Combined – having a smooth and a rifled barrel – the weapon gives the hunter more opportunities to capture prey.
Having it on the arms, can be equally effective hunting, shooting in flight shot debris, or getting a rifle bullet game strong at the wound (like grouse) and not to allow to itself to the distance of a confident shot from smooth-bore guns.
One of the representatives of such “komunalec” is bokflint IZH-94, the range of which United under the Baikal brand.
Description of the carbine IZH-94
Hunting weapons with vertically located barrels (bokflint).
- One of them is smooth, the other rifled. At the heart of its design smoothbore “vertikalka” IZH-27M – a very common and popular among hunters weapons.
- Taken from the predecessor receiver (reinforced its front wall – head) with trigger mechanism and butt.
- The distance between the drums stored, only the lower used for impaling the primer rifle cartridge made thinner, so there is a possibility of shift of the barrel and return to the usual smooth-bore bokflint.
- The trunks are connected by a coupling (is a patented Izhevsk gunsmiths technology), you can adjust the point of Astrela shafts, which clutch installed in the middle, with the fore-end, equipped with eccentric rotating mechanism.
- A revised set of sighting devices. Instead of the vented strap with front sight, installed an adjustable horizontal rear sight and front sight, the height of which can also be changed. There is strip of the type “dovetail”, which is mounted on the breech of the top barrel.
Advantages and disadvantages
The combination of smooth and rifled barrel allows you to extend the capabilities of the arrow and increase devicelost hunting.
- In a firing mechanism mounted helical mainspring, more reliable than the notched plate used in TOZ. There are spoilers (perehvatyvaet) Kurkov, not allowing to make the shot when not fully closed barrel block, drop-kick.
- The chamber smooth trunk has a wide countersink, allowing the use of a sleeve with a wide or narrow flange. It is long, the gun can be charged with cartridges as rolled with an asterisk (paper or plastic sleeve) and cavalcavia (brass case).
- The ejector is driven when the broken barrel, no problems pulls any bloated shell.
- It is possible to replace the barrel block, placing both smooth and rifled a different caliber.
As for the IZH-27M, there is a possibility of installation of interchangeable muzzle narrowing on the smooth trunk.
These models are designated by letter VAR on the breech and the muzzle marking is permissible contraction on the cut stem.
- The weapon has a two-stage scheme of locking – spring-actuated latch connecting the barrel block, and a fore-end locking hinge fracture. For shotguns that is enough. However, there is no doubt that if you use rifle cartridges caliber Magnum it is quite reliable. Additional latch, like TOZ BM, just would not stop.
- Ejector cartridges is more designed to retrieve shell casings with flanged rim of the stems, when using flangeless cartridges may be some inconvenience. Especially in winter or in wet weather.
- The stock is designed for shooting from a smooth barrel. First, strength. For its production used beech or ash, and in some cases can even birch. It would be ideal to use walnut. Second, comb is too low for the alignment of the line of sight through a pair of adjustable rear sights – front sight and even more so to use an optical sight on a high bracket.
- Used bracket-type “dovetail” not very securely holds optics. In addition, it is not as universal as Planck’s weaver or Picatinny rail with the same spacing between the grooves over the entire length and suitable for mounting any optics.
The bokflint IZH-94 is hard to use if you are not able to independently equip ammo, targeting weapons and to achieve a tolerable coincidence of the points of contact of smooth and rifled barrel. If permitted such a comparison, it is the car of the Soviet automobile industry, require the owner of the combination of specialties.
Combined the IZH-94 (photo)
It’s a hunting weapon, effective range of which does not exceed two hundred meters. It does not apply to sniper – when firing from a rifled barrel the value of the MOA is never less than 2-2,5.
- Basic, basic, model “Taiga”. Upper trunk smooth, 12-gauge, chamber 76 mm Bottom rifled, caliber 5.6, 7, 7.62, 9.3 mm.
- Model Sever, manufactured since 1992. Top barrel rifled, calibre 5.6 mm, length 600 mm, possible to install shorter length of 500 mm. the Lower trunk is smooth, 20 gauge. The 76 mm chamber
- Model IZH-94R. Advanced modification of the “North” with an upper rifle barrel caliber 5.6, 7, 7.62 mm or 9.3 mm. the Lower trunk is smooth, chambered for 12 gauge. The bolts 70 and 76 mm.
- Model “Express”. Fitting with two rifled guns of large caliber. The possible combinations of calibers .308 Win, 30-06 Sprg, 8x57JRS, 9x53R, 9,3x74R.
