
African Buffalo

The world is full of amazing stories and animals. The only one not to meet in the African Savannah. Here, tigers, lynx, monkeys, hyenas and many interesting and sometimes dangerous reptiles. One of the brightest, most beautiful and powerful animals is the African Buffalo, which will be discussed in this material.

Animal it refers to bovids and currently resides generally in ohranyaemaya natural zoos and wildlife sanctuaries. And earlier in almost all areas of Africa were to be found numerous herds of these large ungulates. They live in very different areas – from Savannah, and ending with dense forests. Interestingly, they are able to conquer the mountain tops to 3 thousand meters above sea level.

One of the representatives of the bovine subfamily is considered to be perhaps the most dangerous one of your species, and all hoofed animals. Its sharp and cruel temperaments they can give only a bloodthirsty crocodiles, and not less predatory behemoths. They are aggressive not only against predatory animals, but the rivals in one herd. Their superiority they demonstrate, using a huge horn, which are considered males a sign of dominance. They become a wonderful tool to kill when attacking other species.


The appearance of the African Buffalo is simply mesmerizing. This is a huge, powerful, strong animals with well developed muscles and the Horny part of the head. Especially large individuals meet on the South and East Africa. The weight of an adult animal can range from 800 to 1500 kg. body Length averages 1.5 meters, height up to 2 meters! You can imagine how imposing and menacing it looks seemingly harmless hoofed animal.

Males, as many of the species are large in size and weight than females. All the Buffalo are short and powerful legs, and the head steamed a little in comparison with the line of the body. The color of cloven-hoofed animals changes with age. They are born black and will eventually become dark brown.

The color of the skin, you can judge the age of the animal. After 10 years of life in the body of a Buffalo appear on the spot, he starts to cover the hairline. Interestingly, his sight is very weak. However, it handsomely kompensiruet sense of smell.

Special attention in the appearance of the animal deserve unusual and very strong horns that go in different directions and have peculiar bone on his forehead, from which depart bullet, so it is sturdy. The horns twist at the end that cleverly allows you to manage them during the battle. Interesting is the fact that the distance between the end of the horn can reach males meters! Have bags well, this part is less developed.


Scientists, who for years investigated the behavior of the African Buffalo, came to interesting conclusions. It turns out that members of the species are able to ask among themselves, while in the herd. They do it through movements of the tail and torso, and, uttering certain sounds that relate to the environment. Overall, researchers found more than 10 such distinctive sounds. They manifest themselves in danger, ordinary, quiet life, with the festivals and so on. However, there’s not much to be impressed: even in a natural environment, in any of the reserves will not be able to rarely hear those sounds.

Something like the lowing of the cows coming in the Savannah tap is rare. And most often it is the sounds of aggression. Such a violent temper of the animal appreciated by all the inhabitants of the Savannah, so rarely lions or other predators dare to engage in battle with the Buffalo. They are, in fact, kept at Bay all the inhabitants of Africa. Sometimes, however, the lions still decided to attack straying from the group of animals. A victim may also be those individuals who have weakened or wounded.

When Africa starts to heat, artiodactyls spend the whole day in the shade of the trees and bushes, and in the evening I begin to slowly move closer to the water. In General, the ponds – a favorite place of Parking Buffalo. Here they are having a great time: swimming, drinking water, washing dirt to get away from annoying insects.

During the rainy months, herds of buffaloes can reach 100 individuals. With it, each such group has its own hierarchy, rules the ball a young experienced male. This herd is very difficult to approach, therefore, as a rule, the animals had not been touched, and they can safely reproduce and raise offspring. Water is the main reason that in times of drought they do not depart from the waterhole next 5 km.

In General, there are several types of herd. Here they are:

  • Young, which includes only individuals of small age;
  • Old, most of whom are of age males and females;
  • Mixed. Here you can find both young animals and adults, experienced bulls and calves.

The oldest representatives of cloven-hoofed animals with time to leave the herd, where he lived most of his life. They become loners, and often die from the bites and wounds from predators.

But among the different herds, there is a certain area that you can’t leave. Usually in this area for the animals have enough water and plant food for sustenance. That is why individuals very rarely leave the flock and depart on 10 km.


The mating period in animals coincides with the beginning of the rainy period in Africa. This time, when the lack of drinking water and food, and time to engage in procreation. During this period of possible violent clashes over a female, sometimes the male is defeated simply dies from his wounds. The female is pregnant for almost a year. Always born one Buffalo red-brown color, which is up to six months eats only mother’s milk.

The life expectancy of a cloven-hoofed animal in captivity can reach 25 to 30 years, free – to 18.

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