Available on the arms market various models of hunting guns can surprise even the most experienced lover of shooting firearms. Because of their characteristics, technical capabilities and external design allows you to choose a model from the entire set, which to a greater extent will meet the needs of the buyer.
Among the many most popular models single-barreled carbines should stay on the rifle model TOZ-106 (MC 20-04), which is proven in the hunt for small animals and small birds, as well as in the implementation of the protection of private farms, agricultural crops and for self-defense.
Simple design, typical for all models of the Tula manufacturer (also known models Argali, CO-44, CO-98, TOZ-134-20, TOZ-BM) and relatively low weight combined with compact size allow you to use this model for both men and women with a fragile Constitution.
Overview of gun TOZ-106 (MC 20-04)
Showing itself at its best at relatively short distances (within 30-50 meters), rifle TOZ-106 (MC 20-04) copes with defeat stationary and moving targets. Having a relatively small mass, the model can easily be transported over long distances, which is especially important for those who use the rifle for professional hunting overcoming significant distances. Modern design immediately attracts the attention of buyers, a classic style buttstock and a barrel, made only from high quality modern materials, highlights the model due to the lack of unnecessary and distracting arrow details. And it largely determines the quality of the made shots.
Since the main purpose of this model should be considered to be used in professional hunting, important is the quality, as the possibility of quick disassembly: easy disassembly and operation of facilities in the field, when not available a standard set of tools. Ergonomics all structural parts ensures the ease of use of the rifle, the smooth walking of the trigger and lack of complexity when pressed ensures the targeting.
Advantages and disadvantages
Modern and adapted to the field conditions, the rifle model TOZ-106 (MC 20-04) is well established as fit for purpose (professional hunting) and for entertainment – it can be used for shooting training, marksmanship training, participate in sports. Wide area of use – one of the main advantages in comparison with other models with similar characteristics. After all, considering the carbine is the most easy to use and in the field, and in everyday life. Designed shape, the ergonomics of every design details, all made considering the carbine is especially attractive for the most part buyers.
Also the advantage of the model should include the following qualities:
- the possibility of reducing the size of a carbine by adding the – length folded this model does not exceed 530 mm, which is very convenient for frequent transportation of the rifle;
- the ease of movement of the trigger, allowing you to quickly and smoothly make shots and not feel a strong impact;
- affordability is an important feature that makes the carbine especially in demand;
- excellent performance of fire – sighting and range of a bullet, as determined by its velocity and provides an excellent hitting the target, both stationary and in motion;
- the possibility of quick partial disassembly – this quality is particularly important in the operation of the rifle in the field, when you have to reinstall any structural part or the carrying out of minor repairs of the gun;
- attractive appearance, achieved using natural wood (birch) high-quality pre-treatment, which guarantees long-term preservation of the attractiveness of appearance. This is important during active operation of the rifle in the field, when a high probability of falling into the water, when temperature changes at high humidity.
The presence of a rear sight and front sight allows to increase the sighting of the ongoing fire, a comfortable bed most comfortable butt rests on the shoulder and with a relatively small impact provides better defeat the purpose. The presence of rear sight with the possibility of ventilation adds precision made shots, and the elongated shape of the barrel contributes to a good sighting shooting. The most convenient form of shutter (longitudinal sliding) provide easy cocking of the trigger and make the shot, well-cocking mechanism delivers good performance shooting.
The presence of the latch, which firmly locks the barrel of the rifle folded, ensures the reliability of the construction, and a rubber recoil pad adds convenience to the process of its operation. Durable use carabiner are provided by the use of chrome in many structural parts, which facilitates maintenance and prevents the early appearance of rust. This is especially important in cases when the use of the carbine in the field at high humidity and the likelihood of falling into the water.
In comparison with similar models third party shotgun TOZ-106 (MC 20-04) stands out due to a combination of attractive technical features and a relatively affordable cost. This is what primarily attracts the attention of buyers. The owners have already started the exploitation of this model allow you to get a more detailed idea about it.
A substantial disadvantage of this carbine include the complexity of the branch-filled cartridges shop from the body of the gun. For this we have to use special tool which may not always be available.
TOZ-106 with different boxes
To use this model for entertainment (training accuracy, participation in the sports of target shooting) and hunting small and medium-sized animals, and also for self defense and protection of their property.
Offered varieties of this rifle, equipped with a sighting rod and butt which are made from different types of wood. Their technical characteristics remain at the initially high level and provide both a high level of demand for the model, and positive owner reviews. There are also samples with a plastic stock.
With the help of technical characteristics it is possible to obtain the most complete picture of this carbine. The following technical data about the model TOZ-106 (MC 20-04) give an idea of his qualities and capabilities.
Specifications | Carbine TOZ-104 (MC 20-04) |
Country of origin | Russia, Tula arms factory |
Appointment | Hunting medium and small game and birds, shooting, fun, target practice |
View | Single-barreled carbine |
Capacity cartridges | From 2 to 4 |
Total hull length, including folded | 1 120 mm (not more than 530 mm) |
The length of the barrel | 625 mm |
The height of the model | 202 mm |
Weight | 3,89 kg |
Width | 57 mm |
View of the trunk | Cold forging, has an oxide coating |
Having attractive to buyers cost, model TOZ-104 (MC 20-04) immediately attracts attention and ensures a guaranteed demand.
Manufacturer provides the most simple disassembly, and this is determined by a simplified mechanism. The simplicity of the design of the hunting carbine TOZ-106 (MC 20-04) allows easy disassembly without use of special equipment that is often required for current repairs or when clearance.
Before performing a partial disassembly should first check the store in the absence of cartridges. After that, the Department store, the opening of the shutter by allocating it back, and after pressing the shutter release button to separate and remove the shutter.
Picking and packing
To the carbine in the sale is attached a corresponding quality certificate and passport. It is Packed in a cardboard packaging with information on the side with the name of the product and information about the company-seller.
In coordination with the customer this model can be equipped with a cover for the rifle, belt and shoulder strap, bandolier, pouches, case. All of this adds convenience to the operation of the carbine.
The principle of operation
The ability to make the shot of this gun only appears when fully installed in working position the butt. Next to the store invested cartridges, with them to shift the maximum further to the rear of the store.
When cocking is transferring cartridges from the store in the chamber, when you press the trigger occurs shot.
Not require any specific skills to operate, carbine TOZ-106 (MC 20-04) can easily undergo partial disassembly that is necessary for carrying out tonirovania and repair.
This model for improvement of the shooting can be fully tonirovania. A number of simple plumbing work can achieve significant improvement of firing rates.
The product price
The cost of this model is relatively affordable for most buyers. The price averages around $ 300.
Owner reviews
Modern and sophisticated manufacturer, the rifle model TOZ-106 (MC 20-04) copes well with the tasks: defeat stationary and moving targets from a distance of 30-50 meters, training accuracy and for entertainment. Many owners notice incomparable compactness of the gun: convenient design enables maximum comfort to operate it, the relatively small size guarantees easy transport.
Many mentioned the possibility of tonirovania as an important plus: small changes improve the quality of fire, its accuracy.