
What to do if the cat sheds a lot?

Cats who live in a city apartment and have no access to the outside, prone to excessive shedding. With the onset of the heating season the air in the apartment getting dry and warm, and the pet begins to actively dumping the excess hair.

Hot radiators or heater replace the cats winter coat and artificial lighting aggravates the condition and the hair falls out even more.

Many of the owners are annoying pieces of wool and hairs remaining on the hands after stroking a pet. So why a cat begins to fall out of the coat and what to do in order to deal with this scourge?

Why the cat sheds a lot: causes of excessive hair loss

Almost every owner of a furry pet was faced with a are scattered throughout the apartment with scraps of its fur. In some cases the phenomenon is normal, but sometimes abundant hair loss can signal the presence of a pet a certain disease. So, why is the cat sheds and in what cases it is necessary to sound the alarm?

The main reasons for excessive shedding in cats can include:

  1. Seasonal change of coat. With the onset of a certain period, namely the end of winter, the cat begins to actively drop the coat and this phenomenon should alert owners as it is completely natural. Long-haired Pets begin to shed in late winter, but in spring it loses a large amount of wool.
  2. The influence of microclimate. If the apartment is too hot, then the excess fur, the cat will actively remove in the winter. This situation is also quite natural, because if the pet will not cast a thick coat, you’ll get heat stroke.
  3. The predisposition. Some breed, especially long-haired cats prone to shedding copious as they compacted undercoat.
  4. An improper diet. The lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to severe loss of fur pet.
  5. Drastic or abrupt change in diet. New industrial food product or another brand may cause an allergic reaction and as a result, a generous amount of shedding.
  6. Nervous tension and stress. Adversely affect the nervous system of a pet may be moving to a new place of residence, appearance in the house of a stranger or out on the street. Recent stress can cause excess shedding.
  7. Disease. Excessive hair loss is in this case, an additional symptom and is accompanied by loss of appetite and reduced activity.
  8. Side effects after taking certain drugs. Certain powerful drugs can lead to abundant loss of hair.
  9. Old age. With age, cats shed stronger and the phenomenon most often, is the norm.
  10. Hormonal failure. Observed mainly in non-castrated males, which the owners do not allow mating.
What if the cat sheds?

Most veterinarians and experienced breeders recommend to use the following methodsto help deal with strong molt, the cat:

  1. Daily combing. The easiest method to speed up the change of the coat of your pet during the seasonal molt. It is best to comb the cat with a special comb – the slicker brush, designed for long-haired Pets. Combs with sharp teeth can injure the delicate skin of the cat. The slicker brush will also help prevent the formation of tangles.
  2. Regular water treatments. Swimming female has to use special shampoos and conditioners that you can buy in special shops. You can pick up the funds for a specific breed and type of coat.
  3. Adding to the diet of the cat vitamin-mineral complexes. To feed the pet supplements you need every 6 months. To find a suitable vitamin complex will help the veterinarian.
  4. Humidification of the room. With the beginning of the heating season the air in the apartment becomes too dry and needs watering to pause the abundant hair loss. You can use a specialized humidifier or sprayer.
  5. Attention and affectionate attitude. If the pet has recently experienced a lot of stress, he really needs attention and care of the owner. Gentle stroking and a good attitude will help the cat to calm down and stop hair loss of hair. You can also consult with a veterinarian regarding the appointment of the pet time to adapt antianxiety drugs.
What to do when a pathological state?

In some cases, heavy loss of hair phenomenon is unnatural, signaling the presence of certain pathologies in pet. In these cases, daily combing, water treatment and power adjustment does not give the desired result and the cat will not cease actively to drop the coat. It is desirable in such situations to contact your veterinarian and not try to get rid of the problem.

The veterinarian during your appointment will examine and prescribe the delivery of test snecessary for accurate diagnosis. The tests will help to exclude or confirm the presence of a pet is a serious disease and / or allergic reactions. Upon detection of the disease, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of treatment, after which the fur will no longer intensively to fall out.

In some cases, when the cause of intense molting is an unbalanced food, you will need to completely rethink the diet of cats. If before the problem a pet is fed exclusively to the industrial food economy, it is necessary to translate it to brand not lower premium. There are also specialized brands of dry food, designed to improve the condition of the hair fluffy pet.

If the veterinarian as the cause of abundant molting unsterilized cat hormonal imbalance, you should think about carrying out castration. When you receive a positive analysis, the owners only need to provide your pet the proper care and generous molt soon. The use of drugs in this case is not required.

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