The far Eastern fishery basin includes:
a) Chukchi sea with pools of rivers flowing into it, the Bering sea basins of rivers flowing into it, the waters of the Pacific ocean adjacent to the East Kamchatka and Kurile Islands with pools of rivers flowing into it, the sea of Okhotsk with the basins of rivers flowing into it, the sea of Japan from basins of rivers flowing into it, as well as fisheries values located on the land territory of the Russian Federation within the borders of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug; Primorsky, Khabarovsk and Kamchatka territories; Jewish Autonomous region; the Sakhalin, Magadan and Amur regions, the limited pools of the above-mentioned rivers, with the exception of ponds and flooded quarries, owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal and private property.
b) areas of extraction (catch), fishing zones (subzones), and the names, designations and boundaries are defined in accordance with Annex №1 “the Areas of extraction (catch), fishing zone (subzone) of the Russian Federation in the far Eastern fishery basin” to the fishery Rules.
Rules relating to Amateur and sport fishing should highlight the following points:
V. the Rules of extraction (catch) of water bioresources for the purposes of Amateur and sports fishery
57. Citizens have the right to carry out Amateur and sports fishery on water objects of commercial fishing importance for General use freely and free of charge in accordance with the Rules of fishing.
58. Amateur and sport fishing on the fishing grounds granted to users (except for citizens) on the basis of agreements on the provision of fishing grounds for the organization of specified kinds of fishing, with citizens is carried out in the presence of the permit (the document confirming the conclusion of the contract of compensated rendering of services in the field of Amateur and sports fishery), given by the user. The permit must be specified the amount of water biological resources, agreed for the extraction (catch), area of extraction (catch) within the fishing grounds, the tools of extraction (catch), the period of its validity.
Individuals engaged in Amateur and sports fishing in provided for these purposes, the fishing grounds must have a ticket, passport or other identity document.
It is prohibited to carry out Amateur and sports fishery:
62. Within the established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation protected areas exclusion of hydraulic structures and bridges;
on the fishing grounds at a distance less than 500 m from the setting stationary tools for extraction (catch), Tonya, Plava;
on rice checks.
63. It is prohibited to carry out Amateur and sport fishing all kinds of water bioresources in inland water bodies of commercial fishing importance, with the exception of internal sea waters located on the territory of the following Russian Federation subjects:
63.1. Primorsky Krai:
in the tributaries of the Razdolnaya river: rivers Nezhinka, Anan’evka, Dirty, the Second river from its mouth to the river Nezhinka;
in the Yellow river;
in ryazanovka rivers, Barabashevka, Vasilkovka (a tributary of the river Avvakumovkoj);
63.2. Amur region, Jewish Autonomous region and Khabarovsk territory at the border areas of the Amur river, located at a distance of 0.5 km from the estuaries flowing into it tributaries, and deep into the Amur river on the entire width of these tributaries, and within tributaries in the border zone (except for Amateur and sports fishing permits);
63.3. Chukotka Autonomous district – on lake Elgygytgyn.
64. Forbidden Amateur and sports fishery in the following terms in the internal sea waters of the Russian Federation and in the territorial sea of the Russian Federation:
64.1. in the subzone of Primorye (in the borders of Primorye territory):
shrimp herbal everywhere – from 20 may to 1 August.
