
Fishing rules for the East-Siberian fishery basin

The full text of the Rules in the latest edition of the (Order of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia dated 03.09.2014 N 348 “On approval of the fishing rules for the East-Siberian fishery basin” (Registered in Ministry of justice of Russia 15.09.2014 N 34059) is available here

East-Siberian fishery basin includes the East Siberian sea basins of rivers flowing into it, the Laptev sea (with the exception of Khatanga gulfs, Thaddeus Simms, Theresa Klavenes) with the basins of rivers flowing into it, flowing through the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and all the water objects of fishery, is located on the land territory of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Chukotka Autonomous district, Magadan region, Amur region and Khabarovsk territory, and the limited pools of the above rivers, with the exception of ponds and flooded quarries, under the ownership of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal and private property.

Rules relating to Amateur and sport fishing should highlight the following points:

10. For the implementation of Amateur and sports fishery:

10.1. Citizens have the right to carry out Amateur and sports fishery on water objects of commercial fishing importance for General use freely, in accordance with fishery Rules;

10.2. Amateur and sports fishery on the fishery sites given on the basis of contracts on the provision of fishing area for the organization of specified kinds of fishing, with citizens is carried out in the presence of the permit (the document confirming the conclusion of the contract of compensated rendering of services in the field of Amateur and sports fishery), issued by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The permit must be specified the amount of water biological resources, agreed for the extraction (catch), area of extraction (catch) within the fishing grounds, the tools of extraction (catch) the expiration date;

10.3. At the organisation of Amateur and sports fishery on the provided for these purposes, the fishing grounds of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs shall have duly executed the agreement on the provision of fishing area permit for the extraction (catch) of water biological resources, hunting and fishing magazine.

11. Citizens in the implementation of Amateur and sports fishery on the provided for these purposes, the fishing grounds needs to have:

the permit;

a passport or other identity document.

Areas forbidden for extraction (catch) of water biological resources

32. It is prohibited to carry out Amateur and sport fishing all kinds of water bioresources (except for extraction (catch) of roach, perch, Dace, minnow):

in Neelova Gulf (Laptev sea);

in the Lena river in the area, “budenovskaya duct” (from 1569 km to 1577 km in a pilot card);

in the Yana river – North of a line running from the mouth of the ducts of the Right and boundaries of the village of Nizhneyansk to the mouth of the river Condon and in the Yana Bay of the Laptev sea and in Sandanski the lip of the Laptev sea;

in the Indigirka river – North of a line passing through towns Koshino, Tabor and from the beginning of the Kolyma ducts, including coastal areas, inland sea, 5 km from the edge of the coastline;

in the Kolyma river – North of a line passing through the village of Mikhalkin and fishing area “Kamenka” (18 km from the mouth of ducts Pohodsky Kolyma);

the dam at the Vilyui hydroelectric power station up and down the river Vilyuy at a distance of 500 m;

in the river Vilyuy in areas of the river:

a) “uriing Khaya” from the river Lalim downstream at a distance of 3 km;

b) “Aranarth, Homoto” at a distance of 4 km along the sandy mountains;

C) “the Wallaroo heritage and nautical Museum Housed” at a distance of 3 km;

g) “SATA” from the lower part of the island of SATA to the mouth of the river Taba Linguolabial length of 2 km;

d) “Kegon”;

e) “Harbater Hayat” from the river “Kamesennin” before rolling Byaki 14 km long and from the top of the island Charaabi Kultorga to the top of the island Noopur Thabit – length of 15 km;

W) “Jugului” from the top of the river Jugului before the end of the “White Mountains, Jugului” with a length of 3 km;

h) “Cartier” from the river Sangharama to the river Tangney length of 28 km;

s) “Borolong” along the White mountains at a distance of 3 km;

in the river Standing on the river “Creek, Mure” in the borders defined by the line passing 300 metres above the main dam, and the line at 500 meters below the mouth of channels where rivers flow into the Small Mure and Mure;

in the river Allakh-Yun in the area, “Burbot duct” (61 – 65 km pilot charts);

in the river Aldan:

a) section of the “mammoth Mountain” (313 – 321 km on a pilot card);

b) in the area of “Boor Hai” (170 – 175 km pilot charts);

C) in places of mass accumulations of fish in freshwater water bodies of fishery within the boundaries of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in accordance with Appendix N 1 to Rules of fishery “the Places of mass accumulations of fish in freshwater water bodies of fishery within the boundaries of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)”.

