A great variety of models of rifles, presented on the market today, capable of impressing the most demanding customer.
Among newfangled and ultra-modern models with excellent scores shooting should stop at the Tula autoloading shotgun model MC 21-12, which for a long time can be considered one of the most successful and reliable from the manufacturer: the many positive reviews by its owners, comfortable design, modern design and good safety performance are in full compliance with the requirements for professional weapons.
And although the model MC 21-12 is not equipped with the latest technology, and since the beginning of its production the design of it has not undergone significant changes, many firing rates of it remain at the highest level and allow you to use the carbine for hunting and for fun. Having a relatively small mass, the model can easily be transported over long distances, which is especially important for those who use the rifle for professional hunting overcoming significant distances.
Browse shotguns MC 21-12
Presenting a semi-automatic rifle, model MC 21-12, being a single barrel, is perfect for commercial hunting, and for Amateur shooting: optimal shape and clever design make it easy to use consider the rifle as the men of any complexion, and women and teenagers. The ergonomic shape of the barrel and butt, the ease of walking the trigger provides ease of use, and also gives the opportunity to use the rifle to teach beginners.
Modern technology has allowed the carbine to ensure minimal impact, because the longitudinal sliding mechanism is easy to use and allows you to make the most accurate shots even at a considerable distance with minimal effort spent on making a shot. Chromed muzzle of the barrel as the breech from the same impact resistant material to provide ease in the care of the carbine. Modern design and attractive appearance in a classic style, without unnecessary and distracting detail, thereby making this model the best look, appeal and constant demand.
Advantages and disadvantages
Because the analysis available to the carbine of the advantages and shortcomings of the manufacturer allow you to obtain the most complete picture of his work, must first study its strengths and weaknesses. According to most of the buyers and owners of carbine models MC 21-12, the benefits it has is much greater than the disadvantages. And although the appearance of his absolutely classic, the ease of the process operation in combination with available to the majority of buyers value made the carbine the most attractive for both professional hunters and beginners archers.
The strengths of the model MC 21-12 should include such features:
- a thoughtful design that allows you to use the rifle for hunting with the necessity of hitting the moving target far away, and for entertainment;
- the ease of movement of the trigger, allowing you to quickly and smoothly make shots and not feel a strong impact;
- affordability is an important feature that makes the carbine especially in demand;
- the ergonomics of each structural part and relatively low weight allow the user to operate the model with maximum convenience.
The presence of rear sight with the possibility of ventilation adds precision made shots, and the elongated shape of the barrel contributes to a good sighting shooting. Durable use carabiner are provided by the use of chrome in many structural parts, which facilitates maintenance and prevents the early appearance of rust. This is especially important in cases when the use of the carbine in the field at high humidity and the likelihood of falling into the water.
The shortcomings of the manufacturer can be attributed specific to the model delay, which occurs due to the difficult separation (and sometimes nerezidente) barrel and bolt. The reason, according to some owners of the rifle, may be a rounded form of emphasis. You may also experience problems with the operation of the carbine due to improper Assembly.
Photos of MC 21-12
The use of the model may be different: for commercial production of medium and small game and for fun. The rifle performs well for target shooting, training accuracy.
In the sale of the proposed species, the butts of which are made from different varieties of wood. However, their differences end, and the firing rates are the same.
With the help of technical characteristics it is possible to obtain the most complete picture of this carbine. Indeed, such indicators as range shots, the sighting and accuracy of fire are determined at the time of production and are determined by the parameters given in the table.
Specifications | Carabiner MC 21-12 |
Country of origin | Russia, Tula arms factory |
Appointment | Hunting, shooting, fun, target practice |
View | Single-barrel self-loading carbine |
Capacity cartridges | From 5 to 9 |
The total length of the body | 1 120 mm |
The length of the barrel | 625 mm |
The height of the model | 202 mm |
Weight | 3,89 kg |
Width | 57 mm |
View of the trunk | Cold forging, has an oxide coating |
With affordable price, shotgun MC 21-12 become the most frequently purchased models.
Manufacturer envisages the most simple disassembly, and this is determined by a simplified mechanism. Simplicity of design hunting rifle MC 21-12 allows easy disassembly without use of special equipment that is often required for current repairs or when clearance.
Trunk MC 21-12 is made of stainless steel, its length is optimal for this model. Applied in the manufacture of cold forging allows you to create a coating with a high degree of strength, the material is not subjected to corrosion even under provoking factors: high humidity, temperature changes, and air. Covered with high-quality varnished stock, made from hardwood (birch and walnut), very pleasant in use, and preserves the attractiveness of the gun.
Picking and packing
To the carbine in the sale is attached a corresponding quality certificate and passport. It is Packed in a cardboard packaging with information on the side with the name of the product and information about the company-seller.
MC 21-12 Packed in a durable plastic: this type of packaging gives you the opportunity to spoil its appearance during transportation and to prevent damage to the wood of the butt.
The principle of operation
Using MC 21-12, it can be noted that the process of exploitation it is simple. This was achieved through a simple mechanism.
Bringing it into action is the standard for this type of hunting guns. Usage can begin with the installation of the right caliber ammunition. With smooth and not causing resistance, press the trigger by his disengagement with the bolt, raspryamitsya spring produces a pressing surface of a striker.
Not require any specific skills to operate, shotgun MC 21-12 can easily undergo partial disassembly that is necessary for carrying out tonirovania and repair.
When using the optical sight it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in shooting models. Can also change into a more advanced “native” front sight and butt.
The product price
The cost of this model is relatively affordable for most buyers. Price on average is 15-16,5 thousand rubles.
Owner reviews
Many owners noted the attractive design that encourages the attention to the rifle. The lack of distractions, applied classic style and high quality materials – this should be attributed to the important positive qualities of the rifle MC 21-12.
The excellent characteristics allow to evaluate the real possibilities for use. Also speak well about the possibility of MC 21-12 to hit target far away, provided that the rate of departure of the bullet.