
Repair Instructions Gearbox Snowmobile Taiga 500

The wear of the transmission parts is associated with improper operation of the snowmobile or a long period of use without mandatory maintenance. Snowmobiles, like other vehicles, require service and care. With timely replacement of the option belt and pulley, expensive repairs to all vehicles can be avoided.

If you experience symptoms of transmission problems, contact a diagnostic service center. The company supplies quality tools and equipment. Specialists look and recognize breakdowns, informing customers in advance of the time and prices for repairing the Taiga 500d snowmobile gearbox.

Before riding, inspect the snowmobile. Carry out maintenance at the designated intervals specified by the regulations. Snowmobile maintenance instructions can be found in the corresponding category of the operating manual. For all problems with diagnosing and maintaining the snowmobile, contact your dealer.

There are breakdowns that can be eliminated only with the help of an experienced specialist who has special devices.

His help will be needed in such cases:

  • the engine does not work, gearbox;
  • the system of electronic equipment, the optical system does not work;
  • damaged (deformed) radiator;
  • defective subfloor;
  • the presence of shell defects (dent, cracks, peeling of the lacquer layer, rust, etc.);
  • need a major overhaul of the snowmobile after the accident.

Reliable repair work involves the use of original spare parts that have been tested many times by the development company and are highly accurate in performance and quality. A snowmobile that has gone through similar procedures in the service should last for many years.

The Taiga st500d snowmobile gearbox includes a cover and a housing in which shafts from the variator, rear-wheel drive, and brake devices are installed.

Also integrated in the device: 2 axles, track sleeves, gears and other details.

Gearbox device:

  • On the shaft (VL) of the variator and reverse gears, cam clutches are mounted, which are needed to switch gearbox and reverse gear.
  • The overhead line and the sleeve are built into the box on bearings (PS), and the axles are bolted together. The splined end of the variator (BP) of the brake has a brake disc.
  • The shaft, which includes the plug and the ball, which enters the axis in the ditch during shifting, is the gear shifting mechanism. Structurally, the reverse gear is similar to the design of the gearbox, but 2 ditches are built into the overhead line.
  • The upper half of the box body includes a mechanism containing levers with overhead lines, a cable with springs. Speeds, reverse-forward gear are switched by moving the lever. The second lever is located along with the hook with the speed component, at the bottom – with the rear-wheel drive start component.

For the possibility of filling the box with oil, its upper shell includes two holes: the first is covered with a stopper, and the second is designed to drain the liquid – it is closed. The level can be controlled by a probe.

Gearbox repair instructions (model 500 and st500d)

Before proceeding to the section how to put the gearbox on a Taiga st500d snowmobile, you should familiarize yourself with the diagram below and first find out about the repair method.

Figure 1. 2-speed gearbox with reverse

Repair begins with the removal of the gearbox. But first you need to drain the oil. To do this, unscrew the bolt 21 and place the empty vessel in the marked place (indicated in Figure 2).

Figure 2

Remove the protection cover and the variator belt, take out the muffler, the engine power supply unit, which is designed to create a combustible mixture of a suitable composition through mixing, brake mounting, driven friction wheel, brake disk; disconnect the rod and the cable 44 start reverse speed, having mounted the gearshift clutch in a neutral state; rotate the reverse speed start sensor.

Next, do the following:

  1. Pull out the rear suspension, body and speedometer roller.
  2. Take out the muffler.
  3. Unscrew the right support of the main overhead line.
  4. Disconnect the lead overhead line to the right.

Unscrew a few M8 screws and remove the box from the frame of the Taiga st 500 apparatus.


To solve problems, take the measures prescribed by the manufacturer “Taiga” in the instructions, and follow the advice of specialists who have encountered the same failure, but have successfully eliminated it.

Signs Reasons and method for solving the problem
Slow speed dial. Discrepancy to technical parameters after a full stop is very noticeable A) Look at the strap of the BP device. Often the wear of this component is the reason for the malfunction of the device. Replace the belt if the width is substantially less than the new product, i.e. by three millimeters.