33. Prohibits the extraction (catch) of water biological resources with the use of netting instruments of production (catch) in the water objects of fishery, is located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), outside the fishing grounds, provided for the organisation of Amateur and sports fishery, except for extraction (catch) in areas of water bodies specified in Appendix N 3 to fishery Rules “the Areas of water objects of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which permits the use of netting instruments of production (catch) in the implementation of Amateur and sports fishery” with tools and ways of extraction (catch), referred to in paragraph 41 of the Rules of fishery, and recreational and sport fishing on isolated Karasevich lakes that are not provided under the fishing grounds, which is allowed:

ice extraction (catch) fish in the net, not longer than 100 m for the top selection with the size (step) of the mesh in the bunt 30 – 32 mm, actuator – 32 – 36 mm, wings – 40 mm and above

or extraction (catch) of the two networks at the citizen, a length of 30 meters each, with the size (step) of mesh not less than 40 mm year-round.

2. Forbidden for extraction (catch) of water bioresources terms (periods)

34. Forbidden Amateur and sports fishery in the following terms:

for variable backwater on the river Vilyuy 25 km below the mouth of the river Cirque to the mouth of the river Lahardane (over 144 km) in the summer from raspyleniya of ice of the freezing period;

at the mouth of the river Bound within a radius of 3 km and less from 15 August until the freeze-up period;

in the Kolyma river in the area “Muddy” (1286 – 1289 km) – from 15 August until the freeze-up period;

in wintering pits “Arbatskaya” and “128 km” – 200 m above and below the confluence with Olbot and rivers Istinah in the river Ayan-Yuryakh, from 15 October to 15 may;

on the Lena river on the section from the middle part of the island Natorski (Sonagas) to its lower end with a length of 2 km and less from 10 September to 15 may;

all water objects of fishery, is located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), with the use of dragnet – from 10 may to 20 July;

in the areas adjacent to wintering holes, in accordance with Appendix N 2 to Rules of fishery “the List of wintering holes in freshwater water bodies of fishery within the boundaries of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” – from 10 September to 15 may;

in the Magadan region and the Chukotka Autonomous district in the water objects of fishery, which are the habitat of Pacific salmon, by way of Troll-bait from 1 July to 1 September, with the exception of trolling with the use of a scaffold of a thickness not exceeding 0.5 mm and spinners with hook (single, double or treble hook) with the shortest distance between the forearm and the tip stings are not more than 7 mm.

A complete list of the subareas, see here: http://www.rg.ru/2014/09/26/ryba-dok.html

3. Forbidden for extraction (catch) of water bioresources

38. It is prohibited in Amateur and sports fishery production (catch) of the following kinds of water bioresources:

white salmon, Siberian sturgeon in water bodies of commercial fishing importance on the territory of Magadan region and the Chukotka Autonomous district;

Siberian sturgeon in the water objects of fishery, located in the basin of rivers Lena, Olenek, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma in Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Amur region and Khabarovsk territory outside fishing grounds, provided for the organisation of Amateur and sports fishery;

in areas of water bodies specified in Appendix N 3 to fishery Rules “the Areas of water objects of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which permits the use of netting instruments of production (catch) in the implementation of Amateur and sports fishery”:

trout on the rivers Lena, Olenek, Yana;

white salmon rivers Lena, Olenek, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma;

whitefish in the rivers Lena, Olenek, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma.

