
Card hunter Tyumen oblast

Created an interactive web map of the hunting grounds of the Tyumen region

Continue to expand the geography of the Urals and Siberia. In the course of works on realization of the project “Map of the hunter” was created and published an interactive web map of the hunting grounds of the Tyumen region.

Interactive web map of the hunting grounds of the Tyumen region made in accordance with the Scheme of land concerning organization of haunting of the region approved by the decree of the Governor of the Tyumen region dated July 7, 2014 No. 80 “On approval of the layout, use and protection of hunting grounds of the Tyumen region”.

To create a map of the hunting grounds used by the official GIS data “Kupalskaya” of the Department of subsoil management of the Tyumen region. Includes all new hunting enshrined in the auctions in the period from 2017 to 2018, included all known updates and refinements.

Maps of the hunting grounds of the geoportal “Map hunter” are created in the form of a web geographic information systems (GIS) and are available for online viewing on any device with Internet access.

Attention hunters, fishermen and tourists!

Map of the hunting grounds of the Tyumen region are available for viewing and orienteering in a special navigation mobile application “Map hunter” for IOS or Android. The application provides the control of intersections of the boundaries of hunting grounds and protected areas, accurate navigation and geotracking user on the map.

Suggestions, comments and new information please send to mail admin@huntmap.ru or use the feedback form.

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