
Hunting for a Calchon

Gershchnep is tiny, slightly more than a sparrow, the gershchnep is one of the favorite birds of hunters-athletes. He appears in the marshes late in the autumn, when snipe and snipe move to the south, corncrakes, pogonis and shepherds disappear.

Sometimes the jacks stay in the swamp until the first frost. The fine garret is distinguished by elegant plumage. On the head of this bird along the crown is a wide black band. On the shoulders and back, the jackhole feathers are painted black with a metallic purple or green tint.

The upper part of the neck has a delicate walnut-brown color, and the elongated upper feathers glow orange. Relatively short and slightly expanded at the base of the beak has a brown tint. Legs are olive-brown. The garcon weighs no more than 90 g, and its length does not exceed 16 cm.

Garchnep likes to settle on the marshy grassy marshes, overgrown with reeds and sedge. The flying jacks stop on the swampy shores of lakes and rivers. It feeds on the garp with slugs and worms, but also consumes the seeds of the marsh plants.

In the spring, when snipes appear on the marshes, the jackspouts also return from the wintering grounds. Almost immediately after the flight birds begin to create pairs. The males of a jackal are tipped, like snipe, in the air. The sound, issued by their plumage, can often be heard in the spring on a swamp.


This is a kind of rattling, which is obtained in the same way as in the bleating of a snipe, when the jack-boy falls from a great height along an inclined trajectory.
Jacks of the Hammer Screws

Nests of the jacks are arranged on dry hummocks in the middle of marshy marshes. They are located in small holes, covered with grass and horsetail. Hatching eggs, the female sits so tightly that it is not difficult to take it in hands directly from the nest.

Exiled, she returns to her masonry on the ground and continues to sit. Late in the autumn, you can see jack-eaters on typical swamp bogs. The dumping of these birds markedly diversify the hunt and delight the hunters in the feather with a fitting end to the season. Harque is much more delicious than snapper, but it is inferior in taste to its quill.
Hunting for a Nutcracker

As for all waders, for hunting jacks, hunting time is a summer-autumn season. In the spring, shooting them is strictly prohibited. In a marshy grassy marsh, it is inconvenient to work with a self-propelled gun, besides, without a dog, the jackhole can not be raised to the wing. This bird sits very tightly.

Therefore, when hunting jackaloes, they use girlfriend dogs – pug dogs and spaniels. A strong bird is not distinguished by rigidity. She lets the dog come very close and takes off from under her muzzle. The flounder flies low and slowly, slightly swaying while in the air. However, in the wind, the flight speed is significantly increased.

Air streams throw the bird from side to side, making it difficult to hit it. To shoot the jacks, the smallest fraction number is used. Usually this number is 10, but if there is a possibility, it is better to take 11th or 12th numbers altogether.

The fight of the guns and clothing remains the same as in the snipe hunting, thanks to the fact that in the late autumn in the marshes the dog raises snipe, jackal, and sometimes even epaulettes. The variety in shooting in birds so diverse in flight gives hunting interest and sportiness.

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