- You need to fix the cat, so it is recommended to invite an assistant who will hold her. However, there are cats that are quite safely allow the procedure.
- Should tighten up the skin between the shoulder blades and to make the injection into the subcutaneous space.
- The important point is the smoothness and speed of insertion of the needle. You should do it without jerks and quickly. When the needle will be in the desired position, the resistance will disappear, so this moment feels good. The vaccine is administered gradually, not with one press on the syringe.
- At the end, you should RUB the injection site.
So, vaccination for cats is an integral part of a complete treatment.
A caring owner should be concerned about the health of your pet, having timely prevention of dangerous diseases. The only way to be absolutely sure that the cat will be protected from infections developing into a dangerous disease, and will continue to bring joy for many years.