
Walther Colt M16, rifles

Simple guns that can be serviced could not be more simple, they hardly require any special skills or experience for the firing and maintenance. A little later very popular are the many models of automatic pistols and machine guns, which are manufactured at the facilities of the company Samuel Colt, and later it became a famous brand Colt’s Manufacturing Company.

A review of the Colt M16 carbine

Perhaps, it is difficult to find a more well-known in the literature of the brand than Colt. Initially it was a weapon designed for employees of the police Department, similar to today’s FBI. They were supposed to be guarding Bank cars with the addition of safes of gold bullion, the fastest at that period of the train, where I go rich businessmen and bankers, foreign diplomats and political figures.

And only later, contrary to the theory of Hollywood Directors, carbines, pistols and machine guns Samuel Colt became the world arms business.

Advantages and disadvantages
  • The main advantages of this famous brand is the reliability of the mechanism, excellent system return mechanics, ease of maintenance, Assembly, disassembly and cleaning of small driving machine.
  • At present, the main shortcomings can rightly be called its advantages – ease of propulsion of the apparatus over which today has the best engineers digging.

Photos of the Colt M16 carbine


The weapon is designed for bench shooting sports and hunting big game, including:

  • wolf
  • moose
  • and even our domestic King of beasts – the bear.

Today especially popular are the small model of such a discharge from the company Colt with various calibers from . 22 LR to . 27, 5 LR.


Performance and technical indicators have become a real brand for many centuries. Perhaps, today something more reliable to think hard. So, Colt M16 – is:

Gauge sizes 22 LR
Barrel length cm 53, 80
The length of the model, shared cm 101, 00
Capacity cartridges 10
Curb weight of the weapon kg 2, 95

The structural solution of the model carbine made in simple and acceptable option. Colt this modification has a trigger mechanism single blow fuse lever design, inertia valve, detachable box-type stores.

Picking and packing

The standard version is that it dismantled the weapons attached set of documents:

  1. Passport arms with instructions about the service.
  2. Certificates of conformity and licenses of the manufacturer.
  3. Information about the shooting of D 005.

Disassembly of the rifle Walther Colt M16 described below.

The principle of operation and disassembly
  • The standard principle of action of the rifle is the use of a recoil energy of powder gases.
  • Disassembly, Assembly and lubrication if necessary, must be made in strict accordance with the enclosed instructions and recommendations of experts that can be called classics of the genre of service weapons.
  • Tuning in relation to this delicate and highly reliable model, the producers are not today do not consider, but perhaps the decoration of the instance custom.

Prices and owner reviews about Colt M16 is given below.

Prices and owner reviews

Prices on products range from 1385, 00 dollars. USA to 1480, 00 dollars. USA. Note that in this money you will be able to purchase such rifles as Krieghoff Optima Drilling 20/76 , Krieghoff Semprio .30-06 .223 Big-Game. Slightly cheaper to CZ 550 standard and Sabatti forest.

All who wants to feel like a “G. I.”, that is, the employee praised the Hollywood movie system invincible American military intelligence in the normal mode uses this variant of the rifle.

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