B) Check two geometric criteria: the distance between the pulleys and the angle of deflection of the belt. If there is a large bend, or the length between the pulleys is small, then contact the manufacturer (instructions).

C) check the quality of the movable disk (PD) of the driven pulley. Change the disc if it is broken.

D) Look at the spring tension.

Unable to accelerate under normal conditions to maximum speed at maximum speed A) Look at the snowmobile for the first item in the table.

B) Inspect and adjust the tension of the secondary pulley.

CVT greatly underestimates transmission A) Adjust the spring tension adjustment of the non-main seam. If it is weak, then the probability of a malfunction is high.

B) Inspect the condition of the centrifugal regulator bushings. If there is contamination, clean the bushings. If broken, replace.

C) Check the backlash of the driven pulley disk, replace the disk elements if the backlash does not work properly.

How to disassemble the gearbox

Before disassembling the device, select the gearbox plane from the driven pulley (VS) on the right side, and the plane of the brake disc on the left.

Step by step, follow these steps:

  1. Take out the dipstick. Remove the cover 1 from the gearbox cover by unscrewing the screws 16. After that, remove the upper part 13, the sleeve 12, by unscrewing the 4 screws (numbered 14).
  2. Remove the rubberized rings (PK) 11 of the seal of the axes of the three elements: the variator, brake and reverse.
  3. Pull bar 47 out by unscrewing nut 45. Unscrew sleeve 53 and remove cable 44 with spring 52.
  4. Unscrew sleeve 48 with bolt 61.
  5. Pull lever 51 out.
  6. Take out not the whole two axles 60 and 63 and take out the forks 64, 56, having pre-installed ball 57 with spring 58. Pull out VL 60, 63 entirely.
  7. In plugs 40, drill hole 010 completely and remove the plugs from the gearbox shell.
  8. Remove the cuff 22. Using an aluminum punch, remove the brake VL 39 from the gearbox shell with an assembly that is part of the support supporting the brake 39 VL from the shell of the gearbox with PS 5. It is important that this element is in the left half.

Gears 35, 36, 38, as well as sleeve 37 should remain in the box body. Remove the PN 5 from the brake shaft 39 using a press.

Using a punch out of aluminum, get the overhead line 43 of the reverse until the bearing 5 from the left side of the gearbox is released. It is important to understand that the teeth are connected by moving them in a different direction. Turn the reverse axis (BP) so that the 42 MT tooth does not touch the gear unit 8 of component 2 of the BP. The reverse shaft must exit so that you can remove the left PN 5. Use the puller to get the left PN 5 VL of the reverse. To remove the MT 42 from the axis of the reverse, you need to remove the ring with the spring 41.

Dismantling and replacing bearings

It is necessary to remove gears 35, 38 and 36 together with the hub of the brake axle 37 from the housing 10 of the gearbox, unscrew the bolt 3 of the overhead transmission 2 of the variator and remove the washer 4.

Continue disassembling:

  1. Remove the snap ring 65.
  2. Pull the BP axis 2 from the gearbox case to the right side until its left gear 8 touches the inner wall of the gearbox housing. Use the puller to remove the PN 5 of the left support of the BP axis.
  3. Remove the adjustment ring 6, gear 8. Now the overhead line of the variator can be pulled out of the gearbox housing.
  4. Remove the bolts 3 from the intermediate shafts 29 and remove the washers 4. Using the extended M8x1.25 bolts, pull the axles 29 to the left, starting from the top overhead line (using the technological stop).
  5. Remove gears of the “spurious type” 30 from the gearbox housing. Do not disassemble spurious gears.
  6. Remove sleeve 22 from gearbox housing.

Remove cover 18 by unscrewing screws 16. Remove PK 19 of the lower shaft seal. Using a press, squeeze out the splined VL 23 on the right with the left PSh 24 and the spring ring 26. They should not contain rollers, balls, broken clips. Check the quality of the gear teeth.