Feature | The value |
Type | Combined bokflint |
The caliber of the smooth barrel | 12 or 20 |
Caliber rifled barrel | . 222 Rem, .223 Rem, 5,6x50R Mag, 6,5x55SE, 7x57R, 7x65R, 7,62×39, .308Win, 7,62x53R, 7,62x54R, 30-06Sprg, 8x57JRS, 9x53R, 9,3x74R |
The length of the barrel block (mm) | 600 |
Total length (mm) | 1020 |
Weight (kg) | 3,6 |
- Combo – rifled and smooth-bore weapon with vertical (bokflint) the location of the guns. The design is based on a hunting rifle IZH-27M. Smooth chrome-plated barrel, with the cartridge chamber of 76 mm and the possibility of installation of interchangeable nozzles muzzle of the contractions.
- The trunks are connected by couplings, it is possible to adjust their position to get a single point of impact at different distances.
- Loading at the broken barrel, trigger mechanism with two triggers. The front trigger works with top and rear – bottom gun. Spring coiled, for security installed spoilers (perehvatyvaet) Kurkov. Automatic fuse that triggers when opening (fracture) of the receiver unit. The fuse box is located behind the release lever, on the top of the receiver.
- The receiver unit is removable, is replaced by another set of calibers or types of guns.
- Locking mechanism dual spring-loaded latch-the latch that connects the barrel block and receiver, as well as the closure hinge fracture of the forearm.
- Polupoltina bed, solid wood. Buttstock with straight comb without pillows and ledges. Is possible to install the shock-absorbing recoil pad.
- Sights external. The rear sight is adjustable horizontally. The front sight is adjustable height. There is a bracket of the type “dovetail” for installation of optical sights.
Picking and packing
The gun is packaged in a cardboard box.
- Standard equipment consists of certificate and a passport weapons.
- Extended augmented set of interchangeable nozzles of muzzle contractions, cleaning kit (cleaning rod, brush, RUB).
The principle of operation
- For loading the weapons necessary to divide the receiver and the barrel block. For this purpose the shank of the lever on the top side pistol handle is moved to the right until it stops. In the “fracture” of the trunks of the Cam mechanism of the forearm rests on the pusher triggers and they are triggered they. The fuse thus locks both sear and its box is shifted back. The lever ejector is broken when the barrel block is advanced, it is located between the cartridge chambers of the upper and lower trunks.
- Cartridges are inserted into the chamber, the flanges of the sleeves rest on the arm of the ejector. The barrel block vigorously rises up, the latch is automatically released, with a distinctive click. For shooting you need to move the fuse box up to the release lever, then press one of the trigger hooks. Front actuates the trigger of the upper trunk. Rear – bottom.
- Perhaps the removal of the trigger with a combat platoon in the open breech guns. To do this, remove the cartridges, move the fuse box up (“Fire”), then press both the trigger and slowly close the barrel block. Must be clearly audible clicks triggering Kurkov.
- Adjustment of the point of impact of barrels (astral) is made by changing the position of the eccentric on the middle joints connecting the shafts. For the convenience of the forearm must be removed. The result is the distance between the points of contact of smooth and rifled barrel not more than 5 cm is achieved only in a practical way, after each change of position produced control shooting.
The shooting distance is set to the one that the shooter feels comfortable and most likely.
In practice, a satisfactory result – getting both barrels almost at one point – can be achieved, not even touching trunks. For this we need to experiment with the linkage of gunpowder in the cartridge for smooth barrel.
Rifle IZH-94 is stored and transported in disassembled form, with taken barrel block. Its disassembly is simple and not difficult to anybody.
- To turn the barrel block, by turning the lever on the receiver to the right.
- To discharge the weapon.
- Put back the barrel block in the normal firing position.
- Pull the latch on the shank and hold it in position, remove the forearm by pulling on its edge which is adjacent to the receiver. Do not apply during this operation excessive force.
- To change barrels, remove the hook block pin receiver.
- Push the lever to the delay, located in the groove of the receiver, and to seek the return of the latch lever from the right to the middle position.
- Install the handguard on the receiver unit.
You can replace the bar “dovetail” to weaver or Picatinny rail, set the front sight with a fiber-optic thread.
Reviews and price combo hunting rifle IZH-94 (Taiga, North) are given below.
Rifle IZH-94 “Taiga” with a smooth barrel 12 gauge and a rifled chambered for 7,62×51 is worth 25 thousand rubles. IZH-94 Sever you can search at a cost of 30 Tr
The gun is reliable and unpretentious in operation. Shooting from a smooth barrel is no different from the IZH-27M. A rifled barrel is happy only those who are able to attach the arms and head to achieve satisfactory costrel (falling at one point). The gun is suitable for driven hunts and running, the effective range of a rifle bullet is less than a hundred meters.