

For diving you need to get special equipment. Standard scuba gear includes wetsuit, regulator, mask, fins and vest-compensator. This is enough to dive. The tanks and weights are issued on the spot by the organizers of the diving.

In addition to the above, it is a good idea to have a computer for diving, which supplies the diver with a huge amount of useful information, as well as gloves, boots, snorkel, and underwater flashlight for diving in the night or inside wrecks. Choose a wetsuit for diving. He is like a second skin for underwater swimmer, and not only because it protects the body of the diver from injury, but also helps to retain heat as the water heat up to 25 times higher than in air. In case of damage of the wetsuit, for example, on metal objects, do not be discouraged, because it can be sealed up.

The main thing to choose the right glue for the material, more about the choice of adhesive and the methods of sealing the wetsuit here.

For selection of wetsuit needed to take into account the conditions in which you will have to dive. For water temperature 28 degrees, such as, for example, in the Red sea, fit a thin neoprene suit, consisting of shorts and t-shirts with a thickness of 2 – 3 mm. But we must remember that it will not protect exposed parts of the body from injury and possible cuts. And they can happen if you fail to comply with the elementary caution. You can touch the coral, and these scratches heal somehow very long. When diving on the sunken vessel can be injured on a rusty metal part, which can be very sharp. Should be especially careful with these beautiful fish, as the lionfish – their needles are very poisonous and can easily ruin immersion.

For more cool water is suitable for either wet monococcum covering the whole body, or combination, consisting of overalls and a top with a hood or without it. Thermal properties of wet suit is not based on isolation of the body from the water and prevent its recirculation in the suit.

Even though it does not prevent heat loss at all, but allows for quite a long time to be under water. The advantage of a wet wetsuit is the preservation of the thermal properties with minor damage, as it initially is not positioned waterproof.

For dives in colder water, and ice, use a “dry” suits that you can wear warm clothes. They are significantly more expensive than wet, but completely exclude contact of the diver with water. One of the most important elements of “dry” wetsuit is the zipper. It serves as a barrier to penetration of water and should be installed very efficiently. Of course, there are many criteria for the selection of wetsuits, which You will describe in more detail the consultants involved in selling this type of equipment. For this you only need the desire to start diving, get trained and go!

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