
KO-91/30 carbine, rifled gun

The Russian army, in the late nineteenth century armed with firearms single-shot weapons suffered heavy losses during the armed conflicts of the time. The competitive variant in 1890 there were only two – product firms Nagant and Mosin vintar.

The end result was the victory of the Russian inventor, and his system has been significantly improved through the use of the principle of supply cartridges from the Belgian masters.

Known truth is that quality does not get old, fully applies to this small arms. High demand carbine KO-91/30 has more than a century. Legendary reliable companion and comrade of many generations of defenders of the Fatherland – rifle Russian inventor simple officer captain Mosin for many decades became an example of Russian quality, reliability, merit. The idea of creating repeating firearms was absolutely necessary.

Overview of carbine KO-91/30

The famous “Masyanya” hand-in-hand with the soldiers was the First and the Second world war, fighting the battle of the Russo-Japanese and the Finnish wars. After 1945 in our country, the ancestor of the carbine became popular among moviegoers, fans of Russian history, field workers, employees of security and regulatory organizations.

The liberalization of the access of the population to the civil weapon at the end of the last century led to the fact that the carbine KO-91/30, modified on ITS “Hammer” version of the combat rifle Mosin was legally permitted and the most popular weapon for fans of hunting entertainment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this small arms that allowed him to be the most popular for many decades, is simplicity of mechanism, ease of maintenance. Attracts a massive butt, and especially the saved trail manual or automatic forging, which gives a certain patina brutal and gray trail history. Comfortable geometry of the barrel and the butt allows you to quickly and aiming to shoot.

The main disadvantages is the considerable weight of the rifle, the lack of stability of the trunk in numerous shots. In the process of being finalised trigger mechanism, with locking system fuse and need to replace the pitch when working with a telescopic sight.

A hunting rifle KO-91/30


Carbine KO-91/30 is designed to solve a purely civilian tasks – hunting, traveling, sports, sights, and shotgun. Good accuracy and range combat allows you to use the carbine for Amateur and commercial hunting and fishing of large predatory beast.


Today, the company Hammer produces several types of standard carbine with different discharge gauges. Mosin rifle became the basis for the following types of hunting weapons:

  1. Carbine without mounting optics KO-91/30 -12900.
  2. – // – with fixed bracket KO-91/30 – 12900.
  3. Carbine – prestolok without optics KO-91/30M – 22950.
  4. – // – with brackets KO-91/30M is 22900.

In terms of technical characteristics, we can say that this is one of the most simple and solid samples from the Russian gunsmiths.

No. Figure Data
1 Caliber size 7. 62 x 54 R
2 The design of the butt Direct
3 Re charging mechanism Manual
4 Movement type Bolt
5 The number of trunks 1
6 Capacity of shop, cartridges 5
7 The length of the barrel 61, 00 cm
8 The length of the sample 111, 50 cm
9 Max. the effective range of fire 200, 00 m

Based on the design of the rifle is the principle of using a fixed needle mechanism for chambering of the cartridge. The system carbine KO-91/30 consists of:

  • the barrel and receiver
  • store boxes,
  • cutoff – reflector,
  • the trigger mechanism,
  • shutter
  • Lodge,
  • barrel lining
  • and sights.
Picking and packing

Basic is the need for weapons technical passport, notarized certificate of license to issue rifles in this series, instructions for maintenance and operation.

Option trading packaging a disassembled carbine wrapped in waxed fabric metallic elements, Packed in a cardboard box with brand name and logo of the company Hammer.

The principle of operation

The action of the rifle is based on the energy of the recoil mechanism manual reloading and docile cartridge with a needle device to feed into the barrel.


Maintenance of the rifle is made only after verification of lack of ammunition in the chamber and the barrel. Disassembly, technical or manual cleaning, lubrication, and further the assembling of the arms is made exclusively according to the instructions.

Tuning in now for this series of carbines manufacturer considers relevant.

The price and the reviews on the carbine KO-91/30 is given below.


Pricing tier is as close to budget. Cheapest basic is not more than 280, 00 USD. USA, snap hook with brackets on the Internet can be purchased for 310, 00 – 325, 00 dollars. USA.

Owner reviews

Review owners you can make a definite opinion about the carbine. In the presence of certain deficiencies in the design and the relatively large mass of most fans of the simplicity and reliability of the movement noted its many positive qualities, including low cost and ease of use.

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