
TOZ-122, carbine, smoothbore weapons

Referring to the most sophisticated models, which regularly pleases its fans Tula arms manufacturer, should include the model TOZ-122, which became especially popular due to the optimal combination of attractive design and quite affordable cost.

Having excellent technical data, almost all models have received a lot of positive reviews from buyers and owners. However, it is in TOZ-122 owners found the best shooting performance accuracy of shots, sighting and ease of use.

Combining the ability to use both for hunting and training marksmanship and self-defense rifle model TOZ-122 has gained considerable popularity among buyers and fans of the Tula manufacturer (known to the same, and such models like the TOZ-99, TOZ-78, TOZ-88, KO-44, OP SKS, TOZ-97 “Argali”, etc.). Listed below are the positive characteristics allow you to assess the most versatile model, its strengths. Thanks to sophisticated design the model is well suited for training beginners shooting relatively low weight, compact dimensions and ergonomic design all construction details provide comfortable use of the rifle, together with men, adolescents and women of a fragile Constitution.

Overview of carbine TOZ-122

The sophisticated simplicity of the entire structure under consideration carbine provides the opportunity to a quick partial disassembly even in the field without special tools, which is especially important during active operation of the model. Excellent quality of shooting, robust design, positive reviews can be considered valid indicators of the quality of shooting, ergonomics all structural parts of a rifle. With this hunting rifle, you can take part in a hunting trip as medium and large animals.

Modern appearance, use of quality materials in the design of the butt, making the receiver of a lightweight metal alloy based on aluminum by cold forging has allowed to make this model one of the most convenient in operation and reliable due to the guaranteed high quality performance.

Multi-charge hunting carbine TOZ-122 copes well with all its task: Amateur and professional hunting, target practice, participation in competitions in sport shooting. Considering the carbine is well established in the process of operation due to the reasoning of each structural part, a harmonious combination of details and lack of excess that can distract the shooter. The analysis of the positive and negative qualities of the model will allow to obtain the most complete picture of its capabilities.

Advantages and disadvantages

The model is the first rifled weapons Tula arms plant, designed for hunting, which has a larger caliber than 5.6. Combining attractive “appearance”, executed in classical style, and thoughtfulness of all the details, the simplicity of the mechanism and engaging for the most part buyers cost, model TOZ-122 became one of the most sold today. Comfortable design, every detail small and the weight of the carabiner allows it to be used for teaching beginners: a simple design, no unnecessary distracting parts and ease of use made the model TOZ-122 is one of the most convenient for professionals and novices alike.

Given below the advantages of this hunting rifle and its shortcomings provide an opportunity to make your own opinion about the capabilities of the model.

The most important advantages of the model TOZ-122 should include also these parameters:

  • the attractiveness of the exterior design – natural wood appropriately treated, reliable, modern, highly durable plastic materials, not afraid of sudden changes in temperature, humidity and mechanical impacts, the elegance of form – all this immediately draws the attention of every buyer. Such as have almost all represented in the sale hunting rifle Tula arms plant;
  • the reasonableness of the design, which explains the high level of convenience of this model;
  • good firing rates, which are provided as the reasonableness of the whole structure and balance of each part;
  • opportunities for widespread use.

Included in the base riflescope with excellent performance enables more precise shooting. The presence of limiters of high-strength plastic, rubber recoil pad, providing a comfortable head position and the optimum length of the barrel of the rifle TOZ-122 makes the model a particularly comfortable even with prolonged use.
According to some owners, the model TOZ-122 is too tight mainspring complicates the process of cocking Kurkov. However, this defect the manufacturer does not affect the rate of firing and decreases the effectiveness of the made shot.

Photo TOZ-122


Perfect level of balance of the model allows its use in different areas: carbine TOZ-122 can be used to participate in professional and Amateur hunting, for fun, shooting at targets to practice accuracy, to participate in competitions in sport shooting, self-defense. And everywhere the indicators are one of the highest in comparison with analogues.


In commercially available varieties of the model TOZ-122, in the design of the butts which used wood species some trees with high hardness:

  • beech,
  • birch,
  • nut.

Technical characteristics of the carbine TOZ-122 are given below.

Caliber bullets can vary: 7,62×51, .308 Wines.


Thanks to the sophistication of the whole design, you can be sure as shooting of the rifle and its capabilities, extending its field of use. Below are the most important parameters TOZ-122 which give the maximum amount of information on the quality of the made shots.

Specifications Carbine TOZ-122
Country of origin Tula arms plant
Appointment Hunting, sport shooting
View Rifled hunting carbine
Capacity cartridges Two stores for 6 rounds in each
The total length of the body 1 120 mm
The length of the barrel 660 mm
The height of the model 202 mm
Weight 4,89 kg
Width 57 mm
View of the trunk Cold forging, has an oxide coating

Rifled hunting rifle, made of high quality durable black plastic combined with lightweight metal alloys, model TOZ-122 is easy to operate, has high wear resistance. This quality is especially important when the frequent operation of the rifle in the field – hunting, when transferring it over considerable distances. Many owners as a special advantage note simple design of the slide and checked the barrel which has a perfect evenness.


The mechanism and design largely determine the operation of the carbine. Lightweight aluminium alloy provided the barrel TOZ-122необходимой for comfortable operation easily, which positively influenced the operation of the carbine. The clever design of the sight and of the rifle as a whole provides an improved firing rates.

Picking and packing

In the basic configuration of the rifle model TOZ-122 has an optical sight, which is easily installed and removed from the receiver, the belt is to provide more comfortable transportation of the rifle. If you sell to the buyer a certificate of quality for the model and her personal passport.

The packaging is carried out in a polymer film that protects the carabiner from mechanical impacts during transport and in cartons.

The principle of operation

The principle of operation TOZ-122 is relatively simple, that allows even novices to work with him. Constipation has a very simple construction, the locking is to stop (fighting). The location of the return spring of the shutter is in the body of the box rifle.

To execute the shot you want to send the cartridge to the store of the rifle, then clicking on the start aktiviziruyutsya the action of the spring in the form of a sharp push on the cartridge from the cartridge chamber, the cartridge goes into the barrel and you shot.


Performing disassembly TOZ-122, it may be necessary to repair, at its scheduled cleaning. The stem attaching the box to the butt is screw method (with a screw), which can easily be unscrewed. Fiber optic front sight removed from the barrel by unscrewing the screws. The trigger Assembly removed from the receiver by pressing lightly on the release button.


For carrying out tuning of the rifle TOZ-122 owners establish a more capacious store, and may be replaced by a basic optical sight.

Price and owner reviews on hunting carbine TOZ-122 .308 WIN and other calibers are given below.

The product price

The cost of the carbine TOZ-122 is considered by the majority of owners are quite affordable. She is about 26-30 thousand rubles.

Owner reviews

According to the reviews of most of the owners of the model a carbine TOZ-122, this model Tula manufacturer’s proven himself to be used as a hunting and for entertainment, and also in self-defence. The reliability of the design and the simplicity of the mechanism made it possible to easily use it even for Amateurs shooting from this weapon.

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