In March in the Leningrad region there are practically no mushrooms, but at the end of the month may see the first snowdrops. If the winter was warm, you can find fresh oyster mushrooms.
Oyster mushrooms usually grow on trees, the cap of this mushroom is one-sided or rounded, the plate run away on foot, as if the form to her.
To distinguish from edible mushrooms oyster mushroom is easy – it has absolutely nekazisty to the touch hat. Also in March, in Leningrad region it is possible to find Govorushko.
The stem is short (sometimes almost invisible), dense, solid, eccentric or lateral, cylindrical, tapering to the base, often curved, 2-5 cm long and 0.8-3 cm thick. The surface of legs are white, smooth; at the base brownish and slightly felted. Mushrooms from old stem becomes very hard.A rather large mushroom.
A hat with a diameter of 5-15 (30) cm, fleshy, solid, roundish, with a thin edge; form is earlike recomenaria or almost round. The young mushroom cap is convex, with wrapped edge, later flat or shirokoformatnaya with a wavy or lobed margin. The hat surface is smooth, glossy, often undulate.
When growing in wet conditions the pileus is often covered with filamentous bloom. The color of the cap is changeable, varying from dark gray or brownish in young mushrooms to ash-gray with violet shade from Mature mushrooms, and over time vizueta to whitish, grayish or yellowish.
Edible mushroom. In food use young mushrooms (up to 7-10 cm) after removal of rigid legs, because the older mushrooms become too hard.
Talkie Tina
Hat bright: whitish, greyish-brown, pale yellow; concave in the middle, to funnel-shaped; smooth, dry.Fruiting bodies are often small or of medium size (cap diameter about 3-6 cm).
Leg thin (0.5-1 cm), cylindrical.
The gills are white or light-colored, decurrent on the stem.
Spore powder is white or creamy white.
In the family has both edible and poisonous species, including deadly poisonous. Most species are difficult, therefore, to collect Govorushko is recommended only for experienced mushroom pickers.