
Card hunter Lipetsk oblast

Created an interactive web map of the hunting grounds of the Lipetsk region

In the framework of the project network edition “Card hunter” on the creation of a geoinformation portal of the hunting economy of the Russian Federation is created and published an interactive web map of the hunting economy of the Lipetsk region.

Interactive web map of the hunting grounds of the Lipetsk region made in accordance with the Scheme of the hunting territorial device of the region approved by the resolution of the Lipetsk region administration dated 18 January 2016 №5 “On approval of the layout, use and protection of hunting grounds on the territory of the Lipetsk region”.

To create the maps used in the initial data on the boundaries of hunting grounds and other territories created during the development of cartographic material schemes of territorial concerning organization of haunting Lipetsk region. Includes all existing hunting, public hunting grounds, protected areas with restriction of hunting, green zone and zone of protection of hunting resources, as of February 2018.

Maps of the hunting grounds of the project “Card hunter” is created in the form of a web geographic information systems (GIS) and are available for online viewing on any device with Internet access. In the map of the hunting grounds of the Lipetsk region includes the boundaries of public hunting lands of the region and boundaries of the fixed hunting grounds – private game farms with addresses and contacts of organizations – hunting users. Added territory with restrictions and prohibitions of hunting: especially protected natural territories of regional and Federal value – Zoological wildlife sanctuaries and nature reserves, and areas of protection of hunting resources in the public hunting grounds, hunting in the territory of which is also prohibited.

Attention hunters, fishermen and tourists!

Map of hunting grounds in Lipetsk region is available for viewing and orienteering in a special navigation mobile application “Map hunter” for IOS or Android.

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