
Saiga MK (7. 62×39 mm) rifled gun

Carbine “saiga MK” performed 03 – this is the compact variant of the civilian rifle based on the AK-104 chambered for 7. 62×39 mm. is Produced in the Izhevsk machine-building plant.

Description of the saiga MK 03

Self-loading rifled carbine “saiga MK” 03 7.62 mm, calculated under the cartridge 7. 62×39 mm. is Created on the basis of the AK-104 having a gas outlet mechanism of recharge.

Performed 03 is equipped with a barrel length of 336 mm.

  • The stock folding mechanism block the trigger when folded. Lodge, pistol grip, handguard and trim the vapor tube is made of black plastic.
  • The carbine is equipped with a sighting device similar to an AK-104 – pillar bracket with a slider and a closed fly at a high bracket. Straps for mounting optics is not provided.

In the factory version comes with a five-charging shop, can optionally be equipped with a ten.

Advantages and disadvantages
  • The trigger mechanism of the rifle similar to an AK-104, but merely no sear automatic fire, the shutter with three degrees of locking. Therefore, “the saiga of MK” in the performance of the 03 can be considered as reliable and “unbreakable” representative of firearms.
  • Due to the short barrel has an effective range of shot is less than 300 meters, and the accuracy of hits corresponds to samples of military weapons than hunting.
  • The ergonomics are outdated, the butt is not convenient enough, it is not that adjustable, but even the shock-absorbing recoil pad. Due to the short barrel the sound of the shot much “hits the ears.”
  • Is not possible to put optical sights without tuning, brutal and iron rear sight and front sight are not equipped with fiberoptically threads.
  • Many owners of this rifle I would like to have the store, at least in size similar to a combat with a capacity of 30 rounds. But these are not available.

The saiga MK 03 use 7. 62×39 mm (photo)



Rifles, a license to own which can only be obtained after five years ‘ uninterrupted possession of (documented) smooth-bore hunting weapons.

Because of the short barrel is positioned as a weapon for self-defense, but there are enthusiasts who go hunting with him. With a successful shot at a distance of 100 metres you can take a moose.


In the basic version of the carbine “saiga MK” performance 03 is equipped with a plastic stock and a barrel length of 336 mm.

  • It can optionally be a metallic framework, made from plywood, walnut.
  • There are options to install the barrel length of 415 mm with a muzzle brake.

These features are the saiga MK 03 use 7. 62×39 mm

Feature The value
Type Self-loading carbine
Size (mm) The 7.62
Cartridge (mm) 7. 62×39
Systems recharge Vapor
Firing mode Single
Barrel length (mm) 336
The capacity of the store 5 or 10 rounds
Length folded (mm) 575
Full length (mm) 815
Weight of magazine (kg) 3,6
  • Self-loading carbine with a folding stock. The trigger mechanism is actuated powder gases withdrawn from the barrel via the vent pipe.
  • Design repeats combat AK-104, the only thing “the saiga of MK” the performance of 03 different – the lack of automatic fire sear. Provision is made for blocking the trigger when folded.
  • The pistol grip, butt stock, forend and trim the vent tube in the base case is made of black high impact plastic.
  • Sights – the traditional AK rear sight-range with a slider and high closed fly, which is made of metal.
Picking and packing

The rifle comes in a cardboard box with no markings and additionally ingibirovany wrapped in paper or plastic film. Complete with cleaning rod, cleaning (canister in the cavity of the butt) and one shop on five cartridges.

The principle of operation

Based on the use of a portion of the propellant gases from the bore, which actuate the trigger mechanism.

  1. The carabiner is removed from the guard by lowering his flag, located on the right side of the receiver down.
  2. The bolt carrier is moved back, what do you want to catch the first phalanx of the index finger of his right hand over her arm, and then let go to slide herself vigorously and with a distinctive click, returned to its original position.
  3. When you return the bolt the cartridge from the store be sent to the chamber, the bolt rotates and locks the barrel channel. Simultaneously, the platoon is USM and the setting of the trigger hook on the sear.
  4. After pressing the trigger the hammer is released and strikes the drummer USM, which skewers the firing pin the primer of the cartridge. Happens shot.
  5. Part of powder gases when the shot is returned to the gas pipe and press on the piston of the bolt, forcing her to move backwards and compress the spring return mechanism. The result is a platoon of USM and the filing of the cartridge from the store to the line loading.
  6. When you return the bolt back under the action of the spring return mechanism of the action takes place, similar to claim 3, after which the rifle ready for another shot.
The order of partial disassembly
  1. To separate the store from the receiver.
  2. Remove the cleaning rod.
  3. Drown corrugated square button on the lid of the receiver and to separate herself upwards and backwards.
  4. By pressing forward to bring the grooves of the clutch return mechanism and to remove it together with the spring from the groove of the bolt.
  5. To move the bolt back. After the release of the piston from the gas tube smoothly, avoiding snagging stops the larvae of the shutter guides on the receiver, remove it, move back and up.
  6. Remove the cylinder stopper of the sealing frame, which tilted itself down, and the cylinders rotate clockwise.
Possible tuning

It is to set outer tactical body kit. The mechanism and barrel of the rifle are not subject to alteration.

  • The most common tuning is to install the receiver cover with the strap under the scopes.
  • It is possible to replace the forend with Picatinny rail for tactical flashlight.
  • You can install a different muzzle brake.

All tuning parts are in online stores. This is the most viable option of improving the design.

The price and the reviews about the saiga MK 03 use 7. 62×39 mm are given below.
the saiga MK 03 price


The official price of the “saiga MK” execution starts from 03 23440 rubles.

  • The carbine is reliable as everything connected with the production of concern “Kalashnikov”.
  • There is a good the stopping power of the bullet at distances up to 150 meters and not too good accuracy.
  • In the basic version of the sound of the shot highly effective on the ears arrow.
  • Design and ergonomics are clearly out of date, but moral satisfaction from possession of a “Kalashnikov” outweighs all the disadvantages.

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