Rearing and housing of laying hens are currently many owners of farms. It’s really worthwhile, but quite a serious matter that requires strict compliance to certain rules for the care of this poultry.
Good for the productivity of layer hens need the right diet and a balanced diet. Observing all the norms of feeding their feathered Pets, you can get a rich “harvest” of eggs almost all year round.
And to achieve high results you must know that you need to better to rush than to feed laying hens how to pick the right diet and more about what we will try to explain in this article, based on extensive experience hardened poultry.
The domestic chicken is considered picky and very hardy bird, which readily eats weed greens, the grain, the remains of feed from the pigs, and much more. But, it is unlikely that such a diet will help to achieve high productivity of laying hens. Received less all of the essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins, chicken is unlikely to be able to rush in full force, and formed the eggs will take away the health of the poultry organism, thereby weakening it.
Therefore, properly organized feeding of laying hens and the selection of a balanced diet is the main priority for increasing egg production the poultry.
In a natural environment next-of-kin chicken feed is quite diverse. Their menu includes: grain, fruits, berries, grasses, seeds, grubs and insects. They’re also not averse to lizards, frogs, earthworms and leaves from low branches.
Nutrition of laying hens is not as diverse at home, but their high productivity is extremely important to provide our feathered Pets everything they need for healthy development and growth that will help them to productively lay eggs, regardless of any time of the year.
How to feed laying hens
What you need to get a better rush? The frequency of feedings
The basic rules of feeding hens egg breeds:
Feeding should be done at least twice a day: right after awakening and about an hour before turning the light off in the coop. In the feed must contain all essential for the organism of laying hens items. Greatly simplifies this process, bought on the market and ready to feed. In this case, the chicken’s diet will need to include fresh greens, grain and vegetables.
In some cases, to carry out feeding birds need three or four times a day. It is important for young chicken generation under the age of seven months.
A slight increase in servings is recommended during the cold period, the hens received an additional amount of energy to protect against possible hypothermia.
Preparation of feed for laying hens
Before feeding, it is necessary to weigh, to avoid overeating or malnutrition birds. Any regulatory deviations can have a negative impact on egg production and health of hens. The feeder preferably before the edges are not filled, to prevent spillage of the feed during the meal, which then simply trampled.
Chickens, laying hens can also give your homemade mash. It is prepared just for one feeding, because it is a perishable food. Laying chickens are quite undemanding in food, so economical and practical in content. You can give them:
The remains from a home table to include additional useful ingredients:
- The tops of the plants.
- Fresh grass.
- Vegetables.
It is important! Fresh bread, which recently brought from the bakery, it is strongly recommended not to add to chicken feed. Bakery fresh pastry swell in the stomachs of birds and stick together, with the result that it often becomes the cause of their death. Therefore, it is allowed to use bread to form bread without a mould, which is ground into a powder.
What to feed chickens so they can lay lots of eggs the Composition of feed for laying hens
All grains are perfectly indigestible by poultry in providing the body with vitamins, fiber and carbohydrates. Different kinds of grain should be about 60 percent of all chicken menu.
To better raced in the diet of laying hens include:
- Crushed corn is rich in carbohydrates.
- Wheat, eye-catching an abundance of vitamins B, E and plant proteins, which are especially necessary for laying hens.
- Wheat bran, which are superior to whole grain nutritive value.
- Barley is a very useful cereal crop for meat and egg breeds.
- Rich in fiber oats, which must be crushed and steamed to the best of his learning, to avoid irritation of the esophagus of the chicken intestine.
- Oat bran, fine grain and replacing up to 20 percent of the volume of cereals in the diet of laying hens.
- Rye and millet.
- Buckwheat, representing a maximum of 10 percent of the total menu.
Balanced blend, of course, very useful, but they lack the necessary amounts of vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and protein, so chicken diet must necessarily include the following components:
- Legumes.
- Sunflower seeds and flax.
- Oil-cake and meal, which are rich in fiber and protein.
- Animal and vegetable food, which supply the bird with carbohydrates, fats and protein.
- Mineral and vitamin supplements.
In addition, hens, laying hens need to give table salt, ash, gravel, chalk, crushed shells. In the feed composition these components are not included and need to be given separately.
Useful herbs and roots
What you need to get a better rush?
Green foods are essential foods at home to laying hens. This is a wonderful source of vitamins, fiber, minerals and moisture. During independent range chickens eat plenty of greens in the pasture. When feeding concentrates at home on the greens should account for approximately 20 percent of the total rates of feeding chickens.
The bird which contained in the cells of a fresh or dried Prairie grass. Good laying hens eat feed with clover and alfalfa, and other legumes.
Of cultivated plants, which are grown in the gardens the chickens.
- Young green peas.
- The salad leaves.