4. Kinds of forbidden tools and ways of extraction (catch) of water biological resources

39. It is prohibited to:

application Akhanov, samolovama, bottom and pelagic trawls, “lights”, traps, jail, and other tools of extraction (catch), not provided for in paragraphs 40 and 41 of the Rules of fishery;

the extraction (catch) of the method of killing;

install stabbing and other types of barriers;

the descent of water objects of fishery for the purpose of extraction (catch) of water biological resources;

the use of hook tools for extraction (catch) with spinners or number of hooks (single, doubles or tees next, hooks) in excess determined under clause 40 of the Rules of fishing.

5. Size (step) of the mesh of the instruments of production (catch), size and design of guns

the extraction (catch) of water biological resources

40. Prohibits the extraction (catch) of water biological resources any tools of extraction (catch), except:

40.1. spinning, summer and winter fishing tackles of all systems and items with the total number of hooks, including hooks on lures no more than 10 pieces from the citizen;

zherlits and clubs – no more than 10 pieces of each citizen;

Yakut Mayorov (nets) on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – not more than 1 net is a citizen;

the pots (“Mord” without wings) – no more than 3 pieces from the citizen;

zakidushek (bottom gear) with a length of fishing line up to 50 m and with the number of hooks not more than 3 pieces on one zakidushka – no more than 5 zakidushek with the total number of hooks not more than 10 pieces from the citizen;

“the ships” (only in the mountain sections of rivers), equipped with no more than 5 hooks – not more than 1 piece from the citizen;

Kiddle for the extraction (catch) of cod (in winter), equipped with no more than 10 hooks – not more than 1 piece from the citizen;

“nahlystom”, “pochatok” diameter up to 80 cm with the size (step) of the mesh not more than 15 mm is not more than 1 piece from the citizen;

Venter with a maximum size of 1.5 meters by 0.7 meters with a wing length up to 2 meters – not more than 1 piece from the citizen;

“tracks” for use with a rowing boat (without engine and sails) – not more than 1 piece from the citizen;

special pistols and rifles for underwater hunting;

0.2. it is allowed to use not more than 3 different tools for extraction (catch) referred to in paragraph 40.1 of the Rules of fishery with the total number of hooks 10 pieces.

41. Prohibits the extraction (catch) of water biological resources according to the permits on the fishing grounds, provided for the organization of recreational and sport fishing any tools of extraction (catch), except those stipulated in clause 40 of the Rules of fishing.

6. The minimum size of extracted (caught) water bioresources (commercial size)42. Prohibits the extraction (catch) of water bioresources having length less specified in table 3 (commercial size):

42. Prohibits the extraction (catch) of water bioresources having length less specified in table 3 (commercial size):

Name of aquatic bioresources Commercial size, not less (in cm)
Outrigger in the water objects of commercial fishing importance of the Chukchi auto* Autonomous County 25
Loaches in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 32
Asian sharp-toothed smelt in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 16
Goldilocks in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 45
Goldilocks in the other water bodies of fishery 31
Whitefish in the river basins of the Lena. Olenek. Anabar. Omoloy. other rivers flowing into the Laptev sea 50
Whitefish in other water objects of fishery 46
Burbot in the water objects of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 45
Nelma 62
Arctic Cisco in the basins of the Indigirka. Chrome. Sundown. Goose 37
Arctic Cisco in the basins of the Kolyma, Alazeya, Chukochya, other rivers. flowing into the East Siberian sea 40
Arctic Cisco in the other water bodies of fishery 41
Siberian sturgeon 62
Peled in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 30
Whitefish in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 24
Vendace in the other water bodies of fishery 26
Polar cod in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 15
SIG in the basins of the rivers Lena, Olenyok, Anabar. Omoloy, and other rivers. flows into the Laptev sea 28
Whitefish in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 32
SIG in other water objects of fishery 30
Trout 64
Grayling in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 25
Chir in the basins of the rivers Lena, Olenyok, Anabar, Omoloy. other rivers flowing into the Laptev sea 41
So in other water objects of fishery 43
Pike in water bodies of commercial fishing importance of the Chukotka Autonomous district 50

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