
KO-44, a rifle

Modern rifles, equipped with the necessary accessories for increased accuracy and firing range, successfully combine attractive external appearance and unique technical parameters.

And is known to many fans of shooting from firearms and professional hunters Izhevsk manufacturer pleases its fans with an improved and revised version of the self-loading rifle Tokarev rifle KO-44, which has improved features and thanks to them can be used as a professional hunting and competition target shooting.

Considering this model, you can easily find that the great demand among professionals and among Amateurs is associated not only with an affordable cost. Its possibilities inherent to the manufacturer, allow you to hit even bigger targets in the hunt, as the elk is medium in size and bears (assuming the use of a certain caliber of ammo). Important advantage of this model is its ease of use due to advanced ergonomic shape – like a barrel, and butt. And the relatively small size of the body of the carabiner and light weight allow it to be used for learning the initial skills of shooting from firearms novices – even women and adolescents.

Overview of the rifle KO-44

Modern design, good aesthetic data and reasonableness of the device made the carbine model is ideal for frequent shooting and use in the field by treating the most susceptible parts of the body with special solutions. This applies to natural wood, which under normal conditions subject to the negative impact of moisture in the air.

Also draws attention to the possibility of installation of extra hardware on the barrel of the rifle. For example, many owners consider the rifle to notice the increasing ease of use when mounted on the muzzle flash suppressor and telescopic sight – it greatly enhances the effectiveness of the shots.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since the analysis of advantages of the model and its shortcomings to evaluate the possibility for use of the model and its ease of use, the list of advantages will allow you to obtain a preliminary assessment of this weapon. Also of great assistance in this will have reviews of the owners who have managed to use the rifle and see its strengths and weaknesses.

The following advantages in comparison with similar models of carbines third party will help you to get the most detailed picture about the model of the rifle. The owners will provide full information about existing shortcomings.

Advantages of the model KO-44 are the following parameters:

  • ergonomic body shape carabiners makes it possible to conveniently place it in the hand, regardless of hand size hand: the weapon is equally comfortable in the hand, both men and women.
  • the use of high quality steel for the manufacture of the barrel ensures the safety even in unfavourable ambient conditions: high humidity and fluctuating temperatures that often occur in the field, on the trunk, is not even a trace of rust;
  • natural wood on the body of the carabiner makes it more aesthetics;
  • the possibility of using two types of ammunition significantly increases the opportunities for the use of this carbine.

The ability to conduct tuning should also call the advantage of this model.

The disadvantages, according to the owners, the model of the rifle KO-44, has. However, the tendency to accumulation of soot and dirt in the barrel during frequent and active use of the rifle requires attention to his condition.

To prevent the formation of corrosion on the inner surface of the barrel is often necessary to clean the barrel. This is accomplished by using a base composition and a cleaning rod, after which the barrel is wiped dry with rags.

Photos of the rifle KO-44

  • Carbine model KO-44 are intended for use in hunting, while its technical characteristics allows you to hunt as for medium and large animals.
  • Lose far are targets, even moving targets, is achieved through the considered range weapons.
  • Also, the carabiner can be used for competitions in accuracy in target shooting.

As for firing the carbine model KO-44 can be used cartridges of two types, firing rates in these cases are somewhat different.

  1. Cartridges of caliber 7,62х53 intended for standard shooting. Bullet shell. The initial speed of a bullet high enough to hit a target at a distance of 150-200 m.
  2. Cartridges of caliber 7,62×39 for hunting, they can easily strike the medium and large animals. Jacketed hollow-point bullet.

Also for firing of the rifle can use bullets, military, and explosive and tracer bullets, which have a special meaning.

Technical characteristics of the rifle KO-44 reviewed this video:


Technical features in each model have been laid down by the manufacturer. Because their analysis will allow to compare the model with analogues of other manufacturers. The rifle KO-44 has a high destructive power due to the high initial speed of a bullet, and the most balanced barrel length and buttstock allows you to provide the best performance range of a bullet.

Below you will find the main technical parameters of KO-44.

Specifications Carbine IN 44
Country of origin Russia machine-building plant “Molot”
Appointment Hunting, sport shooting
View Semi-automatic carbine
Capacity cartridges 4
The total length of the body 1 120 mm
The length of the barrel 625 mm
The height of the model 202 mm
Weight 4,89 kg
Width 57 mm
View of the trunk Cold forging, has an oxide coating

For hunting it is not recommended the use of tracer and exploding bullets; it will be enough jacketed hollow-point bullets military. Excellent quality of steel used for making the barrel of the rifle, during a long period of time through the use of cold forging.


Despite the excellent technical characteristics, the model rifle KO-44 has a fairly simple structure, providing convenience and ease of operation. This quality is most important for beginners of shooting firearms.

  • The main constructive part of it can be considered stock, and barrel.
  • Shop, supplied as standard, can be changed to store a larger volume for ease of shooting and increase its speed.
  • The gate of the carabiner is used to send the cartridge in the chamber, which also contributes to the ease of process operation model.
  • For greater comfort of use on the butt is a rubber recoil pad (endowed with the high rate of depreciation).
  • There are 2 stops for the complete locking of the barrel that gives increased safety when using weapons.
Picking and packing
  • Selling any type of hunting weapons is carried out in specialized hunting shops, each model is applied a quality certificate and personal passport.
  • Carbine model OK-44 is sold in plastic packaging to prevent mechanical stress on the casing and a cardboard box.
The principle of operation

The use of modern technologies allowed to carbines, which are perfectly cope with the task and it is easy to operate and disassembly. When you click on punkrock exits out of engagement with the shutter, a sharp blow to the striker under the action of the expanded spring, and the shooting. The weapon is classic when placed on the shoulder of the shooter when shooting mild recoil.

Combat camera has the following components:

  • the bolt;
  • the ejector;
  • the bolt body;
  • the trigger;
  • action spring;
  • the connecting strap;
  • drummer.

A feature of the firing mechanism of this model should be considered as committing a single shot, then there is arming of the fuse. Push the fuse is especially convenient for use, because it avoids releasing the carabiner before each climb it to the shoulder.


Partial disassembly is carried out at elevated the trigger. Turn the handle up and pull on itself, when this is removed the shutter. Further clicking of the latch is taken out of the store.

Disassembly may be required to repair the rifle and its improvements. Reassemble in reverse order.

Tuning the rifle KO-44 are described below.


For this model, you can set a scope from another manufacturer that improves the sighting of the made shots. Also may be replaced by a “native” store more spacious.

The price of the product and the reviews from hunters about hunting rifle KO-44 are given below.

Prices and reviews

The cost of the rifle KO-44 can be from 5 to 6 260 580 rubles.

Owners model is not only attractive appearance of the rifle but also its technical parameters. The possibility of using it for both hunting and sport shooting to some extent in sports shooting.

Also got positive reviews as well parameters such as rate of fire and accuracy. This allows the greatest efficiency to hit the target.

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