- Dill and other plants that do not irritate the digestive tract of domestic birds.
Of weeds is very useful is dioecious nettle, which contains in addition to vitamins “A”, “b”, “K” more fiber, water and micronutrients. In the winter when no fresh grass, the hens give herbal hay, and pine needles that make up for the deficiency of carotene and vitamin C in this cold period.
The diet of laying hens can be replenished and root vegetables that keep well, so available almost any time of the year.
Especially useful are the following roots:
- Carrots.
- Table beet.
- Summer varieties of radish.
- Turnips.
- The potatoes are boiled is mixed with the other components.
- Gourds: squash, pumpkin, zucchini cut in the form.
Feed for laying hens
What you need to get a better rush?
Thanks to the availability of products and the ease of cooking a poultry mix feed. To solid feed include mixed grain, and wet or soft variety of fodder on the basis of bran and flour additives, vegetables and herbs, steamed grains.
To maintain the health of laying hens and increase egg production need to know what products to include chicken in the diet, while respecting the optimal proportions.
Homemade and ready-mix should contain all the listed ingredients, but it is not necessary to forget about presence of animal protein, which is required for laying hens and contains the following components:
- Earthworms.
- Meat and fish waste.
- Dairy products.
For preparation of fodder for chickens, hens need to initially determine its amount and composition, as well as to prepare some products as follows:
- Raw potato peel or tuber boil, cool and mash.
- Using a grater will shred root crops and vegetables.
- Fish meat is subjected to heat treatment and is cooled.
- Bean beans are boiled and soaked other.
- For pullet hens grain they are pressing or milled.
To enhance the vitamin and nutritional value in winter cereals it is useful to germinate. The effect will be identical if you add in pounds of a mixture of about 10 grams. yeast.
Feeding laying hens
Excess food is bad for the health of birds, and ultimately on her egg production. Therefore, it is very important to observe not only the mode of feeding, but also to give the hens a well-defined daily feed volume.
To support the egg productivity of livestock at the proper level, you need to feed the bird at least twice a day. Adjusts the number of feedings by the owner himself, focusing on the health of chickens, the nuances of their content and breed characteristics of birds.
Gold in a grain mixture is added 0.5 oz. mineral feed and salt. Additionally, introduced root crops, vegetables, components of animal origin, herbs or hay.
In terms of personal economy can be used within arm’s reach. Do not forget about the seasonal limitations of providing on the product a considerable influence. So in the summer one of the main ingredients should be greens, and in winter you need to give hay, root crops and vegetables in sufficient quantity.
Experienced growers are well-known interchangeability of feed. It helps them without losing the energy and nutrients to make combined feed of what is available at hand at the moment.
What you can not feed laying hens
Sometimes omnivorous chickens leads to unexpected and unpleasant consequences thatoznachayut from eating them moldy and rotten pieces of food. As a result, can appear intestinal infection, clay invasion, blockage of goiter and other diseases.
So from the menu of chickens you want to exclude:
- Sour fermented food.
- Moldy and spoiled food.
- Raw potatoes or cleaning.
- Whole root vegetables.
Waste from the home table should be sorted and checked for foil, packaging film, twine and other inedible and dangerous to the health of the CSD items.
Before feeding fresh grass or hay should make sure no poisonous plants: wormwood, celandine, horsetail. These plants are the culprits of poisoning in poultry in the coop and in the coop.
The reasons for the low productivity of laying hens
Even the correct diet egg breed chickens sometimes can not guarantee complete absence of the problems connected with decrease of their productivity.
In this regard, there are several main causes that influence the factor of egg-laying chickens:
- Shedding may provoke a decrease in egg production as this the natural change of plumage has a negative impact on the body of the chicken, while spending almost the entire supply of vitamins and minerals to update the feathers. That is why the production of eggs chicken hen may significantly decrease, because the physical forces it is almost gone.
- During this period, the hens just need to replace the missing nutrients, so it is recommended to enrich the diet of poultry food products of animal origin, as well as components that are rich in protein.
- Violation of the usual length of a day due to its natural reduction or change in the mode of lighting in the coop can also have a negative impact on the productivity of laying hens. Shortened daylight is the most common cause of reduced productivity.
- The instability of heating, resulting in temperature drops in the coop.
- Frequent change of the location of the nest.
- Excess feeding.
- Unbalanced nutrition.
- A rare change of drinking water or lack of it. Fresh water in laying hens must be present continually and in sufficient quantity.
- The transferred stress.
- Diseases of birds.
Proper feeding of hens provides them with resistance to various diseases and promotes good health, which consequently affects egg-laying domestic birds. Regardless of which version of the diet you will use for home hens, this may be a combined feed with natural feed or food, made their own from simple household ingredients, you must carefully monitor the balance of essential substances in the diet of your poultry.