Drive the gear in advance with 25 shoulders to the left in the gearbox housing 10. Install the spline axis 23 with the inner plane on the right half and the spline axis on the left. During assembly, connect the keyway connector in gear 25 together with the key, which is located on VL 23. Fix the gear on the shaft with element 26. Install component 22, left bearing 24, PK 19 and upper shell 18.

No need to press on the inner half of the bearing. Take gear 25 out of the box body, use a puller to remove the right bearing 24 of the lower overhead line.

Quality control of bearings

Check for reliability. Install the PSh with the shoulders to the left side, then fix the inner rings of the PSh 31 on the axes 29 with bolts 3. Mount the right bearings 5 ​​VL brakes, reverse to the gearbox body. Put the gears (35, 36) in advance on the axis 39 with the shoulders of the element 36 to the recess 35.

Follow these steps:

  1. Slide the sleeve 37 onto the brake shaft 39, shifting the gears with the sleeve to the extent that the end of the sleeve is connected to the end of the brake overhead line.
  2. Mount the brake overhead line 39 in the gearbox half, pre-installing the gear 38 with the shoulders to the right bearing 5. Do not insert the brake overhead line into the bearing 5 in a collapsible form. Insert the shaft 43 in the assembled condition into a suitable PN 5 on the right side.
  3. At the end, completely install the gear 38 on the OHL 39 of the brake with your shoulders in the inner part of the PN 5 ring of the side and stop the installation of the brake 39. Put the 2 BP element with MT 9 into the gearbox half. In this case, the component 8 should be located at its position on the axis of the variator.

Check that gears are engaged with each other.

Set the following items:

  • ring with spring 65, part 22;
  • details 5;
  • elements for adjustment 6;
  • details 3 and 4, which lock the overhead line of the variator;
  • rubberized rings 11;
  • cover 13 with element 12.

Mount the gearshift and reverse gear control elements. The order should be the reverse of dismantling.

Installing the box and checking the oil

The installation process is carried out in the reverse order of analysis, while checking the pulley balance. Check the oil level with a dipstick. Normally, the fluid should touch the mark on the dipstick itself. After filling, the liquid level in the gearbox will decrease, because the voids will be filled with oil. Check the level of this fluid again and add it to the mark. To do this, remove part 67 from cover 1 of the gearbox shell.

Before pouring oil, it is necessary to tighten parts 21 well with additional gaskets 20 of the openings of the gearbox shell.

Features of repairing a checkpoint of a new-type bulkhead

Repairing the gearbox in a Taiga 500 snowmobile is a simpler bulkhead. The manual says that to remove the gearbox you need to remove the rear suspension and shift the drive shaft.

But in fact, everything is simpler:

  1. Loosen the Taiga caterpillar st500d.
  2. Disconnect the gear lever.
  3. Disconnect the wire to the reverse sensor (preferably with a sensor).
  4. Remove the brake disc with the brake itself (it is better to leave the mount).
  5. Unscrew the four nuts securing the gearbox to the frame.
  6. Unscrew the channel of the speedometer device.
  7. Pull the box off the shaft. You can not drain the oil at this stage, because it is inconvenient to reach the drain element.
  8. Remove the upper shell, unscrew the nut from the element of the switching device. Pull out the gearbox stem.
  9. Unscrew the cover of the gears base, remove the rubberized rings and unscrew the bolt from the overhead line of the BP device.
  10. Unscrew and remove the variator itself. Pry off the oil seal located underneath and remove the ring.
  11. Drive shaft in direction of BP. Be careful, a spring with 2 balls is located under the clutch – it is important not to lose it.
  12. Having removed the gear and MT from the variator overhead line, pull out the shaft.
  13. Hit the screwdriver against the end of the plug and pull out the MT gear.
  14. Drive out the brake and gear shafts (rear-wheel drive).

Thus, repairing a new type of bulkhead checkpoint is easier.

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