all kinds of water bioresources around the mouths of the rivers flowing into the sea of Japan and Peter the Great Bay at a distance of 2 km in both directions, and 2 km inland sea or Gulf during Pacific salmon from 1 June to 31 October, with the exception of fishing lures, crankbaits, other artificial baits on the bait with one hook (single, double or treble hook), 4 spinners for the instruments of production (catch) one citizen;
64.2. in the subzone of Primorye (within the boundaries of Khabarovsk territory):
Pacific herring, as well as the extraction of kelp, eelgrass, phyllospadix, where the eggs of herring – from 1 may to 30 June;
64.3. in the North Okhotsk sea subzone in West Kamchatka subzone (within the borders of Magadan region) – production of algae during spawning of Pacific herring in the period from 25 may to 20 June, and in the area from the mouth of the Yana river to the Northern Cape – extraction (catch) of water biological resources by the set net from 15 may to 20 June;
64.4. in the Chukchi sea and in the Chukchi area of the Bering sea (within the borders of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) of all aquatic species – set net from 15 June to 15 September (with the exception of extraction (catch) of Pacific salmon under permits);
64.5. in the East Sakhalin subzone of prawn and shrimps from 15 may to 15 July;
64.6. in the East Sakhalin subzone and southern-Kuril area of oysters, Cockerel and Spisula – from 1 December to 1 may;
64.7. in southern-Kuril area of the prawns and shrimps – from 1 July to 31 August;
64.8. in the areas of Yuzhno-Kurilsk, North Kuril, subzone East Sakhalin crab spiny – from 1 June to 31 August, in the subzones North Okhotsk sea and Western Kamchatka – from 1 August to 31 August;
More details on all areas and reservoirs
73. Sport and Amateur fishing is allowed in the following instruments of production (catch):
73.1. without a permit:
pole-and-line tools for extraction (catch) all kinds of items, including spinning, with total of hooks no more than 10 pieces on tools of extraction (catch) of one of the citizen (in the implementation of recreational and sport fishing without permits with the use of hook gear on a “catch and release” use hooks without barbs);
in summer, the spinners, lures and other artificial baits on the bait with one hook (single, double or treble hook), 4 spinners for the instruments of production (catch) one citizen;
winter baubles (in the marine water bodies of commercial fishing importance) with one single hook rigid mounting, not more than 4 spinners for the instruments of production (catch) one citizen;
winter baubles in inland waters (except inland waters) not longer than 100 mm, equipped with no more than four single hooks rigid mounting with the distance between the forearm and the sting of no more than 20 mm;
mnogokrjuchkovye gear with a vertical arrangement of hooks (such as “tyrant”) with a total of hooks no more than 10 pieces on tools of extraction (catch) of one citizen;
special gun or a gun for underwater hunting;
in the marine water bodies of fishery significance, by Kiddle (20 hooks per citizen), except for the period of spawning salmon;
kralovkou flat (wrap stretched it delu), or polygonal folding, with a diameter of not more than 1 m (not more than 5 karbolovoj one citizen) and a string and a lure for prey (catch) crabs of all kinds, with the exception of Kamchatka (no more than 10 string with bait at one of the citizen);
trolling, but no more than 4 equipped lures for 1 ship;
forceps and nets for the extraction (catch) shellfish (except pearl-shell, oysters);
“track” for a rowing boat (without engine and sails), but not more than 4 equipped lures on the same boat;
rakolovkoj for the extraction (catch) of cancer;
a hand net with a diameter not exceeding 0.7 m, excluding trawling a net along the bottom for the extraction (catch) of capelin and anchovy;
a conical trap for the extraction (catch) of grass shrimp with a diameter of 60 cm with the size (step) of the mesh 10 mm not more than 2 pieces at one citizen;
with a spade for the extraction (catch) of polychaetes (except for internal marine waters adjacent to the coastal edge), amphipods and other not forbidden for extraction (catch) of invertebrates;
the kanza (sixth) for the extraction (catch) of kelp, not more than one item on the boat;
calmaramon tackle include no more than 5 kalimaritsa one citizen;
the trap net (a fish-traps) for the extraction (catch) of fish in water bodies of commercial fishing importance in Ust-Kamchatsk and Milkovo districts of the Kamchatka region no larger than 2 x 1 x 1 m (not more than 1 Venter, one of the citizen);
66. Prohibits the extraction (catch) of the following aquatic bioresources in internal sea waters and the territorial sea:
chum, masu, and pink salmon, with the exception of the implementation of Amateur and sports fishery under permits;
juvenile Pacific salmon;
polychaete worms (Polychaeta);
herring Pacific South of the Gulf of Olga, with the exception of Amateur and sports fishery under permits;
crabs: Kamchatka, blue, spiny, hairy, snow crab, opilio, with the exception of Amateur and sports fishery under permits;
females crabs of all kinds;
scallops, with the exception of Amateur and sports fishery under permits;
far Eastern trepang, with the exception of Amateur and sports fishery under permits;
the haarder, except for recreational and sport fishing vouchers;
kelp, eelgrass, phyllospadix on which the eggs of Pacific herring;
crabs (Kamchatka, blue and hairy), with the exception of Amateur and sports fishery under permits;
Pacific salmon, with the exception of Amateur and sports fishery under permits;
kelp one year;
sturgeon (the Kaluga sturgeon), and their juveniles;
scallops (seaside), with the exception of Amateur and sports fishery under permits;
females crabs of all kinds;
71. In Amateur and sport fishing is prohibited:
application Akhanov (networks with the size (step) of the mesh 90 mm and more)
the samolovama, bottom and pelagic trawls, “lights”, traps, jail;
installation in water objects of fishery stabbing and other types of barriers;
to stop the access of oxygen and water in water object of fishery through destruction of sources of supply, as well as to carry out the descent of water objects of fishery with the purpose of extraction (catch) of water bioresources (except ponds for commercial aquaculture (commercial fish farming) located outside of watercourses natural watercourses and equipped with waterworks, regulating the flow and discharge of water);
72. In Amateur and sport fishing without permits prohibited the use of dredges, fixed, smooth and other types of networks, nets, fantasies, Venter (an) (except for the extraction (catch) of the Venter carp in Ust-Kamchatsky and Milkovsky district, Kamchatka territory), traps (rug), hand nets (with the exception of extraction (catch) of capelin and anchovy), lift nets, loops, grips, wicks.
The minimum size of extracted (caught) water biological resources for the implementation of Amateur and sports fishery
The species of aquatic bioresources | Commercial size of not less than (in cm) |
Edentates | 10 |
Valek | 25 |
Skygazer | 60 |
Loaches (migratory form) in water bodies of fishery of Kamchatskiy Krai | 26 |
Loaches (continuous form) in the water objects of fishery in Primorsky Krai | 45 |
Loaches (feed-through) in the rivers flowing into the sea of Okhotsk within the North sea of Okhotsk subzone (within the borders of Magadan region) | 32 |
Loaches (migratory form) in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Khabarovsk Krai | 35 |
Loaches (migratory form) in water bodies of fishery of the Sakhalin region | 20 |
Loaches (feed-through) in the rivers flowing into the Okhotsk sea within the West-Kamchatka subzone (within the borders of Magadan region) | 36 |
Loaches (continuous form) in the other areas | 40 |
Arctic char (freshwater dwelling form) in water bodies of fishery of the Sakhalin region | 11 |
Arctic char (freshwater dwelling form) in the water objects of fishery in Primorsky Krai | 15 |
Arctic char (freshwater residential form) to other water bodies of fishery | |
ASP | 25 |
Snakehead | 40 |
Flounders of the far Eastern | 21 |
Carp in the Amur river basin and other water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Khabarovsk Krai and Jewish Autonomous region | 20 |
The carp in the closed lakes of Khabarovsk Krai and Jewish Autonomous region, the channels not connected with the Amur river and its canals | 18 |
The carp in the Ust-Kamchatsky and Bystrinsky districts of the Kamchatka region | 18 |
Carp in other areas | 16 |
Horse | 20 |
The crab hairy quadrangular | 8 |
The crab | 13 |
Crab spiny | 10 |
Crab mohnatyi | 5 |
Crab blue | 13 |
Krasnoper Mongolian | 30 |
Redfin-Ugai far East | 15 |
Prawn herbal | 6 |
Shrimp uglovaty | 6 |
Corbicula | 2,2 |
Goldilocks | 45 |
Bream | 35 |
Mussels | 10 |
Pollock | 30 |
Whitefish | 39 |
Cod in estuaries Avacha Bay | 17 |
Cod in other areas | 19 |
Burbot | 45 |
Halibut Nephrolepis | 62 |
The thick shelled river mussel | 7 |
Cancers | 8 |
Whitefish | 24 |
Carp in the Amur river basin within the borders of Khabarovsk Krai, the Jewish Autonomous region | 42 |
Carp in other areas | 35 |
Pacific herring in the West Sakhalin subzone to the North from Cape Lamanon, in the subzone of Primorye to the North of the Zolotoy Cape | 19 |
Pacific herring in the Western Bering sea zone | 25 |
Pacific herring in the water objects of fishery of Kamchatskiy Krai | 15 |
Pacific herring in the water objects of fishery in Sakhalin region | 16 |
Pacific herring in the subzones of the littoral South of the Zolotoy Cape | 23 |
Whitefish in the basin of the Amur river | 35 |
Whitefish in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district | 32 |
Catfish freshwater | 50 |
Trout | 70 |
The bluefish are in the Northern part of the Okhotsk sea adjacent to the Magadan region | 18 |
The bluefish are in other areas | 25 |
Carp | 60 |
Sea cucumber far East | 100 |
Cod | 40 |
Trumpeters | 7 |
Oysters | 12 |
Grayling in the basin of the Amur river and water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Jewish Autonomous region | 18 |
Grayling in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Khabarovsk territory (with the exception of the Amur river) | 20 |
Grayling in other areas | 25 |
Chir | 40 |
Shrimps-cubs | 9 |
Pike in water bodies of fishery of Kamchatskiy Krai and the Chukotka Autonomous district | 40 |
The pike in other areas | 50 |
Citizens have the right to carry out Amateur and sports fishery on water objects of commercial fishing importance for General use freely and free of charge in accordance with the Rules of fishing.